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What would you do ?

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Ok....so I'm talking to a friend & they are having a rough time finding work & are in a little financial mess......They asked me to loan them $300 so they can get some bills squared away....The thing is....I want to help b/c that's the type of person I am....but I don't make that much money to begin w/ & I have bills of my own to pay.....I know this person will pay me back w/in the next few weeks but lending this money will set ME back a lot...but I feel bad not helping in some way @ least....AhhhhHH what would you do in this situation ??:confused:

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If you can help them without putting your self in a hole go for it. If you can't maybe give them a little of the $ they asked you for. They should be happy with whatever they can get. DO NOT hurt yourself by helping someone else.

I have a friend who called me last Feb (2002) she needed $ for an abortion (sp?) First off I don't make alot of money at all. I barely can support myself. But it was either me our her parents. The guy who lived in NC just said fuck it and didnt take care of his responblites :mad: So she calls me for $400 I give it to her, take off of work to bring her, sit there the whole day with her. Take her home and shit, to this day she still owes me $150. She got a teaching job in Central Jersey, but now we never really talk. Shit sucks cause I thought she was a good friend, Now :blank: I dont know, I am jobless and she knows this, I leave MSG on her cell about the money cause I could never get in touch with her. Now I am fucked, makes me stop and think about who out of my friends I really can trust.

OH well good luck, if you do it make sure you will not put yourself in a whole, and I know this might suck but write up a contract saying when you will be paid. Your friend might get mad but it is just away to cover you own ass.

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i have been in your position and the best advice i can give you is be upfront with them and tell them how badly you want to help them out but you have bills of your own that you need to pay right away that if u lend the money to get them out of debt you will be putting yourself into a situtation where you can end up in debt. then just offer them however much you can without putting a strain on your expenses.

you shouldnt feel bad in talking with them about this they are your friends and will understand your position and dilemma. tell them how you feel and how much you can afford to lend them. the fact that you are so upset about this and dont know what to do and the fact that you offered to help them out knowing you need that money also should and does say alot about your loyalty and friendship towards them and if i am able to see that from only knowing u thru cp then u should feel rest assured they know it and really appreciate it 2! SO I AM SURE ANYTHING YOU CAN GIVE WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED AN WILL COME IN HANDY

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Originally posted by eurolisa

basically what i said in about 2 sentences!:laugh: see this is what i mean what the hell has come over me and writing out novels?:mad: someone save me please ;)

:laugh: I do the same fucking thing!!! Before...... I read a post that I wrote...& I was like wtf I BABBLE about nonsense!!....Everything sounds so much better in my head LoL!!!!

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well....almost everytime i lend out $ to my friends, they usually conveniently forget to pay me back.... :blank:

one of my friends owes me $3000 for the damages that she did to my OLD car in an accident...yeeeearsss ago :eek: put it this way....i have gotten 2 new cars since then.... :blank:

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My 2 cents...

If you can get away with maybe lending them enough to help them. But not to much that will put you in a hole. That would be the best bet. I know it is hard to say no sometimes. But if it is going to effect you. Then you have to say no.

Try and tell them you will be able to lend them maybe $100 and tell them to see if they can find a way to come up with the rest. This way you are not saying no. And you are also looking out for your own necesities... :D

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