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what does it take to drive a person that far?

why would anyone ever consider it?

One of my friends I guess you can say "hit that point" last night and is no longer with us :( :(

im just trying to figure out what could be so bad to make someone go thru with it....

sorry if this is depressing, I need to vent and this forum seems to be cool topics that are a little more out of the ordinary...

dont mean to depress anyone, and no this isnt a cry for help...lol

I am VERY happy with my life.

Just a little fucked up in the head right now trying to figure out why he would do what he did :(

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Originally posted by az-tec

what does it take to drive a person that far?

why would anyone ever consider it?

One of my friends I guess you can say "hit that point" last night and is no longer with us :( :(

im just trying to figure out what could be so bad to make someone go thru with it....

sorry if this is depressing, I need to vent and this forum seems to be cool topics that are a little more out of the ordinary...

dont mean to depress anyone, and no this isnt a cry for help...lol

I am VERY happy with my life.

Just a little fucked up in the head right now trying to figure out why he would do what he did :(

my condolenses

unfortuneatly some people get to that stage where they say "whats the point"..life is hard somtimes and some people cant adapt too well.....may God bless his soul

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Wow, Andy, I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't really know what to say to that. I think that sometimes a person can be so depressed and feel so desperate and hopeless that they just can't think straight. IDK- no one can ever really know what's going on inside of someone else's head. It's a shame. I'm really sorry.

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I'm so sorry to hear that hun. My condolences

I think its hard to say what really pushes them to that point. No one really knows whats going on inside their head but I think they get to a point where they feel trapped under the weight of their problems and they think they dont have a way out :(

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Damn, sorry to hear that Andy.

Some people i think just have this breaking point that, for them, they will cross. We just talk about it (oh i wanna die, i can't take life anymore, etc...), but when someone says it AND means it, that's a call for help.

Someone im talking to now talks about that kind of stuff, and i think she's looking for attention. I've already told her parents, and hopefully something is going to change. but whenever ANYONE says extreme things like that and you REALLY think they are capable, talk to someone, let them know, espec. people close to that person.

I just hate when this $hit happens. My condolences go out :(

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Suicide is one of the most saddest forms of death bc you feel like you could have done something or stopped it when in actuality-there was nothing you could have done. I guess a person feels they rather not be here then deal with their problems or pain..Maybe he felt this was the only way to end his agony and that his difficulties were insolvable or inexplicable.

Maybe he had family problems, financial problems, relationship problems, etc. Maybe he was more sensitive to things then people had thought. But now he is with someone who can take care of him and help him more then anyone here could have. God rest his soul.

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Originally posted by az-tec

what does it take to drive a person that far?

why would anyone ever consider it?

One of my friends I guess you can say "hit that point" last night and is no longer with us :( :(

im just trying to figure out what could be so bad to make someone go thru with it....

sorry if this is depressing, I need to vent and this forum seems to be cool topics that are a little more out of the ordinary...

dont mean to depress anyone, and no this isnt a cry for help...lol

I am VERY happy with my life.

Just a little fucked up in the head right now trying to figure out why he would do what he did :(

condolensces to you and yours... our thoughts and prayers are with you...

however as to what can drive a person to the terminate their own life, is something only that person can answer... and if you try to figure it out yourself, you yourself will wind up going crazy because youll never know... but in the same vein i have an idea of what could subsequently lead to ones own untimely demise, basically loss of hope, loss of will, and loss of strength... some ppl have inner struggles which we will never know about, and everyday they battle with this... whether its in their career, whether its in their family life, whether its in their love life... and sometimes the struggles get so difficult, that no matter what you do you never seem to win, and you lose strength and can longer fight them... thats when the negative thoughts come in... and then it becomes like a cancer... and just like that... theyre gone... because the pain of knowing that theylll never win, and the pain of knowing that there isnt a solution to their problem is greater than the pain of taking ones life...

not sure if this means anything to you or helps you reach an answer in your mind but if you ever want to talk or just vent you know where to reach me...


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its a hard thing for people to understand. ive thought about it alot and it doesnt seem so crazy. the thing is that people usually think about it alot b4 they talk about it or even attempt it. from my experience it usually just comes from not wanting to deal with things anymore, not necessarily wanting to die if that makes sense. sometimes it just seems easier to give up then go on. people think its crazy but sometimes life just gets too hard. the important thing to do is just talk to those you care about when they seem quiet, down or depressed. most likely they wont bring up the subjects by themselves but it always helps to comfort someone you care about regardless. i guess its times like theese that belief in god can really help you out.

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Originally posted by az-tec

what does it take to drive a person that far?

why would anyone ever consider it?

One of my friends I guess you can say "hit that point" last night and is no longer with us :( :(

im just trying to figure out what could be so bad to make someone go thru with it....

sorry if this is depressing, I need to vent and this forum seems to be cool topics that are a little more out of the ordinary...

dont mean to depress anyone, and no this isnt a cry for help...lol

I am VERY happy with my life.

Just a little fucked up in the head right now trying to figure out why he would do what he did :(

Andy so sorry to hear.. :(

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im so sorry..

i wish i had the answers to your questions..

you just dont know what goes through people's heads..

a friend of mine committed suicide almost 2 months ago, it's a very hard time

all you're left with is the thought that MAYBE you could have helped them somehow. but just try not to dwell on it. take it as something to help yourself learn to appreciate life even more..

and listen to the song Adam's Song by Blink 182

good luck with everything..


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