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Question (tastey- please help out on this one)


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tastey....I know you're good with this kind of stuff...help from anyone else too is appreciated..

ok...I liked this one girl for sooo long...I think she had a guy at the time... we would always make eye contact and sort of daze into eachothers eyes when we would see eachother.... I would see her around all the time, yet I didn't really know her....she was from around the area.... I finally got a chance to meet her one night and got to know her better... we kept in contact afterward and she ended up breaking up wit her boyfriend... now.. I would always express myself from then on and tell her how beautiful I thought she was, why she was single, etc.... I think that this is what made her stop liking me..... isn't that what a girl would want to hear though? is it always going to be where you have to play hard to get? even when the other person likes you? I know that it's good to do that to draw somebody in... but do you always have to do that? even in a relationship? are you ever going to be able to express yourself without the other person looking down on you- as being that they can have you whenever they want, etc.. thanks for any help

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How long of a time-frame are we talking about??? Maybe she's just not ready to date anyone else yet. Maybe if you are "always" expressing yourself, you're coming on too strongly. You don't necessarily want to play hard to get, but there is such a thing as laying it on too thick. IDK, it could be a lot of things.

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I would advise you to just be her friend for now. Put your ulterior motives for awhile, and just be there for her. Really listen to what she wants. Don't play games. Be genuine. Give her time if that is what she needs. Perhaps in time she will realize you can be more than a friend. All of my serious relationships started with a friendship first.

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Originally posted by dance2this

ya- but like- is it where just by letting the girl know you like her back- she now knows she can have you? a control thing?

I don't know how old you are and what type of girls you are involved with. A mature woman who is interested in a man will most likely not play games. Younger girls who don't know how to deal with their feelings or handle a relationship may play games.

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Originally posted by dance2this

we would always make eye contact and sort of daze into eachothers eyes when we would see eachother....

I would always express myself from then on and tell her how beautiful I thought she was, why she was single, etc.... I think that this is what made her stop liking me

maybe she was starin at you cause you had a booger on your face... or a strange mole... or a bad hair cut...

just kidding...


don't smother people with compliments dog...

...get to know her... don't just keep tellin her how hot she is...

thats fuckin annoying...:D

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Originally posted by dance2this

tastey....I know you're good with this kind of stuff...help from anyone else too is appreciated..

ok...I liked this one girl for sooo long...I think she had a guy at the time... we would always make eye contact and sort of daze into eachothers eyes when we would see eachother.... I would see her around all the time, yet I didn't really know her....she was from around the area.... I finally got a chance to meet her one night and got to know her better... we kept in contact afterward and she ended up breaking up wit her boyfriend... now.. I would always express myself from then on and tell her how beautiful I thought she was, why she was single, etc.... I think that this is what made her stop liking me..... isn't that what a girl would want to hear though? is it always going to be where you have to play hard to get? even when the other person likes you? I know that it's good to do that to draw somebody in... but do you always have to do that? even in a relationship? are you ever going to be able to express yourself without the other person looking down on you- as being that they can have you whenever they want, etc.. thanks for any help

uff, where to begin?

first of all, if you are all nice from the beginning and shower her with compliments and such, she KNOWS that you are just nice to her because you want to bang her and she looks hot. that that is all you want from a women.

if you are friendly, but neutral at first, and let her EARN your respect by displaying personality. and NOT giving her any special treatment before she didn´t display value to you... that will give her the impression that you are in it for HER and not just her looks. let girls WORK to get your approval.

get it? you´re not playing hard to get. just don´t let her outer beauty phase you, don´t let the ILLUSION phase you. let her show you how she is as a person, whats her character like, her views on the world and respect and reward her for that (that is *if* you like what she shows you). not for her beauty. beauty fades, beauty is common (just look in a big city like NYC how many hot women are there). it´s not what makes anyone special.

again: this is the most important thing! don´t let yourself get impressed by her outer beauty, but let her show you what she is like inside her beautiful shell and then respect and reward her for THAT! nothing else! be willing to walk, if you don´t like her personality, WALK AWAY. say to her what you like about her personality, but also what you don´t like. be honest and don´t hide things that bug you about her just because she´s beautful and you want to bang her.

don´t compliment too much. one in the first few meetings is sufficient. and don´t make it a cheesy one like "oh you´re so beautiful". use something that brings you two together more and/or relates to her character "i really enjoyed the evening, you are fun :)" and give her the chance to that way reprocicate the compliment. also, the more hot a girl is, the less you must compliment on her looks. she got those compliments all her life. she knows she´s beautiful on the outside, but only few men even take the time to look on the inside and see her inner beauty.

about expressing yourself, yes you can do that. if you respect the other person for who she is, be open about yourself and your views and the other person will very likely respect you too. however, you still have to come from a "power" position. like "here i am, i don´t care if you like me or not. thats the way i am, and i´d like to find out what are you like to see if you´re someone that would make a positive addition to my life"


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oh, and by the way:

forget that girl, you very likely won´t get her. learn from your experience and move on to the next :)

maybe in a few months or years, when you´ve got more experience, you can go back to that one woman you always wanted (i did and she´s now my gf). and then you´ll either have the skills to get her, or you´ll be in another relationship that makes you more happy.

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ok, cool, thanks! very much appreciated! ...but for the whole liking a girl thing.... is it natural for a man to hold back his feelings and not say he likes a girl because he is afraid he is going to get hurt? won't it end up that when he finally gets over her...she will start liking him (because she knows that he doesn't csre and moved on) .....like there are some guys that just fall in love with a girl by just looking at her.... knowing her for a little while.... just by looking at her.... ya, it's definately not true love, just lust... but like you were saying, you should look deep within the girl... fall in love with her personality.... if love was just based on vanity, then the relationships might not last that long

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