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Space34 Flyer Design Competition.


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Didn't the original Space once have a similar contest? If you could name the slogan for Space, you would get a VIP card or something similar? Well to make a long story short, my friend made up a slogan and emailed it to LP. The contest came and went, with no notification from Space or LP. Weeks later, his slogan was the slogan used by Space and he was never compensated or rewarded as Space said in its rules on the website. Thanks, but no thanks. You fool me once- Shame on you; Fool me twice- Shame on me.

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Originally posted by sirdickenson

Didn't the original Space once have a similar contest? If you could name the slogan for Space, you would get a VIP card or something similar? Well to make a long story short, my friend made up a slogan and emailed it to LP. The contest came and went, with no notification from Space or LP. Weeks later, his slogan was the slogan used by Space and he was never compensated or rewarded as Space said in its rules on the website. Thanks, but no thanks. You fool me once- Shame on you; Fool me twice- Shame on me.

But what if I fool you 3 times? Does it revert back to shame on me again or does the shame go on to someone else? Maybe some innocent bystander that believes everything you write...Sir dick in son.:peeleft:

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Originally posted by spacious

But what if I fool you 3 times? Does it revert back to shame on me again or does the shame go on to someone else? Maybe some innocent bystander that believes everything you write...Sir dick in son.:peeleft:

Hi. :D

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Originally posted by spacious

But what if I fool you 3 times? Does it revert back to shame on me again or does the shame go on to someone else? Maybe some innocent bystander that believes everything you write

Deny all you want, that is exactly what happened. You did have a contest for a Space slogan and my friend did write the slogan; and you never did what you promised on your website. With all your little games that you have been playing on this board recently and your constant changing of the entrance price from one minute to the next (which I read in prior posts) speaks of what kind of person you are. You use people and then discard them like a used condom. I am pretty sure this is how you really are in your day to day activities, instead of hiring someone to do some marketing for you, you come on a message board and hope that someone can brainstorm you and idea (or slogan). Your ass fake and shallow as they come, trust me you will never see penny #1 from me or my friends. You should really take some classes in Public Relations, because you will be losing future and repeat costumers with these tactics. You trying to look out for your staff that will be put in jeopardy when people stop going to your club, because of the hassle (I am sure you also don't care about your employee's lives either). Hope I help you some, Spaced-Ass.

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Not for nothing, but when the slogan contest came out, you know how many people I know claimed fame to that slogan? So if your friend did in fact come up with it, tell him to stand in line!

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Originally posted by pod

Not for nothing, but when the slogan contest came out, you know how many people I know claimed fame to that slogan? So if your friend did in fact come up with it, tell him to stand in line!

Well, I guess he is first in line--since he got an email confirming that his slogan won. And Space never delivered, even after many calls from my friend to Space and trying to get to the bottom of it. Everytime he would call to talk to LP, some cheap excuse was given. So please, at least he has a claim to fame. Whats yours? Official Space 34 Ass Kisser? One thing to defend a respectable place, its another to defend a place known for lying and being suspect. Obviously you are a Space 34 employee or a professional brown noser. Either way, I am pretty sure LP won't hesitate to get rid of you, just as whim. So tread lightly and don't put so much faith in a man that is known to lie. Just my opinion, do what you like.


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I'm not a Space 34 employee. My defense of the place comes fromt the fact that many of my friends work there, and I tend to stick by my friends. You insult the lighting, you're picking on someone whom I know is very dedicated to his job, and is regarded by many professionals to be the best LD in town, you pick on the DJs, again, same deal.

Space 34 isn't perfect, no club is, but I happen to think that they do in fact have a respectable venue, regardless of what people may think of Spacious, Biz, or anyone else there. If people were slagging on Nerve or Maze, I'd be the same way...all three venues are tops in most respects, and I fail to understand a lot of complaints people have about these places.

But as for the whole graphic design/slogan thing, I'm just calling it as I saw it. Like you, many people claimed to get an email from Space saying that they won...I'm sure that the real winner was compensated at some point. To promise and not do so is blatantly illegal. Which brings up a valid point, if your friend felt he or she was defrauded, why didn't she take the matter up in court?

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Originally posted by pod

My defense of the place comes fromt the fact that many of my friends work there, and I tend to stick by my friends. You insult the lighting, you're picking on someone whom I know is very dedicated to his job, and is regarded by many professionals to be the best LD in town, you pick on the DJs, again, same deal.

But as for the whole graphic design/slogan thing, I'm just calling it as I saw it. Like you, many people claimed to get an email from Space saying that they won...I'm sure that the real winner was compensated at some point. To promise and not do so is blatantly illegal. Which brings up a valid point, if your friend felt he or she was defrauded, why didn't she take the matter up in court?

Pod its obvious that LP is giving you something in return, LP might be respect among some of his peers, but I am sure not by most of them. When did I bash the lights. Djs or the staff? The owner is the problem, not the club or its staff. If your going to use things against me, at least get your stories right. As far as my friend sueing Space because they didn't give my friend a VIP pass for that night. You cannot be serious? You think its worth the time or trouble of sueing Space all because they didn't give him a VIP pass? I think having your head up LP's ass has affected the way you think. You seem like a reasonable person, don't put your neck on the line for a guy who more likely than not will cut it off if he had a chance. Tell LP to pay for a team to think of catchy slogan or a nice flyer, don't promise something to these good people (much like he did to my friend) and then don't deliver. That is all.

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