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Bliss / Renaissance Review


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I don't know what to say other than the fact that Slacker, Satoshi, and Deep Dish destroyed my FUCKING WORLD the other night.

(Space was going nuts... quite literally.)

I'm not human!



ICQ: 72151193 // AIM: Reennneeee // ReneM@the-beach.net

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Bliss did a great job of decorating the club, it really created a nice atmosphere.The sound system was PUMPING!

and there was a nice crowd on hand, and most importantly the music was....INSANE!

Deep Dish was tearing it up, I think I may have recognized maybe 2 or 3 records the whole night.It was deep-ass bass lines and dark drums most of the night.They also played a really nice mix of K.O.T's "Finally".I found their set to be a little more diverse this time compared to last time they were here in March, it was also a more pumping set with more ups and downs. The crowd was really responding to what they were playing. I kept thinking "man, Miami has come a long way".

It's too bad Lawler was a no-show, I was really looking forward to hearing him. I noticed alot of the local DJs were there, I saw Edgar V. and Oscar G. bobbing they're heads in the back. Overall I had a great time, I just wish I would have gotten to hear Satoshi, but I just couldnt seem to pull myself away from the main room..


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It was an amazing night to say the least, I had a great time last night, my compliment's to the Bliss crew for providing me with much needed therapy. The muzik was at it's peak, the decor was great, the crowd was superb, the vibe, excellent! The patio was going off with the like's of Slacker and Tarrantella, that was some good stuff guys! they really had me moving to the point of passing out, which I almost did .. Satoshi was amazing! I was very glad to have finally met him and hear him spin, I tip my hat to him, very cool guy. Parks & Wilson was defenitely the highlight of the night for me, I have only one word to describe it: WOW! It was the dirtiest, funkiest, rawest beats ever, Mick was right on the ball since I first stepped into the club and kept the vibe up and running for Mr. Wilson, which by the way, is the kewlest kat you'll ever meet. very down to earth, humble and very personable which are excellent qualities to have. I heard Mr. Cowan open up for Deep Dish and he did an excellent job, loved the Starecase track .. Deep Dish as usual was going off to the point of no return. I got to hear them for about 30 min or so and had me jumping all the way through, props to the Yoshitoshi duo .. very glad to have met everyone involved with the party, everyone was super kewl and it just made the night a whole lot better. Props like always to the CP crew for making it an even more enjoyable night, you guys hung in there like trooper's. much love for you guys! .. anyways, it's late and my ass is going sleep .. laterz, danny




Respect the Floori.d.a. scene


"To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side, To The South Side!"


AIM: digit960

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THANKYOU, DANNY!!!!! You've said it all!!! Bliss couldn't have done it better if they tried!!!! The last time I saw such a nice crowd of people and felt a vibe like that was at a conference party. GOOD JOB, BLISS!!!! It WAS like a mini-conference in there (in the words of Loraine). tongue.gif The DJs were hanging out and very accessible. They had as much fun as we did, I think. Slacker, for example, spent most of Tarantella's set on the dance floor hanging out with the crowd. We got a few group pics with some of the DJs too! (BTW, if no one opposes I'll post a couple)

The crowd was WAY COOL! The music was.....OUTTA HAND. I couldn't decide were to go. A trip to the bathroom took 45 mins because I kept being drawn into rooms along the way by the kewl grooves flowing out.

Satoshi. . .WOW WOW WOW!!!!! Tarantellas set was like a trip to Ibiza. Parks and Wilson did it like I never knew they could (very nice people too). I have nothing bad to say about anything that went on Tuesday night except, of course, what happened to Lawler (We were all disappointed frown.gif ) Yes, part of his set did, in fact, get stolen. We did, however, get a copy of the new Lawler CD Bliss will be putting out soon and it's very very good. Very dark, very tribal, very Lawler.

Stace and Lor> do you guys think someone photographed the sparkler incident from the dancefloor POV? I sure hope so. It must have been a cool sight (I think cwm6.gif )

In case you're wondering. . . Tarantella handed Stacy, Loraine, Chris and I some sparklers while he played that cute traditional Ibiza anthem I don't know the name of (someone help me there ). cwm4.gif

Phrank> Great to finally meet you! You're SUPER COOL!!!! biggrin.gif

My BELOVED CP Crew> Thanks again for a GREAT night out!!!! Love you guys!!!


[This message has been edited by bbflux (edited 07-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by sobeton:

so how was it ?? crowd, vibe, music, etc. I heard steve lawler’s records got stolen.

peace, sobeton

Sobeton, WHERE WERE YOU????? I thought surely you would go on tuesday night. frown.gif

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Originally posted by bbflux:

Sobeton, WHERE WERE YOU????? I thought surely you would go on tuesday night. frown.gif

big bills ; so I have to watch the $$$.. next time . smile.gif

peace, sobeton



[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 07-05-2001).]

