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Nerve/Maze review.....

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Originally posted by thephoenix

peter gabriel was awesome saturday...so sorry I had to miss firday

Rachel and I went to Peter Gabriel.

nice ending


Listen PSYCHO....i did NOT go with YOU. I may have seen you there and hung out a *bit* but in no way, shape or form will i ever go ANYWHERE together with you. So please move on and GET OVER IT! i went in MY car and met up with MY friends there. I should have just ran the other way when i saw you instead of being cordial.

PLEASE STOP FOLLOWING ME AROUND. EVERYWHERE you go, DRAMA follows. Don't get me involved in your 'little' world.

and another thing, THIS has NOTHING to do with this topic.


On a different and more worthy note.......

Nerve was kickin on Friday. Thanks for bringing in some TOP NOTCH TALENT to Miami!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by raincrysobe

Listen PSYCHO....i did NOT go with YOU. I may have seen you there and hung out a *bit* but in no way, shape or form will i ever go ANYWHERE together with you. So please move on and GET OVER IT! i went in MY car and met up with MY friends there. I should have just ran the other way when i saw you instead of being cordial.

PLEASE STOP FOLLOWING ME AROUND. EVERYWHERE you go, DRAMA follows. Don't get me involved in your 'little' world.

and another thing, THIS has NOTHING to do with this topic.


On a different and more worthy note.......

Nerve was kickin on Friday. Thanks to bringing in some TOP NOTCH TALENT to Miami!!!!!!!!!!

:eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by raincrysobe

Listen PSYCHO....i did NOT go with YOU. I may have seen you there and hung out a *bit* but in no way, shape or form will i ever go ANYWHERE together with you. So please move on and GET OVER IT! i went in MY car and met up with MY friends there. I should have just ran the other way when i saw you instead of being cordial.

UH OH!!!!! i think someone needs a hug!!!!;)

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Originally posted by raincrysobe

Listen PSYCHO....i did NOT go with YOU. I may have seen you there and hung out a *bit* but in no way, shape or form will i ever go ANYWHERE together with you. So please move on and GET OVER IT! i went in MY car and met up with MY friends there. I should have just ran the other way when i saw you instead of being cordial.

PLEASE STOP FOLLOWING ME AROUND. EVERYWHERE you go, DRAMA follows. Don't get me involved in your 'little' world.

and another thing, THIS has NOTHING to do with this topic.


On a different and more worthy note.......

Nerve was kickin on Friday. Thanks for bringing in some TOP NOTCH TALENT to Miami!!!!!!!!!!


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drama drama drama.

In fact, my little wife, I did go with you.

seat r25-26. witnesses to prove it.

it has nothing to with this thread, you are right. Just wanted people to know where I went with my wife on saturday night.

so to everyone....Rachel, my charming wife, who has been cheatiing on me with a little King Tut wanna be ....has been making me keep it s a secret that we were really married...legally. WE HAVE HAD OUR PROBLEMS...cause mostly by me wanting her to remain faithful...which she didnt. Her loss.

I have been a fool. Why should I keep that secret to keep her from looking bad? i was proud to be banging that piece of ass...but thats all she is. A hollow piece of wet rag ass. DJ whore to boot! everyone knows it too.......

so move it to drama, whatever.........


My wife broke the 7th commandment.

Burn in hell!

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Originally posted by thephoenix

I was the weekday fuck.

Gee Jon, why do you think she kept canceling on you during the week...?

LOL. Sloppy seconds Jon!!!!!!!!!!


:vomit3: :vomit3: :vomit3:

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Originally posted by thephoenix

drama drama drama.

In fact, my little wife, I did go with you.

seat r25-26. witnesses to prove it.

it has nothing to with this thread, you are right. Just wanted people to know where I went with my wife on saturday night.

so to everyone....Rachel, my charming wife, who has been cheatiing on me with a little King Tut wanna be ....has been making me keep it s a secret that we were really married...legally. WE HAVE HAD OUR PROBLEMS...cause mostly by me wanting her to remain faithful...which she didnt. Her loss.

I have been a fool. Why should I keep that secret to keep her from looking bad? i was proud to be banging that piece of ass...but thats all she is. A hollow piece of wet rag ass. DJ whore to boot! everyone knows it too.......

so move it to drama, whatever.........

LOL.......r u feeling okay there. Spoken like a true BOY who is scorned :D Why would i ever marry a PSYCHO?! After numerous times you BEGGED me to marry you, i finally accepted an engagement ring to shut u the hell up (shame on me). Finally, i decided to break things off with you because you have ALWAYS been OUT OF CONTROL and i realized there was NO HOPE for you. Here is a prime example of your psychotic behavior.....

remember chazo, you DO have a restraining order, dear ;)

I'll see you in court next month and i'm sure after that, you'll be making a lot of fellas very happy in there. You'd be a perfect BITCH!


