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*Dancing Near Abysses - Nietzsche's Official Roll Call*

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Some Wisdom that should get you going tonight:

For the New Year.— I still live, I still think: I still have to live, for I still have to think. Sum, ergo cogito: cogito, ergo sum [i am, therefore I think: I think, therefore I am.]. Today everybody permits himself the expression of his wish and his dearest thought: hence I, too, shall say what it is that I wish from myself today, and what was the first thought to run across my heart this year—what thought shall be for me the reason, warranty, and sweetness of all my life henceforth! I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things:—then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful. Amor fati [Love of fate.]: let that be my love from henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse, I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation! And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer! - Frederick Nietzsche, The Gay Science

Translation: Celebrate your life!

Once a human being reaches the fundamental conviction that he must be commanded, he becomes "a believer"; conversely, one could conceive of such a pleasure and power of self-determination, such a freedom of the will that the spirit would take leave of all faith and every wish for certainty, being practiced in maintaining himself on insubstantial ropes and possibilities and dancing even near abysses. -Frederick Nietzsche, The Gay Science

Translation: Control your destiny! Take chances! Be brave!

I am going to sincerely tear some shit up tonight. Who's coming with me?


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Originally posted by spinsaikel

im sure pete will "tear some shit up" alongside ya. after all he does keep a knife in the bathroom for that purpose....

make sure he doesn't light his hand on fire. he did that last time I was at guarapo and was introducing him to one of my friends :laugh:

anyhow - Brian I hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration kid! Have a lemon drop shot for me :D I'm heading up to PA tonight so I won't be around :(

Keep me updated about next week's festivities.

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Originally posted by spinsaikel

im sure pete will "tear some shit up" alongside ya. after all he does keep a knife in the bathroom for that purpose....

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was damn funny when you walked out with it and everyone was like WTF???

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FREE COVER as always

Friday, July 25

Nietzsche @ Gua Rapo

2039 Wilson Blvd

Arlington, VA

10 - 2 | 21+


contact: brian@revaluationpg.com

Gua-Rapo's upper level features:

-thumping sound system

-comfortable lounge seating

-hookah pipes served with flavored tobacco

-delicious tapas served late

Gua-Rapo is minutes from DC

just over the Key Bridge in Arlington, VA

at 2039 Wilson Blvd.


Directions: From DC, go over the Key Bridge in Georgetown.

Go through three traffic lights. Make a right at the fourth light.

At the top of the hill, make a right onto Wilson Blvd.

Gua-Rapo is four blocks up Wilson, on the right at 2039 Wilson Blvd.

Gua-Rapo Features the area's best DJ's every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The vibe is relaxed and the music is always the best in underground house | tech house | breaks | progressive.

Presented by Snowball Collective.

Email: snowballinfo@earthlink.net for details.


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Guest jroo

today i got hit with a random quote, and it happened to be from ol' neech himself.

"Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called 'Ego'." - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

btw, is his middle name Von, because i think that would fit really well right there.

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Originally posted by jroo

today i got hit with a random quote, and it happened to be from ol' neech himself.

"Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called 'Ego'." - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

btw, is his middle name Von, because i think that would fit really well right there.

nice. it's actuall Wilhelm, but you're right, Von might work better.

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