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HigH Pt. 2

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Hi :smoke: Hi

I got a story for you, actually (2) but here is one for now.

Ok back in 2000, I was close friends with a DJ who use to play out alot. SO we are on our way to the a party in CT where he was suppose to spin. There were 5 of us, in my reat a car, him and his girl, another girl and guy + myself. We pull up to the party smokin a bowl (first mistake) there are cops everywhere. We get stopped and they start questioning us cause we are from NJ. Makes us pull over, cause the passenger is not wearing a seat belt. Bla Bla Bla he gives me all my paper work back and is about to let me go, and ask if "I had anything to drink?" I was like "No" He asked if "I had anything to smoke?" I said "a little" (2nd mistake) Takes me out the car, gives me all his test, the alphabet from G to T without singing. The pen with the eyes, touchin the nose. He tells me I passed them all (He was even amazed said I was like the 5th person in 5 years to pass) But he still arrested me cause I was carrying weed. Starts askin everyone questions brought dogs in, my friends (dj) girfriend also had weed on her. She gets arrested, they keep asking me where the xtc was? I was like "There is none" Alll we have was weed" SO they have me in the back of the car, asking me "if we let you go, would I come back up to court?" I was like "Yes Why would I want to have to worry about this BS charge the rest of my life, I will be back." He was like " I don't believe you" I was like fuckit I will just be quiet cause if you dont believe me there is nothing really for me to say, WHatever they finally let us go but the call a tow truck for my car. Some BS law that they have to take it and I can just pay the tow truch driver for it .($150 plus for them to hook the car up to the truck another $15.) SO I go with him to an ATm, my friends meanwhile go the party. I am with this guy and we are in the truck this MF starts changing the price saying every mile the car is hooked up to the truck it is another$2.50. SO after a while of trying to find an ATM. It is really strange that this guy lives here but cant find a ATM. I tell him to take me back to the party where I will get the $ from my friend, I run in to find him. He blows up on me saying I am a f**kin asshole why did I tell the cops I was smoking. All I said is look if you dont give me the $ we are not going home. He was like we are trying to find rides now. I was like WHAT! what were you going to do with me? He wanted to leave me there cause he didnt know where I went. Whatever he give me the $ I go and pay this MFin tow truck driver. I go into the party, by this time all I want to do is go home. A three hour trip I was not looking forward to, on top of that we had no f**kin weed. We are on our way home, and the kid in the passenger seat(the one with no seatbelt) asks "If I wanted a bump of K?" "I was like I would love one but all I want to do is get home." He then goes on to tell me when the cops were searchin us he had 18 jars of K in his packpack all rolled up in his socks. He also had a lick on himself in his crotch. I was like WHAT? look lets not talk about this now.

We are now home and I call my friend he starts yelling at me saying "his girl is going to lose her job (a teacher in nyc) cause of her weed charge. That I should take her charge cause I f**ked up and talked when I should of kept my mouth shut. " I was like "I think it was a judgement call. I thought the cop smelled it." He said "he was asking standard questions. If I said No we would of left" I still thought it he smelled it. So this shit when on for a few days, I said I would take the charge but she has to help pay the fine. They were like fuck no you fucked up so you pay the whole thing. BLA BLA BLA

Court is like a month later. I agreed to take the charge and pay the fine. I really dont know why? I should of let that b**ch hang out to dry, but I am not that kind of person. I feel somewhat responsible, but I feel that they should give some money , do you think? They dont give shit. The court wants me to take 6 month probation and 500 hours community service. After it was done it would be erased from my record. I was like just give me the fine ($750) and the charge. There is no way I am doing 500 hours of community service. I go to pay and I was going to put it on my CC, they said no. I was going to mail the check, they said no. They scheduled another court date so I can bring them a check. It was 3 hours into CT maybe 5 minutes out of Mass. All that driving just to drop off a check. Ahh

To this day I really dont talk to my friend anymore. We went to hanging out everyday to not talking at all cause of this.

Next story will be funny

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jeeeeeeesus dude. that shits fucked up. yeah u should've definitely made that bitch pay some of the fine, it's fucked up that they made u pay for all of it when she got caught too. i'd call up that friend of yours and have a little word if i were you

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once again the pothead forgets baout this thread....smoked 3 L's last nite & slept like a baby....at work on only 5 hours of sleep, but i feel great now....if anyone lives near clark NJ, the best place to go eat is White Diamond....OMG was the food amazing last nite :D

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bump PLUS a funny..well maybe not..pot story

me and a group of my friends were smoking across the street from my friends party because she didnt want us to smoke in her house. so whatever...we're in the woods smoking ..and all of a sudden theres flashlights, and its the PO LICE.. so everyone starts running. and im wearing thong sandals like a dummy..so im running and my shoe falls off...so im like fuck it and i bend down and take both my shoes off so i can at least run barefoot to get away from these mother fuckers. and when i bent down to pick up my shoe, i lput my friends cell phone there and left if by mistake...like a DICK..but i just left it there and ran. so now im RUNNING up a hill..SOO fucked up at the time....BAREFOOT no less. so i follow where everyone is running to and since im in the back of the pack beacuse all im going through..being fucked up and having no shoes on etc....i see flashlight comming through where the kids were running towards. so Obviously i start to run the other way..but first i put my shoes back on thank god. so im running and im all alone and i see a person in front of me..then all of a sudden he jumps into a bush..and im like oh shit, thats a good idead(yeah okay! lol) so i leap into this bush, like this huge shrub. and me and some guy i dont even know were just sitting in there being SO quiet for AT LEAST 15 minutes, probally more. so eventually we make our way out of the bush and we walk a little, slowly, looking around for cops and shit. then out of no where we see flashlights again so me and this kid who i was in the shrub with..i dont even know his name.....hopped a wall that went through someones back yard and just ran the fuck out of there. thank god as soon as i got out, my friend who i went to the party with pulled up right in front of me.

jesus what a fucking experience...my feet are a little cut up n shit, my knee is bruised. i went through a lot...so i had to smoke a blunt afterwards

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I just re up, my connect owes his dealer $ so he has been out for like a month. Anyway I am bumping this cause I am going to roll a FAT L for my friends birthday.

Post more POT related stories, I have a few more that I will post when i get a chance.

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