My wife broke the 7th commandment.

Burn in hell!

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Originally posted by raincrysobe

LOL.......r u feeling okay there. Spoken like a true BOY who is scorned Why would i ever marry a PSYCHO?! After numerous times you BEGGED me to marry you, i finally accepted an engagement ring to shut u the hell up (shame on me). Finally, i decided to break things off with you because you have ALWAYS been OUT OF CONTROL and i realized there was NO HOPE for you. Here is a prime example of your psychotic behavior.....

remember chazo, you DO have a restraining order, dear

I'll see you in court next month and i'm sure after that, you'll be making a lot of fellas very happy in there. You'd be a perfect BITCH!

:eek: :eek:

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obviously we are dealing with a childish and psychotic individual here in chaz - too bad some people just can't handle the truth. this thread is about an amazing weekend of music. Infusion as well as dave seaman rocked south beach.. isn't that what its supposed too be about?

now, i guess since some people feel the need to slander innocent bystanders and air their own probs on a public forum, I should give some sort of reply..

first off - rachel never canceled anything on me this week - in fact, she spent the entire week for the most part with myself and dave seaman - unless she has a clone, the only time you were with her mate was in a dream...

secondly, your not married too her mate, never was, never will be.. Another thing you seemed to have dreamt, your last names are different for g-d's sake -

third - your dangerously close too landing your ass in jail permanently... did you forget about your restaining order? dude, you had a relationship in the past, now its over and has been for nearly half a year... .... - get a life and move on! this is no way to get someone back....

last but not least, rachel drove directly here in her own car after peter gabriel the other night - pretty hard to be with you while she was in her own car and here by 11:30 from a concert that was in palm beach... I don't doubt you were there but she was not with you...

its ashame some people are so narrow minded that they need to air thier own probs and drag innocent successful people into their own ridiculous situations on a public forum about music... shows how sick in the head some people can really be....

too everyone else, sorry about this drama... I shouldn't be involced, rachel shouldn't be involved and I know you all aren't interested and don't really care in someones sick emotional probs...

- now weren't infusion and dave seaman awsome on friday??? - we already have plans for them too be back extremely soon - they were some of the best performers and best guys I've ever had the privledge of working with.. infact, we are all doing a gig together in ibiza the first saturday in August - anyone want too come??? thanks too all that supported us on friday.. Your love is really apreciated... big shout too Mike hammersley also - the article in fridays herald was amazing! sorry too all c'p'ers for this and thanks again guys!!

bliss is back baby!

Jon - aka - king tut - LOL

:idea::blown: :blown: :eek:

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Originally posted by raincrysobe

heh...yeah... internet access is only available at YOUR apt right? nowhere else :rolleyes:

I know too much about you for you to try and pull the wool over MY eyes, dear.

p.s. tell your BOY to stop calling MY house......remember ppl like you should keep a low profile ;)

Are you threatening me in writing rachel? Why? what did I do? Prove that I am not hiding behind an alter ego, and you want to threaten to do what? Call the cops? about what? Me & my man demanding that you better act is if you never met us ALREADY.

That's what... Why must youinsult? Did I insult you, other than to call you what you are, an ASSuming dumb bitch who assumes she thinks she knows what's up, meanwhile trying to humiliate me. Go ahead, show the veiwers the real you.

Rachel when are you going to realize I nor Eric have nothing to do with any harrasment on this or any other board, other than pm-ing your alter egos, MS. Digitalass7...Besides you are the only person who does alter egos, besides chaz who HAS to be the culprit, you dumb bitch! He's apparantly Zippy, so what's one more alter ego to fuck up my day. Eric called you to tell you to leave us the fuck alone, every time someone attacks you. WE DONT CARE ABOUT YOU, but we do care about you bringing our name up every time someone hassles you. I don't need to hassle you, I really have better things to do.

But when the fuck are you going to leave me alone?

Am I going to have to post more shit to humiliate you into leaving me the FUCK alone. I can see you are trying to insult me, and I suppose I could stoop to your level and insult you, but that is not my purpose, as I am not an insecure person who has to put others down to make myself look good. Why, that is only for LOSERS. And to my friends here...let's ignore this immaturity, really....it's just stupid...The only people that belong here are total losers....

yes, I came here...TO DEFEND MYSELF AGAINST AN ASSUMING MORON who can't seem to figure out who hates her so much. Besides who takes 4 hours and 15 minutes to drive from Flagler to Hollywood and manages to stop at kinko's? :rolleyes:


and ONE MORE THING: something new added on 6/20/03:

I've warned you to keep your comments to yourself, but since you can't EVER keep your comments to yourself, even in your new man's thread. Every time you try to insult me, it just shows how JEALOUS you really are. I have decided instead of never posting this, I might as well be exactly to you as you have been to me...unfair. G'day DEARIE...

