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This New England weather


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SUCKS:mad: All week they have been saying that tomorrow would be nice and that it wouldn't rain until the evening.... But now they are saying today sunny beach day, tomorrow cloudy and raining and Saturday beautiful beach day!:mad: :mad: :mad: WTF!?! How can they do this to me??? I plan to take one sick day all year to go to the f'in beach because I need a tan and everyday in the week besides the one day I want it to be nice is nice:( :( :( I give up!:mad:

So folks what can we do as a back up plan?

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I need a tan before I go though or I will never survive in the Ibiza sun.... I just wanted to go to the beach with my friends and enjoy the sun and drink.... You can understand my pain when it comes to that can't you:boohoo:

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I definitely feel your pain on this one. I was either going to take today or tomorrow off and I would rather take Friday off so I checked the weather and they said it was supposed to rain today and maybe tomorrow? When I looked yesterday Friday looked like the better day? I don't understand what is wrong with these people! How can you not tell the day before what is going to happen? I was so mad when I woke up this morning and there wasn't a cloud in the sky!!! It's just very annoying because every week it's the same thing. They will say Saturday is going to be the most beautiful day and then you wake up and it's cloudy? I don't know what these people are smoking but I want some :cool:

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Originally posted by prplhz

I still have hope as they are only saying isolated T-Storms so I guess it will be play it by ear type of a beach day.

Don't sweat it - I've heard the storms won't start until later - we just need to get out hungover asses out of bed in the am :D

Hi Jules! action-smiley-066.gif

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Originally posted by jules5335

Hi G :D

Are either of you girls coming down for the party at Therapy on Saturday?

I've got a busy couple of days ahead of me :devil: so I'll probablly be in no condition for Therapy on Sat. You need to make plans to get up here soon! Like tonight or tomorrow night or next Friday night for Howells maybe :idea::D

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Originally posted by jules5335

I definitely think I'm going to come up for Howell's next week. I've never heard him live - does anyone know who's in Avalon?

Howells is in Avalon (they only have hip-hop in Axis on Fridays now :rolleyes: ) He rocked the room out last time he played though, it's gonna be funderful.

Don't sweat the rain... isolated T-storms really mean "We have no idea whether or not it will rain". I have just as good a chance of predicting the weather and my forcast says we'll be having too much drunken fun to notice some weak-ass rain.

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Originally posted by jtk4

I agree, In florida they predict thunderstorms everyday, and it rrains for like 10 minutes. now if they said showers that would probably mean it will not rain at all.

Everyday @ 1:30 in the Summer you can see the storm coming, pours like hell, then stops 10 minutes later, the summers suck in Fla..But I def miss every other season...

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Originally posted by xlr8ted

Everyday @ 1:30 in the Summer you can see the storm coming, pours like hell, then stops 10 minutes later, the summers suck in Fla..But I def miss every other season...

Where did you live in Fla? I'm thinking of moving there in October.

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Originally posted by jules5335

Where did you live in Fla? I'm thinking of moving there in October.

I lived in Englewood, 10 minutes south of Sarasota..

Back on topic..

The morning is supposed to be nice, then T-storms late in the day, you girls and NYis should be allset..!!

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Originally posted by kaydup

No u had it right it is stated as YOU girls (he is included)

X I use to live in Inglewood wit my homies yo

I first wrote," you girls should be all set", then I remembered someone was "big pimpin" tomorrow, so I had to edit..

Englewood always up to no good..

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Originally posted by kaydup

No u had it right it is stated as YOU girls (he is included)

Have fun at work tomorrow buddy!

I lived in Tampa for a few months over the summer of 2000. The heat and humidity was absolutely insane, but you do get used to it. Plus you stay indoors for 99% of the day, so it's no big deal. Summers up here seem like nothing now... a lot of times I'll see my friends sweating their asses off and I'm as cool as the other side of the pillow. (© Stewart Scott)

Tampa was fun, but kind of trashy. Lots and lots of trailer parks and such (not that there's anything wrong with that). Ybor city was great though... tons of bars and clubs all along one strip. And the strip clubs are unreal... MONS VENUS!!!!

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Howells is in Avalon (they only have hip-hop in Axis on Fridays now :rolleyes: ) He rocked the room out last time he played though, it's gonna be funderful.

Don't sweat the rain... isolated T-storms really mean "We have no idea whether or not it will rain". I have just as good a chance of predicting the weather and my forcast says we'll be having too much drunken fun to notice some weak-ass rain.

