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Internet shopping for real??

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Hey folks,

I am new to this board, but I am about to lose my mind without my K. I have just about had it with being sober/clean, so I thought I would go actively searching among users.

I used to get the stuff from a factory in Mexico, but they have really tightened up and the last time they scared the shit out of me, so I won't go back. This makes me crazy because I KNOW that the stuff that is being sold now is not K, but no one seems to believe me, it has been so long since there has been anything good around.

So, has anyone had any success in finding a source online? For real?

I have found an individual guy who says he has stuff and will send it out weekly -- claims it is for real, but I would feel so much more comfortable having it come internationally.

I have also found many international pharmaceutical distributors that list ketamine hydrochloride in their product lists, but have not figured out what majic words are required to get them to send me some. Any hints?

So, anybody actually managed to obtain it?


I'm ready to freak .

Any help will be eternally appreciated. Bribes may be offered! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by kholeman

Are you here for a reason or just to be a butthead?

FYI, I don't drink alcohol, I don't do coke, I don't do e unless I'm at a party, I don't smoke pot, I don't smoke cigarettes, I don't do PCP, I don't do crystal (or crack or speed), I don't do GHB, I don't do ... More importantly, I don't do the crap, unknown chemical, that is circulating everywhere and being promoted as K.

In fact, the only drug I do for recreation (as opposed to serious spiritual/ritual questing, which hasn't happened in years) is K. It is clean (if real), safe, almost impossible to overdose, metabolized easily by the body, non-physically addictive, and made /used for human consumption TO AID IN WITHDRAWAL from both Heroin and Alcohol!!!!!!

I have been clean/sober for over a year now. I doubt you can claim the same? In fact, I bet you haven't gone more than a day or so without a toke or a drink. If you have, why are you trolling this board.

It is summer. i want to spend a couple of fun outdoor parties. I am an adult. I make clear, informed decisions and adopt harm reduction strategies, including consulting both my physician and an ENT specialist about my use and the best ways to protect my system.

Is there something else you need to know about this junkie?

Do you feel the power from having cast a stone?

Go take your judgemental ass to some other place and let those of use who are seriously trying to make their way in the world as adults alone. You waste my time.

Too long, didn't even read it.

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Originally posted by kholeman

Hey folks,

I am new to this board, but I am about to lose my mind without my K. I have just about had it with being sober/clean, so I thought I would go actively searching among users.

I used to get the stuff from a factory in Mexico, but they have really tightened up and the last time they scared the shit out of me, so I won't go back. This makes me crazy because I KNOW that the stuff that is being sold now is not K, but no one seems to believe me, it has been so long since there has been anything good around.

So, has anyone had any success in finding a source online? For real?

I have found an individual guy who says he has stuff and will send it out weekly -- claims it is for real, but I would feel so much more comfortable having it come internationally.

I have also found many international pharmaceutical distributors that list ketamine hydrochloride in their product lists, but have not figured out what majic words are required to get them to send me some. Any hints?

So, anybody actually managed to obtain it?


I'm ready to freak .

Any help will be eternally appreciated. Bribes may be offered! :rolleyes:

dude you don't think that its a little silly to try to buy drugs online and to trust someone who offers you drugs throught internet?

you shouldn't solicit a drug deal on the net .. its one thing to talk about doin drugs but another to talk about selling/buying

thats just my 2 cents

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Originally posted by kholeman

Hey folks,

I am new to this board, but I am about to lose my mind without my K. I have just about had it with being sober/clean, so I thought I would go actively searching among users.

I used to get the stuff from a factory in Mexico, but they have really tightened up and the last time they scared the shit out of me, so I won't go back. This makes me crazy because I KNOW that the stuff that is being sold now is not K, but no one seems to believe me, it has been so long since there has been anything good around.

So, has anyone had any success in finding a source online? For real?

I have found an individual guy who says he has stuff and will send it out weekly -- claims it is for real, but I would feel so much more comfortable having it come internationally.

I have also found many international pharmaceutical distributors that list ketamine hydrochloride in their product lists, but have not figured out what majic words are required to get them to send me some. Any hints?

So, anybody actually managed to obtain it?


I'm ready to freak .

Any help will be eternally appreciated. Bribes may be offered! :rolleyes:

you're a cop, aren't you?

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No, I'm not a cop.

I understand everyone's suspicion. But, the truth is, I am just fed up (with being dry) and want to try to see if I can change it.

I am not asking/expecting anyone to write me and say "I can sell you some!"

I am just asking whether anyone has been successful in obtaining K from international sources.

My searching has led to a number of companies that sell K, but I haven't been able to determine what "the right things" to say are needed for an exchange to actually occur.

I have found a couple of places and people that may actually be legitimate sources. Its an exploration. I have nothing to lose in looking.

I knowthat some people have managed to make their connections this way. I just was looking to see what experiences others were willing to share.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

So, if you have been successful, let me know. pm me.

I'm just trying to fill my own sinuses. I'm sure if I'm successful you'll all want to know.

WWW-- information sharing at its best.

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Originally posted by kholeman

No, I'm not a cop.

I understand everyone's suspicion. But, the truth is, I am just fed up (with being dry) and want to try to see if I can change it.

