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What are your GYM PET PEAVES...

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Originally posted by nyckitty69

people who wear the same gym clothes day in day out & sweat & don't wipe the equipment. so there is a build up of sweat and odour. are they too poor to buy just 2 shirts? the cdc should quarantine these disease reservoirs.

there;s quite few in my gym. i mean i dunno, but if you can afford bally's i guuuuueeees, one could afford an extra pair of shorts, and a couple of t-shirts r tank tops.

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i guess some girls find it attractive, since it's those guys that get the most. ick let me guess, they own suv's too which are all paid for?

i used to be a member of "Results, the gym " in dc and i can't think of a single pet peave there. At bally's i can go on forever, but it serves it's purpose, & provides many laughs.

Originally posted by vicman

there;s quite few in my gym. i mean i dunno, but if you can afford bally's i guuuuueeees, one could afford an extra pair of shorts, and a couple of t-shirts r tank tops.

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I could read this and laugh all day :laugh: but on the real what all of you speak is so true. You have some guys that get buffed just enuff to blow up their pecs and walk around like somebody is supposed to take a pic of their a$$... then you have some chics that wear the tights just enough to look good knowin damn well they look they they was stabbed, shot, stomped and everything else when all that comes off. Things just turned into a modeling show instead of really taking care of your health. I stopped going to the gym and just work out at home. This way I dont have to worry about smelling someone else's funk, seeing somebody walk butt a$$ naked around like I want to see that and I have my own clean towels. Holla!

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i think my top 3 are:

1. music that is being played should be played only in an elevator

2. when the sweaty guy doesnt wipe the bench(and its always the bench that I need to use) :mad:

3. or when you are JUST about to do a set, and someone comes over and talked to you for like 20 min and ruins the whole workout

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Originally posted by elementx

What do people do in your gym that annoys you while you are trying to work out?

I hate that peeps wait till they get to the gym to unload the 'burrito digested stanley steamer' just before i get there. :mad: I dont need to smell that...:blown:

My all time peeve... is when I gotta use a bench and there is literally a streaking line of sweat on it :finger: If i wanted to be that intimate,..i would ask for your God-forsaken # :mad:


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my top peeve for the night is:


leave it in the damn locker!!!

i did the bodypump class... and at the very end of the class, this one woman is doing the ab workout while talking on the friggin cell phone!! cant it wait 5 more minutes?!


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you all make very tru points but some of mine (most have been mentioned and i will add a few):

1. ppl who put on cologne to workout, and i mean alot of cologne so they stink up the machine and someone should tell these ppl cologne and BO dont mix well

2. ppl who lift more than they should and then toss the weights away from themselves almost killing the ppl around them.

3. ppl who grunt so loud cause they cant move the weight and u cant help but to laugh but if ur in the middle of lifting heavy weight that can be distracting.

4. ppl who go to the gym for 5 hours a day to do 30 mins of walking on the treadmill and then do 5 sets of a muscle group then talk the rest of the time; all while sitting on the machine your waiting to use.

5. ppl who stack 10000000 lbs on the squat rack then never put it away (this becomes more of a workout to put the weight away than to actaully do your own routine)

6. ppl who steal the pins for the machines to stack plates on the outside of other machines then they never return the pin to where they got it from.

7. all the ppl who work in the gym and do nothing but pose infront of all the newbies and women instead of doing THEIR JOBS and train...

8. i know there are more so i will post them when i think of them

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Originally posted by fkornre

you all make very tru points but some of mine (most have been mentioned and i will add a few):

1. ppl who put on cologne to workout, and i mean alot of cologne so they stink up the machine and someone should tell these ppl cologne and BO dont mix well

LOL im sure deoderant would work much better ;):idea:
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My gym is mostly men

there are prob like 40 women

10 of which are young and semi good looking

Rest are pretty old, so when the guys there see a pretty girl working out...THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO ACT

I hate it when:

Im trying to work out and I get a random convo started!


When im working out my butt on that stupid machine where you have to bend over and I get the oh so lovely stares


When im doing that machine where you open and close your legs, and I get even more smiles and stares


The guys that just chill downstairs and bullshit by all the good work out machines


I work there so I have to be fucking nice to these morons, but it annoys me how jus some people don't know how to act at a gym. It's not convo time, its not lets make a date, work out and LEAVE!!:mad:

I have lots of gym issues lol

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Originally posted by siceone

people who have shitty form and do nothing to fix it

Usually the ones who try to push more than they can. And don't realize it isn't doing nearly half as good for them than if they would drop a bit of weight and do it right...

To me. I would not say it is a PET PEAVE.... It actually makes me laugh. And I comtemplate saying something. But then stop myself. People take things the wrong way.

