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Plato did drugs?

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Plato was a crackhead. Ok, maybe not crack, but he was definitely on some sort of hallucinogenic substance when he wrote The Allegory of the Cave. Hell, I think it’s fairly safe to say that a majority of the world’s great thinkers and philosophers were on something that stretched their perceptual boundaries.

Let’s examine The Allegory of the Cave. The cave is our world… our perceptual limits… a mere representation of something ideal that the human mind cannot comprehend. There is a relative truth outside of that cave. But the question is: How can one be exposed to it? Better yet, how can one begin to comprehend it? The exit to the cave lies in the human mind, for the cave exists only in our perceptual realm and it takes an expansion of that perceptual realm to be able to comprehend the relative truth hidden behind the shadows that we see.

So what happens when you “see the light?†What happens when you see the ideality of the shadows you once thought to be real? At first it’s a bit scary, almost intimidating. You simply can’t believe it. Ultimately your perceptions adjust to the truth and you never want to go back to your former existence.

Eventually something brings you back to the cave. You begin to live in the shadows once again. Now that you’ve seen “the light†you attempt to explain your discovery to those in the cave. However, they simply cannot stretch their minds that far. The shadows are their reality and your reality becomes their concern for your sanity. You can’t help but feel superior to the common folk, for you’ve experienced ideality. But they’ll never understand unless they too experience it.

Anyone that has ever done Magic Mushrooms or LSD might relate to Plato. You’re thrust into a mind-boggling ideality. Everything you thought you knew turns out to be false. At first it feels frightening, but eventually the knowledge that you’ve gained is priceless. You see the light. How can you ever go back to the cave of life? Perhaps this is why the comedown of a drug trip can be so depressing. It’s a mere trip… a journey of the mind that is always round-trip. What it does is give you a glimpse inside a larger perceptual realm of humanity… a glimpse into ideality.

So was Plato really a genius philosopher or was he simply an ancient hippie that was experimenting with hallucinogens? Maybe both…

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Originally posted by disk-ofreak

if he was really on drugs, then how could he be soo deep, all the druggies i know have as many brain cells as a door knob:knife:

do you have any idea how many wall streeters do drugs????


anyway, i agree with the original premise. drugs can be a tool to expand the mind. i remember when i tripped (4 hits, btw - i didn'tknow your were supposed to cut the thing into 4 hits!) i felt (among other things) a strong sense of everything being connected - very cool feeling.


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Next time write them down!!

lol i always do that. i have this huge notebook ive been keeping since freshman year of high school that i write all my high thoughts and ideas in. i read em when im sober and theyre fuckin hilarious

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Originally posted by aarond

lol i always do that. i have this huge notebook ive been keeping since freshman year of high school that i write all my high thoughts and ideas in. i read em when im sober and theyre fuckin hilarious

ha. i thought i was the only crackhead who did that. i started a pot journal that i carry around with me at all times so i can scribble whatever randomness comes to me when i'm high. i think the craziest shit when im high and it's totally legit. not some stupid babble about nothing. when im high i really do feel like my mind is far more opened then normal. i view and feel things on totally different levels.

when i was shrooming i remember bringing a notebook with me in case i wanted to write, but i was so fixated on everything around me that i had no use for it, but im kicking myself now cause i uncovered some deep craziness within me and it's hard to remember all the shit that me and my girl talked about that night.

as for the allegory of the cave, im thinking that im gonna have to agree about the drugs. not too long ago, me and a friend got into that whole discussion and we came to the same conclusion. def. on some type of mind altering shit.

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