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i NEED guy advise...


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So last night, I was hangin out with this boy that I like. We really had a great day..

1st we went and washed my car and got it all cleaned...

we went to the beach and played on the swings, walked by the water, then sat on the bences and talked and talked..

After that we went out for all you can eat beer n wings in the town that i grew up....

He got a lil drunk, and had rode his motorcycle to my house, so I had took his keys, and told him i'd give them back when he sobered up.. So when we got back to my house, we sat in my car, and had another wonderful make out session (girls lemmie tell ya, this guys got kisses that could make me flow like the nile..)

so its around 2:45am, and his phone rings.. he ANSWERED IT.. now keep in mind.. im sitting there hearing just his side of the convo.. but i can hear that its a girl on the other line...

hey whats up... i cant talk right now..... no im not home...... does it really matter?....... i cant talk..... yes im with a girl..... does it matter who she is?..... her name is kerry..... listen i really cant talk to you about this right now.... cant i call u back in a lil while?.....

thats when i decided i heard enough and stepped out of my car... when he was off the phone i told him i think its time he goes home.. gave him his bike key (dont worry he was sober enough)

when i asked him about it hes like "oh its this chick that use to live her that really likes me but moved to minnesota"

like i really dont know what to think, or know if i even over reacted...

HELPPPPPPPPPPPPP i like this guy i dunno what to do.. lol

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Don't worry about it, if it really begins to bother you confront him about it, it's good if you are both honest with each other so he should just come right out and tell you the truth.

I hate when that happens though, it get's annoying to a point because you think that your going to have to deal with this chick through out the whole relationship. Try to not let it bother you so much but just confront him, if he's not hiding anything he should not have a problem talking bout it:D

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see i dont get it though.....

becasue when we were walking across my parking lot.. i was like "im sorry for how i acted" because i was kinda like yo get out of my car, ur going home...

he was like "nonono dont appologise, you just have to understand i have alot of female friends"

which is understandable.. but like i have ALOT of male friends, but they usually dont call me at 3am weds morning..?

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz

see i dont get it though.....

becasue when we were walking across my parking lot.. i was like "im sorry for how i acted" because i was kinda like yo get out of my car, ur going home...

he was like "nonono dont appologise, you just have to understand i have alot of female friends"

which is understandable.. but like i have ALOT of male friends, but they usually dont call me at 3am weds morning..?

Ever think it could be an X?

I remember when my X and I first started dating his X used to still call him and we were in the car together and she called and I guess she asked him who he was with and he goes "Do you really wanna know....Daniella"

So I dunno....it could be a girl who was more than a friend at that point cause female "friends" don't ask those questions at 3am...unless shes a really annoying girl...but my boys never ask me those questions

I'm telling you...confront him about it before you jump to any conclusions

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Ehh...don't stress over it...You don't know him that well so it COULD have just been very innocent....If I was you I'd give him the benefit of the doubt for now....Get to know him a little more..but try not to get attached or anything...& if another incident like this happens again....Show him where the door is

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz

So last night, I was hangin out with this boy that I like. We really had a great day..

1st we went and washed my car and got it all cleaned...

we went to the beach and played on the swings, walked by the water, then sat on the bences and talked and talked..

After that we went out for all you can eat beer n wings in the town that i grew up....

He got a lil drunk, and had rode his motorcycle to my house, so I had took his keys, and told him i'd give them back when he sobered up.. So when we got back to my house, we sat in my car, and had another wonderful make out session (girls lemmie tell ya, this guys got kisses that could make me flow like the nile..)

so its around 2:45am, and his phone rings.. he ANSWERED IT.. now keep in mind.. im sitting there hearing just his side of the convo.. but i can hear that its a girl on the other line...

hey whats up... i cant talk right now..... no im not home...... does it really matter?....... i cant talk..... yes im with a girl..... does it matter who she is?..... her name is kerry..... listen i really cant talk to you about this right now.... cant i call u back in a lil while?.....

thats when i decided i heard enough and stepped out of my car... when he was off the phone i told him i think its time he goes home.. gave him his bike key (dont worry he was sober enough)

when i asked him about it hes like "oh its this chick that use to live her that really likes me but moved to minnesota"

like i really dont know what to think, or know if i even over reacted...

HELPPPPPPPPPPPPP i like this guy i dunno what to do.. lol

Been played lately ?

Buckle up.... textbook playa move with all the ingredients for a heartbreak :laugh:

Just the fact that u dont know him well, I'm sure the fact that he got the # for a girl ....."that used to live here and kinda likes me?"

Sound the klaxon please:D

Are you waiting to catch him red-handed to believe your premonitions? This is what I say..."first instincts are mostly right"

But then again,..I could be wrong . Oh boy :D

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz

ok he admitted to me today that shes an ex girlfriend.. but whatever

Glad u finally got that wrinkle off your mind..... But whateva happens from here on out is YOUR call...good or bad... no one here or wherever can tell you how to play it. Just make sure you can live with it... Good luck.. :)

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sounds like shes either an ex.... a friend of his thats crazy in love with him or something... idk... but ask him about it obviously its not another gf or someone he feels the need to hide u from b/c he told her who he was with right in front of u..........

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz

...but like i have ALOT of male friends, but they usually dont call me at 3am weds morning..?

i didn't read all of the replies to this thread; i just wanted to point out that she's in a different time zone. perhaps she knows that he stays up late, but it's not that late, for her.
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Originally posted by weyes

i didn't read all of the replies to this thread; i just wanted to point out that she's in a different time zone. perhaps she knows that he stays up late, but it's not that late, for her.

actually it was a late night.. and hes usually in bed pretty early.. but i give up.. if he wants me he'll prove it..

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz

see i dont get it though.....

becasue when we were walking across my parking lot.. i was like "im sorry for how i acted" because i was kinda like yo get out of my car, ur going home...

he was like "nonono dont appologise, you just have to understand i have alot of female friends"

which is understandable.. but like i have ALOT of male friends, but they usually dont call me at 3am weds morning..?

The guys an idiot he shouldve turned off his phone...................problem solved. :)
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