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some thoughts on kobe bryant situation


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Originally posted by spragga25

what did smurf and myself say that was so wrong?

..Ok, maybe I should have modified that to say *some* of the responses in this thread..it matters not though and I'll tell you why..

..The ONLY reason this cat is getting any benefit of the doubt is the fact that he's supposedly this clean image basketball star in a profession known for adulterating scumbags.. It all comes back to idolatry in our society.. I walk out tomorrow, rape some chick and then she files a complaint..I'm sitting at rikers getting beat to a bloody pulp by 5 guys bigger than me.. He has an 'image' and therefore is bankable and he gets the benefit of the doubt? Fuck that shit, if anything the level of objectification in that type of stardom is well beyond anything that we can possibly comprehend.. Turn 'it' into an object and then it isn't so hard to fuck 'it' without 'it's' concent, no?

...I'll say that your comments are probably the best balanced of the opposition of this thread...answer me this, though..

Having worked in the major athetics world for alot of your life, would you not agree that objectification of everything, including women and sex, is rampant by those who are idolized because of it? I would think so..

FlipSOE is an idiot and should continue drooling over Stuart Scott in the moring...

Tastey, well I aint even got an opinion because he's trying to use the rules of sexual attraction to attack her when in fact this is a game of violence and dominance in its most detestable degree.. Macking on chicks is one thing, supposedly luring someone to a room and violently raping them is entirely another.. Also, just to counter, sitting in hiding is NOT a perfect Marketing strategy at this point, not here, not in this society.. She'd be better served, if she was indeed looking for fame and fortune, having a press conference right up front with the accusations.. Look at what it did for the whole Mike Tyson trial.Another one of tasteys oh so neophyte statements was intoning that its almost justifiable that man get violent when a chick suddenly goes cold... Too bad sport, not tonight..go in the bathroom with the Penthouse and jerk off... It is you DUTY as a MAN to back off when she don't want it, because if you don't then you aren't a man and you should be dealt with by other MEN accordingly..

..George surprised me the most...You're gonna sit there and say

Then goes upstairs to his room. I heard that she earlier gave him a tour of the compound. So who knows what they spoke of. Add a little wine to the mix, and it seems to be pointing more at her fault than his.

..More her fault than his? This is a question of respecting human life and her right to the sanctity of her body.. I caught one of my friends trying to force himself on another one of my friends who was pretty much incapacitated because of roofies.. Yeah, she was flirting with him before, but once she was out, all fucking bets are off man... I, along with my buddies, bounced that fucking kids skull off the walls..

..And ALSO, pointing to that failed american Idol tryout..That means nothing in the scheme of things and says nothing about how opportunistic anyone is.. Maybe she just wanted to try out to see if anything would come of it?..You don't knwo for sure that she's a scheming star chaser..but every single sports fan (save a few) who I've talked about this with immediately pins this on her because of that fact and other alleged heresay by her 'friends'..

I've known doctors that were crackheads, and seemingly normal straight laced businessmen who liked to dress up as Little Bo Peep and get whipped by a six foot tall tranny. I've also know completely thugged out kids from the ghetto (the REAL ghetto, not the suburban ghetto..) that could write poetry that sounded as if the heart was singing.. You can't judge anyone by the way they look or really, in alot of cases, their past actions because many times those actions are NOT indicative of what their motives are in the NOW...

..This shit gets me so frustrated..our society is fucking doomed..

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..George surprised me the most...You're gonna sit there and say \

damn, don't take that lil line so seriously. I was just picturing one of many possible scenario's in this drama.

I shouldn't be saying who's fault it is, but i AM saying that , as far as what i know, if she had said no to going up to his room, none of this shnazz would have happened :blank:

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

..Ok, maybe I should have modified that to say *some* of the responses in this thread..it matters not though and I'll tell you why..

..The ONLY reason this cat is getting any benefit of the doubt is the fact that he's supposedly this clean image basketball star in a profession known for adulterating scumbags.. It all comes back to idolatry in our society.. I walk out tomorrow, rape some chick and then she files a complaint..I'm sitting at rikers getting beat to a bloody pulp by 5 guys bigger than me.. He has an 'image' and therefore is bankable and he gets the benefit of the doubt? Fuck that shit, if anything the level of objectification in that type of stardom is well beyond anything that we can possibly comprehend.. Turn 'it' into an object and then it isn't so hard to fuck 'it' without 'it's' concent, no?

...I'll say that your comments are probably the best balanced of the opposition of this thread...answer me this, though..

Having worked in the major athetics world for alot of your life, would you not agree that objectification of everything, including women and sex, is rampant by those who are idolized because of it? I would think so..

FlipSOE is an idiot and should continue drooling over Stuart Scott in the moring...