DOC 1: proof of background check

DOC 2; next letter

There is ALOT more where that came from.... want some more? If you want me to stop, all you've EVER have to do is act like you never knew me or any of my friends..I've tried it..it works, unless you can't let go.... Like You can't seem to

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I see Rachel got my posts deleted yesterday.....as well as fx's and random's.....Can't hang with the big boys eh?

I saw the mindless utterings from Rachel once again.....spewing lies that come from the void within her.

Can't take the heat?

You're existence is comical........

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  • 2 weeks later...

OkaY christina you can say whatever it is you want to say and 'claim' whatever it is you want but the truth is you ARE a hooker and always will be one. You little receipts doesnt prove shit. Your boy workd on our website and i am quite v\certain that he can modify anything he wants to. So take all you lies and shove it up that big diseased cunt of yours. You have always been jealous of raincry because you were in love with someone who didn't give you the time of day and is still to this day very close friends with Rain. YOU need to get over it and move the fuck on. No room for stank hoes around here. More people know about you than you think. BTW your admission to your prostitution is on tape. certain select people from over the conference had the previlge of listening to the tape. IT can be produced very easily ;)

As for you lotus step aside you pied face fuck. you and FX deserve each other. two born LOSERS whose mission is to 'try' to make other peoples lives miserable. you had to move out of orlando cause the whole town already fucked you and word got around about your herpes. Go back to vietnam or whereever the fuck you came from. the U.S. does not need anymore diseased dogs around here.

As for Rain, she's is staying out of this because she simply does not have the time anymore for your tomfoolery. She's has moved on to more WORTHWHILE things. Much respect for the lady.

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Originally posted by thephoenix

OkaY christina you can say whatever it is you want to say and 'claim' whatever it is you want but the truth is you ARE a hooker and always will be one. You little receipts doesnt prove shit. Your boy workd on our website and i am quite v\certain that he can modify anything he wants to. So take all you lies and shove it up that big diseased cunt of yours. You have always been jealous of raincry because you were in love with someone who didn't give you the time of day and is still to this day very close friends with Rain. YOU need to get over it and move the fuck on. No room for stank hoes around here. More people know about you than you think. BTW your admission to your prostitution is on tape. certain select people from over the conference had the previlge of listening to the tape. IT can be produced very easily ;)

As for you lotus step aside you pied face fuck. you and FX deserve each other. two born LOSERS whose mission is to 'try' to make other peoples lives miserable. you had to move out of orlando cause the whole town already fucked you and word got around about your herpes. Go back to vietnam or whereever the fuck you came from. the U.S. does not need anymore diseased dogs around here.

As for Rain, she's is staying out of this because she simply does not have the time anymore for your tomfoolery. She's has moved on to more WORTHWHILE things. Much respect for the lady.

didn't all this drama die ages ago? grow up people and leave it all alone.. whats over is over for gods sake...

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Right Jon....what's OVER is OVER.

But I will not stand by and let ANYONE attack Raincry. She is my friend and doesnt not deserve this jealous bullshit. She is a wonderful girl and those who attack her, dont know her...or deserve to know her.

I suggest everyone stay out of everyone else's business and stop trying to CONTROL others.


I got your back, Rainy...

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by thephoenix

Right Jon....what's OVER is OVER.

But I will not stand by and let ANYONE attack Raincry. She is my friend and doesnt not deserve this jealous bullshit. She is a wonderful girl and those who attack her, dont know her...or deserve to know her.

I suggest everyone stay out of everyone else's business and stop trying to CONTROL others.


I got your back, Rainy...

I have never seen a more sick and twisted tirangle. Will you people just make up your minds and quit this shit? From what it appears to me, an outsider it sounds like Chaz is a dumbass for even being anywhere near this chick, Rachel is a delusinal idiot that needs to be commited, and I'm sorry Jon, but it seems like you are getting the short end of the stick except that you are getting ass from a DJ whore. Do you guys realize just how bad you look?
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Originally posted by brwneydtrouble

I have never seen a more sick and twisted tirangle. Will you people just make up your minds and quit this shit? From what it appears to me, an outsider it sounds like Chaz is a dumbass for even being anywhere near this chick, Rachel is a delusinal idiot that needs to be commited, and I'm sorry Jon, but it seems like you are getting the short end of the stick except that you are getting ass from a DJ whore. Do you guys realize just how bad you look?

Spoken like a true CUNT who does not know her facts. But what else is new. YOu don't know shit and this does not involve you loser. SO STEP!

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