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Yo cunts i got a question.


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Do you think all guys cheat? DO all bitches think that all guys are going to cheat and even if they dont , deep down inside they want to? And if so why do you think guys cheat ?

I know the answer to all of this but i just want to see how dumb you girls are.


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Originally posted by notallthere

Do you think all guys cheat? DO all bitches think that all guys are going to cheat and even if they dont , deep down inside they want to? And if so why do you think guys cheat ?

I know the answer to all of this but i just want to see how dumb you girls are.


No, i don't think ALL guys cheat. Yeah, of course there are guys out there that do. Then there's the same stupid girls who fall for it over and over again. But then of course, there are girls who have smartend up to the tricks of men.

Honestly, I will not put myself in a relationship with someone where I think there is even a chance of them cheating on me.

Personally, I know for a fact my boyfriend does not cheat on me, and never will. He's a good guy. I wouldn't be with him if he wasn't. The weird part is he, and even past boyfriends, have always thought I would be the one to cheat on them. I never have though, always very faithful.

And woman are not CUNTS. If you really want a question answered, just ask nicely. :rolleyes::D

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he's a stupid little bitch trying to act tough on the message boards. he's probably more of a pussy than all of the sex board girls combined, and that's saying something.

and no only sleazy disgusting guys with no conscience or morals would cheat. does that remind you of anyone you know?

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Originally posted by sassa

he's a stupid little bitch trying to act tough on the message boards. he's probably more of a pussy than all of the sex board girls combined, and that's saying something.

and no only sleazy disgusting guys with no conscience or morals would cheat. does that remind you of anyone you know?

You express yourself in your way i do in mine. Most girls i know are cunts. It seems to me most girls think that all guys cheat. I may be ruthless but if i want to be with another girl i will break up with my gf not cheat one her. Whats the point of having a gf if you want to be with some one else? Im just sick of girls assuming the worst of me.

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Originally posted by notallthere

You express yourself in your way i do in mine. Most girls i know are cunts. It seems to me most girls think that all guys cheat. I may be ruthless but if i want to be with another girl i will break up with my gf not cheat one her. Whats the point of having a gf if you want to be with some one else? Im just sick of girls assuming the worst of me.

maybe it's your filthy mouth and shitty attitude that make girls assume the worst of you? nothing wrong with being nice, if anything the world needs more of it.
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Originally posted by sassa

maybe it's your filthy mouth and shitty attitude that make girls assume the worst of you? nothing wrong with being nice, if anything the world needs more of it.

I am nice but i like to convey myself as being a real fuck on the board and it's fun to see the reactions of people who are easly shaken,

WHo you are on cp is not who you are in the real world.

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Originally posted by notallthere

I am nice but i like to convey myself as being a real fuck on the board and it's fun to see the reactions of people who are easly shaken,

WHo you are on cp is not who you are in the real world.

i would have to agree with your last comment.
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Originally posted by notallthere

I am nice but i like to convey myself as being a real fuck on the board and it's fun to see the reactions of people who are easly shaken,

WHo you are on cp is not who you are in the real world.

...there's better ways to play mindgames...unfortunately, you have chosen the lowest and simplest form...no offense but that's a poor reflection of your intellect and maturity...here's to your mental growth....:pint: ...cheers!

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That's just a real fowl term... especially spelled that way. There's better ways to refer to a bitch...LOL!

The poms and the crims spell it and say it "carnt"... it's just better that way, but still a real fowl word.

Funny, I am in real life, who I am on this message board. But I gotta try that being someone else thing... sounds like fun!

Here I go...

"I am the general of the armies to the east. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And loyal to the true ruler of Rome Marcus Aurelius..."

Who am I?

EvanScott...oops I mean......?

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Originally posted by evanscott-syd-

That's just a real fowl term... especially spelled that way. There's better ways to refer to a bitch...LOL!

The poms and the crims spell it and say it "carnt"... it's just better that way, but still a real fowl word.

Ok pal, this ain't Australia... wtf is a pom and a crim???

BTW, I absolutely love the word cunt... :cool:

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Originally posted by FlipsSOE

all i wanna know is why girls hate the word "cunt" so much?? what is it about the word that drives women mad?? answers please

Don't ask me...

Originally posted by tastyt

BTW, I absolutely love the word cunt... :cool:

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Originally posted by FlipsSOE

all i wanna know is why girls hate the word "cunt" so much?? what is it about the word that drives women mad?? answers please

Would you wanna be asscociated w/ something that smells like fish and gets cum dumped in it?

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Originally posted by evanscott-syd-

A pom is a brit, and a crim(inal) is an Aussie as it was a penal colony... sorry.

I guess nothing is wrong with cunt. I'll call you whatever you like... slap your ass, pull your hair... whatever... jeez, I hope your a chick...LOL!


Lets put some shrimp on the barbie.

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Originally posted by evanscott-syd-

A pom is a brit, and a crim(inal) is an Aussie as it was a penal colony... sorry.

I guess nothing is wrong with cunt. I'll call you whatever you like... slap your ass, pull your hair... whatever... jeez, I hope your a chick...LOL!


Ahhh, gotcha.

And yes, all that sounds like good stuff, haha. :spank:

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