Tastey, well I aint even got an opinion because he's trying to use the rules of sexual attraction to attack her when in fact this is a game of violence and dominance in its most detestable degree.. Macking on chicks is one thing, supposedly luring someone to a room and violently raping them is entirely another.. Also, just to counter, sitting in hiding is NOT a perfect Marketing strategy at this point, not here, not in this society.. She'd be better served, if she was indeed looking for fame and fortune, having a press conference right up front with the accusations.. Look at what it did for the whole Mike Tyson trial.Another one of tasteys oh so neophyte statements was intoning that its almost justifiable that man get violent when a chick suddenly goes cold... Too bad sport, not tonight..go in the bathroom with the Penthouse and jerk off... It is you DUTY as a MAN to back off when she don't want it, because if you don't then you aren't a man and you should be dealt with by other MEN accordingly..

..George surprised me the most...You're gonna sit there and say

..More her fault than his? This is a question of respecting human life and her right to the sanctity of her body.. I caught one of my friends trying to force himself on another one of my friends who was pretty much incapacitated because of roofies.. Yeah, she was flirting with him before, but once she was out, all fucking bets are off man... I, along with my buddies, bounced that fucking kids skull off the walls..

..And ALSO, pointing to that failed american Idol tryout..That means nothing in the scheme of things and says nothing about how opportunistic anyone is.. Maybe she just wanted to try out to see if anything would come of it?..You don't knwo for sure that she's a scheming star chaser..but every single sports fan (save a few) who I've talked about this with immediately pins this on her because of that fact and other alleged heresay by her 'friends'..

I've known doctors that were crackheads, and seemingly normal straight laced businessmen who liked to dress up as Little Bo Peep and get whipped by a six foot tall tranny. I've also know completely thugged out kids from the ghetto (the REAL ghetto, not the suburban ghetto..) that could write poetry that sounded as if the heart was singing.. You can't judge anyone by the way they look or really, in alot of cases, their past actions because many times those actions are NOT indicative of what their motives are in the NOW...

..This shit gets me so frustrated..our society is fucking doomed..

As always phonk, great points and with being involved with athletics, I've seen that stuff happen all the time - cheating and abuse of the "images" society gives them. For that, I blame THOSE athletes who are too damn stupid to know right from wrong and their parents/guardians who never gave them the proper education to realize these differences.

The only objection here is that you seem to be pinning this on ALL pro athletes in general. Not all live that lifestyle - the shame is very few live to the standards of being role models. Unfortunately, that won't change soon at all.

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Originally posted by FlipsSOE



...not really...i was going to tell mike to grace us with a real response as opposed to his recent reminders of how lame this board is and how "doomed" the human race is...by the time i had put that up, he had already responded...finally...lol...i know he's not back full time, but it is nice to hear his dissertations every now and then...

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Originally posted by sweetie029

...This is SUCH an easy way for this girl to get paid.....How many girls are there that lie about being raped/being pregnant ect who won't be walking away w/ a shitload of money...

i don't ever, EVER want to hear about post-rape life being easy from someone who's not been there. shut the FUCK up.
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Originally posted by phuturephunk

Tastey, well I aint even got an opinion because he's trying to use the rules of sexual attraction to attack her when in fact this is a game of violence and dominance in its most detestable degree.. Macking on chicks is one thing, supposedly luring someone to a room and violently raping them is entirely another.. Also, just to counter, sitting in hiding is NOT a perfect Marketing strategy at this point, not here, not in this society.. She'd be better served, if she was indeed looking for fame and fortune, having a press conference right up front with the accusations.. Look at what it did for the whole Mike Tyson trial.Another one of tasteys oh so neophyte statements was intoning that its almost justifiable that man get violent when a chick suddenly goes cold... Too bad sport, not tonight..go in the bathroom with the Penthouse and jerk off... It is you DUTY as a MAN to back off when she don't want it, because if you don't then you aren't a man and you should be dealt with by other MEN accordingly..

first of all, in my version she was luring him into luring her to get into the room. women have that power. some hints here and there and we men think we know whats up.

about sitting in the corner not being a good marketing strategy... you remember that black prostitute that gave some celebrity (hugh grant i think?) a blowjob? they got caught from the police. she hid herself for weeks, the media set out rewards for finding her, hired PI´s to find her, in the end she turned to one station and she got ~100 000$ (if i remember right) alone for that first interview. not to mention future appearances and money through further interviews and talkshows and stuff. not bad for a hoe ain´t it?

i´m not saying it is RIGHT to get rough if she gets all cold. in fact, it isn´t right AT ALL. what i was getting at was that this happens alot though (girl saying no in the middle of the action and guy getting rough). you have to be open to the possibility that she PLAYED for that reaction, thats what i was saying.

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