I was actually picturing myself sitting on the beach tomorrow beer in hand in the rain, so I'm not sweating it too badly. I'll be at the beach anyways... :laugh:

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Have fun at work tomorrow buddy!

I lived in Tampa for a few months over the summer of 2000. The heat and humidity was absolutely insane, but you do get used to it. Plus you stay indoors for 99% of the day, so it's no big deal. Summers up here seem like nothing now... a lot of times I'll see my friends sweating their asses off and I'm as cool as the other side of the pillow. (© Stewart Scott)

Tampa was fun, but kind of trashy. Lots and lots of trailer parks and such (not that there's anything wrong with that). Ybor city was great though... tons of bars and clubs all along one strip. And the strip clubs are unreal... MONS VENUS!!!!

mons venus is the place to go!

i didnt know you spent time in tampa. i lived there for 3 years.

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Fla is def a good place to live if you have a decent job.. The pay down there is horrible, but the cost of living is alot cheaper than here, alot cheaper. In 93 my parents had a house built ,3 bedrooms, 3 baths w/ a screened in-inground pool for $60,00.00, probably worth $80,000.00 now...... In the summer you run from you a/c car, to the a/c store and then to you a/c house.... Tampa/Clear Water and St. Pete area has some greta beaches. but like NY said, theres def some white trash, and Ybor is def the place to be for clubbing and strip clubs on the West Coast of Fla..

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Originally posted by vicman

mons venus is the place to go!

i didnt know you spent time in tampa. i lived there for 3 years.

Yup, I was there from June to Sept. of 2000. Did you live there then?

X, I had the best deal when I lived down there. I got paid my regular Boston-based salary, had a free apartment, and got paid a stipend for food. And as such, Tampa was a fucking awesome time (blew through soooo much money!) Clearwater beach is the tits, I love that place. 1609 in Ybor was my regular hang-out. Free drinks until 10 or something like that, how are you gonna beat it?

I can't even fathom buying a 3bed/3bath house for $60k. That's absolutely unreal.

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I went there for Memorial Day and I liked it. My work is going to transfer me so I won't lose anything with my job. I've been complaining about the weather here for years so I figured instead of complaining I should just move!!! I figured if I move in October it will be nice there and crappy here so that in itself will make me happy :D

If I don't like it I can always come back. I can easily get a job back here with my company. I know a lot of people will come down and visit me in the winter.

I've been to Mons Venus and yes that place was wild! Nothing like that around here!

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

X, I had the best deal when I lived down there. I got paid my regular Boston-based salary, had a free apartment, and got paid a stipend for food. And as such, Tampa was a fucking awesome time (blew through soooo much money!) Clearwater beach is the tits, I love that place. 1609 in Ybor was my regular hang-out. Free drinks until 10 or something like that, how are you gonna beat it?

I can't even fathom buying a 3bed/3bath house for $60k. That's absolutely unreal.

Wow, so you were def living great, b/c w/ a Boston Salary down there, its proabably doubled than the Fla salary....and w/ no living costs, you must have been one drunk dude...:pint:

The costs of houses are crazy down there... I was actually just in Va beach a month ago, and my friends and I were looking at land/houses and condos, really cheap in Va too.. 2 Bd 1bth condo right near the beach 70-80's... nice area too...

You can't even find a condo around here for at least in the 150's, a house down here on the south shore low 200's to start... but mortage rates are unbeliveable now....

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Yup, I was there from June to Sept. of 2000. Did you live there then?

X, I had the best deal when I lived down there. I got paid my regular Boston-based salary, had a free apartment, and got paid a stipend for food. And as such, Tampa was a fucking awesome time (blew through soooo much money!) Clearwater beach is the tits, I love that place. 1609 in Ybor was my regular hang-out. Free drinks until 10 or something like that, how are you gonna beat it?

I can't even fathom buying a 3bed/3bath house for $60k. That's absolutely unreal.

i was around. i lived there from 1996 to 1999 then moved to VA and later NY while writing up my thesis and doing internships before graduating.

it's club 1509.

Ybor has changed a lot since then, they are trying to make it more family friendly, build an AMC theatre etc.. etc..but with all the bars and cheesey clubs in the area, aside from the proximity of the ghetto on the other side of the interstate, it's still prime realestate for getting drunk.

best times to go are guavaween and around march-april wneh they have there mardi-gras thingy. getting wasted in the middle street in broad daylight was never so much fun!

you could get a 1br apt. very roomy in the Hyde Park area -trendy part of town for $500 a month. :eek:

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