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I danced like a hewa at a Christian wedding !

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I went to a boring ass wedding where NOBODY danced. The DJ played Nelly, Jay Z and Lumidee and nobody danced becuz conservative young Christian people didn't know how to fuckin get down !!

So I went up to the DJ and told him to play Prince- Kiss and I did my thing . I was the only one on the dance floor - heard girls giggling and herbs give me funny looks but seriosuly

Why should I be ashamed to have fun ? Then my mother goes on and on about how embarrassed she was of me ..bla ..bla

One table acutally clapped when I finished ! ha !ha ha !

Then mama said - they clapped becuz they feel sorry for you !

I danced like stripper hewa and the Christians looked at me like I had 666 on my forehead !! LOL

The groom's father was a minister and they talked about Jesus and prayed every 30 mintues ! Man I feel like I was in

Footloose or something !

I'm not afraid to dance by myself - you should have seen these bitches - all dancing in a circle like it's junior high and shit ! I think they were jealous cuz they can't dance by themselves

Now I must get my groove on excuze me .

:laugh: :laugh:

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Anyone who sits there and sneers 'cause someone else is dancing alone, dancing like a fool, ecc. should be asked to get up and do better...

then again, offending the relatives might not be the very best thing in the world to do, but...

i love that little life philosophy phrase "dance like nobody's watching" - one of my favorites!

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there are certain places where its appropriate to dance like that & not give a fuck what ppl say (and I'm all for that), but a wedding is defiantly not one of them. Very low class, IMO, show more respect for your family & for your self.

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Originally posted by njangel

there are certain places where its appropriate to dance like that & not give a fuck what ppl say (and I'm all for that), but a wedding is defiantly not one of them. Very low class, IMO, show more respect for your family & for your self.

There is a time and place for everything. Dancing like a "hewa" at somone's wedding- when you knew many people in attendance would be offended- is wrong on both accounts. It was not *your* wedding, it's quite disrespectful to the bride and groom to have acted as though you are the one all eyes should have been on.

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Originally posted by njangel

there are certain places where its appropriate to dance like that & not give a fuck what ppl say (and I'm all for that), but a wedding is defiantly not one of them. Very low class, IMO, show more respect for your family & for your self.

i concur...

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Originally posted by luztirada

You are a classless slut

Yea and I can get away with it becuz I'm so good looking !

Why you care so much about me ? You like me or something ?

Stop sweating me pleeeeeeeeease . You scare people ! LOL

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Originally posted by lollie60

SHe's probably a fat lesbo dyke or a tranny

Yano, I've been reading your posts for a bit of time now, and I realize that you have absolutely nothing to add to the gene pool that would be even marginally helpful to the species as a whole.

So yes, I do believe that luztirada is an insufferable prick, however please take it to heart when I say you should never ever.. ever ever EVER, think about procreating you moronic pig fucker!! :aright:

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Originally posted by lollie60

YOu taling about me or Luztiredass ?

If it's for me. awwwww thank you. I think you like me cuz you been reading my posts.

You want my autograph sweetheart ?

Actually, I'd rather stick my big green cock in you, so you wanna give it up now or do I have to take a number like at the deli counter? How bout this, I'll bring over my little mexican friend and then mac on your friends while he sings a song about conquistadores? That should do the trick (pun intended) :aright:

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