I am not asking/expecting anyone to write me and say "I can sell you some!"

I am just asking whether anyone has been successful in obtaining K from international sources.

My searching has led to a number of companies that sell K, but I haven't been able to determine what "the right things" to say are needed for an exchange to actually occur.

I have found a couple of places and people that may actually be legitimate sources. Its an exploration. I have nothing to lose in looking.

I knowthat some people have managed to make their connections this way. I just was looking to see what experiences others were willing to share.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

So, if you have been successful, let me know. pm me.

I'm just trying to fill my own sinuses. I'm sure if I'm successful you'll all want to know.

WWW-- information sharing at its best.

you're a cop, aren't you?

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Originally posted by kholeman

No, I'm not a cop.

I understand everyone's suspicion. But, the truth is, I am just fed up (with being dry) and want to try to see if I can change it.

I am not asking/expecting anyone to write me and say "I can sell you some!"

I am just asking whether anyone has been successful in obtaining K from international sources.

My searching has led to a number of companies that sell K, but I haven't been able to determine what "the right things" to say are needed for an exchange to actually occur.

I have found a couple of places and people that may actually be legitimate sources. Its an exploration. I have nothing to lose in looking.

I knowthat some people have managed to make their connections this way. I just was looking to see what experiences others were willing to share.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

So, if you have been successful, let me know. pm me.

I'm just trying to fill my own sinuses. I'm sure if I'm successful you'll all want to know.

WWW-- information sharing at its best.

your a total dickhead, shutup... Nice screen name too.:rolleyes:

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I wouldn't buy ANYTHING online. When an online source get's busted, the cops go after their customers next. A lot of people got fucked after that whole GHB internet shit went sour. Take a look at illegal able boxes and DSS chips selling over the internet. Everytime the cops bust them, the customers get caught out too.

Your best bet is to get off your ass and fly to Mexico. Find a vet lab that is willing to taking your gringo money and ship products over the border.

Once you setup a source, have them ship to a friend in California Then have that shipped from California to a Manhatan drop spot. Liqs in Mexico wholesale should cost you anywhere from $10-$20 each. Once you get them in NYC, they'll be worth about $60-$80 each. So, basically, If u buy 500 bottles, and ship them, you'll make a $20,000 to $30,000 profit.

That was the method I was doing untill I got caught out by a snitch.


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Mexico has really tightened up. It is now controlled. I hear Guatemala is still ok. Goa may also still have some open sources.

Last time I went to Mexico they added some oil based concoction that binded to the K, made the clear liquid cloudy and kept it oily so it wouldn't dry well. Still potent, but definitely contaminated. Very scary.

I understand what you are saying about busting the clients. Where I live, it is not illegal to possess, only to sell. So, inquiries are just that.

I've had one guy offer to send me samples. I'm considering it. Need a better addy first.

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Originally posted by kholeman

Mexico has really tightened up. It is now controlled. I hear Guatemala is still ok. Goa may also still have some open sources.

Last time I went to Mexico they added some oil based concoction that binded to the K, made the clear liquid cloudy and kept it oily so it wouldn't dry well. Still potent, but definitely contaminated. Very scary.

I understand what you are saying about busting the clients. Where I live, it is not illegal to possess, only to sell. So, inquiries are just that.

I've had one guy offer to send me samples. I'm considering it. Need a better addy first.


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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Dude, just rob a fucking vet clinic. Is that really so hard?

Robbing a vet clinic is a short term solution. A clinic will only have a small supply. I don't know anyone of ever using this method. I do know girls who have worked for vets who have gotten me a couple bottles years ago, but it was never a regular thing.

As for Mexico being tightened up. That's wrong. I know people still using this method. I know of a guy that went to Mexico 2-3 months ago, purchased 5,000 bottles, had it brought over professionally to California, rented a van, and drove it to NYC. After expenses, he made a profit over over $150,000 on that one trip. Took him about 1-2 weeks to do the setup, and another 1 week to get rid of his supply here.


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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Why didn't he just buy it online? It would've been much, much easier.

This is where the thread started. I'm still trying to find this information. Are there really reliable online sources?

No, don't post the response. PM me.

Thank you

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Originally posted by Evan


As for Mexico being tightened up. That's wrong. I know people still using this method. I know of a guy that went to Mexico 2-3 months ago, purchased 5,000 bottles, had it brought over professionally to California




Where in Mexico?

I was interacting with the factory in Mexico City. Bought huge number of bottles. They placed a bottle of contaminant product in with the mix, so if you were pouring the vials into a larger container without checking each vial, the contaminant would "spoil" the batch. That is, even though the stuff was still potent, it was now white and cloudy (not water clear) and oily, so it didn't dry very well, and had a pretty strange taste and smell.

When I first started with them, they were happy to have us call in advance and come pick up the purchase. Last time they wanted letters, phone numbers, addresses, etc. And, they insisted on introducing us to other people in the company. Not being fluent in Spanish it was all pretty scary. Didn't know who the person was we were being introduced to -- could have been cops for all we knew. I'm not prepared to return and try it again.

I'd love to hear more about your friend's experience. I'm guessing that they were not dealing with the factory but a supply house?

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