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i'll start by saying this night was way better than digweed's last weekend.

i was more than anything looking forward to hearing steve lawler, so i was rather dissappointed about his no show... oh well, there's always a next time.

parks and wilson were pretty good and tribal. whoever spun before them was incredible as well.

i really wasn't into satoshi tomiie's set the only thing i heard everytime i walked by the red room was bang bang bang and more bang.

jon's set at the blue room began rather dull, but got really good after a while and before deep dish began their set i went to the patio... it was the best thing i could have done.

it was five minutes into the slacker set. WHAT A FUCKING AMZING SET... it was BY FAR the best set i heard that night. words cannot describe it. he is also one of the nicest dj's i've ever met.

kelvin andrews spun my second favorite set. funky, groovy, old school... fucking amazing. he closed the place and so did i at around 10:20AM... i couldn't keep my ass off the dance floor.

tarantella and redanka also spun good stuff, though nowhere near as good as these two.

i went into the blue room every once in a while to catch glimpses of the deep dish set, i heard some amazing stuff, so i wish these would have been two separate nights so that i could have heard their complete set.

it was pretty cool to be on the outside room during kelvin's set. all the dj's were there grooving to it... tarantella, redanka, satoshi, shem, ali, sharam, parks, wilson. by the way, kelvin andrew's is a really nice guy as well.

one of the top nights of the year so far.

nice seeing everyone again, although i didn't see many of you at the patio except during tarrantella and redanka.

chris... thanks again for the tickets.

by the way, anybody know info on the next worthy events?



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words about that night:

1. excellent

2. vibe

3. fun

4. trip

5. rage

6. huge

7. tracks

8. chill

9. crowd













to all the cp crew...



"Anyone who wants to understand DJ culture has to go to the club."

- Neil Tennant (Pet Shop Boys)

[This message has been edited by calix (edited 07-05-2001).]

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Damn! I wish I could have stayed longer but I was leaving for Key West the day after.

The short time I was there I have to agree, the vibe, music, the crowd....of da Hook!

I mean... half way through the night, $$$ quickly being depleted my girl and I are passing by the bar in the red room and all of a sudden this girl standing on top of the bar starts pouring free shots and drinks to everyone around the bar. She poured us enough Bacardi to keep us going for the remainder of the night... I mean, how cool is that? heh heh


Nice to meet some of the faces behind the cp board (however briefly!) since although I can't post often, I often read up on all the reviews and posts.

bb and calix... nice to see you guys again.

hope to maybe chill w/ the growing cp crew in the next meetup.



[This message has been edited by dieg0 (edited 07-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by aeroplano:

. . .the slacker set. WHAT A FUCKING AMZING SET... it was BY FAR the best set i heard that night. words cannot describe it. he is also one of the nicest dj's i've ever met.

For you, Aeroplano. . . A photo of You, your friend, calix, Slacker and I. I've also addad a photo of Satoshi and Calix and a VERY ENTRANCED Redanka! biggrin.gif There's more for all those interested (Lor? Stace? Dig?. . . pm me).

BTW, sorry about the quality. I've had to take a digital photograph of the hard copies for lack of a scanner. The originals look MUCH better.

[This message has been edited by bbflux (edited 07-06-2001).]

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Highlights of the night were:

Space's Renaissance decor, Parks & Wilson and Slacker's old skool sets! Absolutely wicked.

Satoshi's set started off cool but I just couldn't get into it cos it was boom boom boom and some bang bang, like Deep Dish were in the adjacent room.

MOST of the DJs were approachable and really down to earth, as Barbie quoted me as I said throughout the night: It's a Mini-conference. And that it was--you had three rooms with excellent talent and didn't know where to go. I found myself sick of the blue room as it's way too dark and hung out in the red room and patio (best choice of the night). Yet everyone was pretty much scattered from room to room, so it wasn't as intimate as other nights out.

It wasn't mad packed as it was for Diggers and the crowd was definately up for a good night out.

I asked most of the DJs for a promo and no one had one but I did manage to get a copy of Dark Drums 2...very nice but no Nubreed that's for sure.

Left the club at 630 during kelvin andrews set, who had a really wierd and funky housey set w/ horns and urban sounds...

Overall it was : 8/10

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ok...back from vacation and eager to read what everyone else thought.

had to agree w/everyone on slacker's set. although it was a bit more mellow than what i'm used to from slacker, it was a bit more down my alley. i thought parks & wilson were out of control. they definitely set my night up. i caught a bit of jon's set...and it was good. didn't dig the blue room too much. i was probably in the patio most of the night/morning. tomiiee was great, but a times a bit too bangin for my taste. kelvin was sick! would've like to have heard more of him, but a friend of mine had gotten thrown out and he was my ride! so i had to find another way to get home. all my other peeps (cp crew) had left already. speaking of which...great hangin w/you all again. barbie, great meeting you girl! we all have to get together again soon.

i'm not sure when i'll go back to space. wanted to catch de la, dj hype and few others @ mekka tour, but not sure i'll make it out w/all the thugs that will be in attendance. guess it'll be tenaglia? tongue.gif



AIM: Phatskils2

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Originally posted by phrankadelic:

. . .barbie, great meeting you girl! we all have to get together again soon. . .

LOVED meeting you too! Stacey told me you were a sweetie, she was correct on that one. We will definately all have to do it again! biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by georgeacasta:

BBflux in da hizzzzouuuuuuwww. Looks like you were having fun in those picks.

YES I WAS!!!!! and where were you, GA??? How come we never run into you at these events???? smile.gif

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