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Sleeping Preferences?

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Unless it is exceptionally hot in my house which is pretty rare, I cannot fall asleep without wearing a pair of socks..

I have to be snuggled up in a blanket no matter how how it may be or get..

I cannot have any noise-whether it be a radio, tv, etc.- because I am a very light sleeper

Do you have any preferences or requests?

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my sweat pants are a must. also the computer has to be playing something, depends on my mood, i cant sleep in total silence, i always have that sinking feeling my TV's gonna turn on and some girls gonna crawl out like in the movie the ring....:shake:

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Originally posted by hotbarbiedoll

Unless it is exceptionally hot in my house which is pretty rare, I cannot fall asleep without wearing a pair of socks..

I have to be snuggled up in a blanket no matter how how it may be or get..

I cannot have any noise-whether it be a radio, tv, etc.- because I am a very light sleeper

Do you have any preferences or requests?

I need some noise. Unless I am passing out from intoxication.

I hate sleeping with socks... It makes me too warm.

I always have to have something over me. Blanket, sheet, etc...

And I neeeeeed something up against my back. Weather is be my lady at the time, A pillow, The wall, What ever...

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it depends on how i feel right before i go to sleep...if i am exhausted i jsut pass out, but i have to be under a blanket with the AC on....i have to fall asleep on my tummy cuz it's the comfiest.....

if i am not exhausted, i NEED the tv on, watch a lil bit of it, but i have to turn around so i don't keep myself awake...i am really weird at times :laugh:

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Haha, we had this discussion once before- I don't know how anyone can fall asleep with socks on (unless it's positively frigid, of course).

It should be cool, as I prefer to be able to snuggle up under at least a sheet... but my feet are usually sticking out... and also, if I get too hot when sleeping, I have bad dreams. :confused:

I fall asleep on my right side...

I need to be on the outside of the bed (I don't want to wake my bf when I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night!)

It needs to be fairly quiet, I can only really sleep to white noise

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Originally posted by elementx

How the hell did I forget...


I turn that fucker over to the cold side over and over again until I fall asleep...

Mm-hmm. The cool side of the pillow... ain't much that compares with it! :aright:

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The room has to be cold thats one... My pillows need to be cold...

the shades need to be closed, light bothers me when sleeping..

I cannot wear clothes... I hate the feeling of it wrapping around

me - NO SOCKS.. Having music or the TV on does not bother me

I usually fall asleep while doing one or the other..

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Originally posted by hotbarbiedoll

Unless it is exceptionally hot in my house which is pretty rare, I cannot fall asleep without wearing a pair of socks..

I have to be snuggled up in a blanket no matter how how it may be or get..

I cannot have any noise-whether it be a radio, tv, etc.- because I am a very light sleeper

Do you have any preferences or requests?

i perfer to sleep in bed with you in it.

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I can only sleep with one pillow, and like elementx, flip it over so it's nice and cold..

I sleep on my stomach with one hand under my pillow

I need to be holding something, whether it be my bf, my "keroppi" plush doll, or the comforter.

atomicapples has to tell me one of his naughty bedtime stories before I go to bed

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