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taking forever and a day to give up a bench cuz they have to talk to their buddies for an hour between sets.

the 16 year olds who work at the counter that try to pick up everything that walks in the door.

a cracked dumbell that you need, but cant use because it will break and smash your face in while doing incline sets.

management not replacing broke dumbells

wearing 4 tons of perfume while posing in front of a machine with your towel on it that you've no intention of using

having 'oh my God' size implants, then running on the treadmill with guys all around you pretending to run, or care about running.

watching people inadvertently break mirrors, then skate without saying 'oops, my fault' to anyone. like theyre gonna charge you, take your membership and confiscate your house for it.

watching steroid 'transactions' go on right outside the gym, as well as in the locker room. i dont care if you do or if you dont, just do it somewhere else if you do.

having to wait an exponentially long time, and deal with idiots who made New Years resolutions they have no intention of keeping from the months of January to the end of February.

I could go on...

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Originally posted by frank4g63

a cracked dumbell that you need, but cant use because it will break and smash your face in while doing incline sets.

management not replacing broke dumbells

lopsided dumbells

missing dumbells

dumbells that there are no match too

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luckly i dont have to deal with commercial gyms since i have a pretty nice setup at home, but when i have to work out in my schools weight room... holy shit, i swear i get pissed off at just about everything (its even worse than my road rage, which is another issue entirely)

- it may sound mean, but the first thing that really pisses me off is people who dont have any clue what their doing in the weightroom

- sweat... just get a fucking towel

- people who use too much weight just so they can say they benched X lbs (the kind of weight where they hit failure on the second fucking rep)

- music that couldn't get anyone pumped up

- having dumbells thrown all over the place so i cant find the one i need

- waiting to use a machine or bench (it sounds snobby but it really fucks up my work out... and thats why i lift at home these days)

- seeing people who i know aren't going to last a week before giving up... I always have alot of respect for the other regulars, but when i see some fat ass or scrawny kid whom i know wont be coming back, well that just pisses me off because its that guy whos wasting his own time and pissing off myself and the regulars by taking our machines

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new equipment..when the old didnt need to be replaced....and is half assed...just cuz its new doesnt make it better

and wise ass who makes comments to the littler guys...about the weight they put up..leave the kidd alone...say that shit to me...

im in no way a 'big' guy but deffinetly not a smaller guy ...its just who the fuck do u think u are..

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the guys staring in the mirrors almost for so long other people will think they are no using the machine,bench,dumbells,etc. cell phones annoy especially when the person on them isnt in good shape and doesnt hit the gym alot another would have to be guys asking the trainers to feel this muscle feel that muscle wow good for you but laugh when he walks away and she gives him a disgusted look my gym is good music wise the weightroom they play rock although im a house music fan it gets u pumped and in the cardio room and machines 9 out of 10 times the trainer in the office is cool when i bring a cd he plays it my imput peace


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Originally posted by siceone

seriously people who don't rack weight

Makes me wanna slap the shit outta them. And I hate violence...

Anyway. Let me add... My gym just got new dumbells a month or so ago and first off they are the rubber ones... I cannot stand using them. A 100lb rubber dumbell is the size of a 200lb steel dumbell... You cannot get a good squeeze at the top of your press because they hit each other too soon. Also the grip is so damn wide...

Secondly... The fucking dumbells weight markers already fell off... So being alot of them look just about the same size... You can never tell what the hell you are picking up... :mad:

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Originally posted by elementx

Makes me wanna slap the shit outta them. And I hate violence...

Anyway. Let me add... My gym just got new dumbells a month or so ago and first off they are the rubber ones... I cannot stand using them. A 100lb rubber dumbell is the size of a 200lb steel dumbell... You cannot get a good squeeze at the top of your press because they hit each other too soon. Also the grip is so damn wide...

Secondly... The fucking dumbells weight markers already fell off... So being alot of them look just about the same size... You can never tell what the hell you are picking up... :mad:

do you work out at ballys?

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I'm sick of smokers who work out like working out will negate the effects of smoking. what kind of stupid logic is that? They even claim that if they work out, smoking won't harm them.

guys that run around the track like they're so hot when they don't have a chance to get any girl. I don't think any gay guy would want them either

the guy at my gym who just has to show off his trezeget jacket. He sux and so does your jacket. At least wear del Piero. he doesn't even know how to use the treadmill.

guys at my gym who remind me of guys i used to date. I would prefer to forget those memories, thank you.

Dirty carpet at my gym which has every disgusting thing on it. u name the drink, & it's 10 yr stain is probably there.

guys who are tooooooo big and have a waistline. That's just sick (in a bad way)

People who's mobiles have lame ring tones like nsync or air supply or b2k and they're proud of their lousy choice of music. OMG.

Guys who I run into at nightclubs who go to my gym and say "Hey... I remember you...". so we go to the same gym, big deal.

people with artificial tans. it makes skin look leathery and old

guys who comment about how they like my ass in arabic and think I don't understand.

ppl who bring newspapers, magazines, etc and leave it on the equipment. Take your trash with u. Have some consideration for others. The gym isn't your trashcan.

Losers at my gym who listen to the same music I listen to. I'll catch them listening to pvd or something.

African americans who i find pieces of their weaves on the floor of the gym (this happened twice)

i HATE finding women's fake nails on the floor.

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