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So, i got poison Ivy....


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I want to help dispel some of the myths.

Myth: Scratching poison ivy blisters will spread the rash.

Fact: The fluid in the blisters willl not spread the rash. Before blisters form, the rash can only be spread by unbound urushiol.

Myth: Poison ivy rash is "contagious."

Fact: The rash is a reaction to urushiol. The rash cannot pass from person to person after the urushiol binds.

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That sucks. My cousin had poison ivy for going on 2 weeks now and he keeps scratching it and spreading the rash all over his body. (I had to keep reminding him not to scratch between the legs...) But now he spends most of his time in the pool because I think the chlorine does something to help the itching. And when he's not in the pool he's sitting under his air conditioning vents. I feel bad for the poor bugger.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

My cousin had poison ivy for going on 2 weeks now and he keeps scratching it and spreading the rash all over his body

that is a myth! You cant spread the rash by scratching!

Ok then he just has a reallllyyyyyyyyy big rash. It looks like he swandived into the shit... :(

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On a side note....

A former neighbor in Michigan burned a field next to his yard to clear it.

Little did he know there was a shitload of poison ivy in the field.

Then to compound the matter he inhaled the smoke of the burning field.

12 hours later he was dead as shit!

poison ivy in your lungs is not a good thing! :(

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Originally posted by shroomy

On a side note....

A former neighbor in Michigan burned a field next to his yard to clear it.

Little did he know there was a shitload of poison ivy in the field.

Then to compound the matter he inhaled the smoke of the burning field.

12 hours later he was dead as shit!

poison ivy in your lungs is not a good thing! :(

wow that's a crazy story

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Originally posted by elitesnautica

Yeah, its contagous - if you touch the plant - how do you think you got it.

As far as the rash being contagous - it is only a histamine reaction to the plant due to an allergy.


You can only get it from the plant or something that has touched the plant. The vast majority of people mistakingly believe that you can get it from touching someones oozing sores wich is not the case.

Hey, its not my opinion but facts wich are clearly printed on every single poison ivy site you come across.

Basically the term contagious means it spreads from person to person wich is untrue. Only contact (either direct or indirect with urushiol plant) will spread it. The term spread and contagious are NOT synomous.

As per web md & every other site out. I just want educate the ignorant who look at me with my poison ivy covered arms & say "ohhh, don’t come by me, that’s contagious". This statement is clearly false as I have demonstrated.

Myth: Scratching poison ivy blisters will spread the rash.

Fact: The fluid in the blisters willl not spread the rash. Before blisters form, the rash can only be spread by unbound urushiol.

Myth: Poison ivy rash is "contagious."

Fact: The rash is a reaction to urushiol. The rash cannot pass from person to person after the urushiol binds.

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by tommyarmani

As per web md & every other site out. I just want educate the ignorant who look at me with my poison ivy covered arms & say "ohhh, don’t come by me, that’s contagious". This statement is clearly false as I have demonstrated.

maybe they just dont want your oozing sores near them, did you think of that? i wouldnt want your puss to accidently wipe across my shirt, or worse get on my skin. keep that shit to yourself.

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Originally posted by jroo

maybe they just dont want your oozing sores near them, did you think of that? i wouldnt want your puss to accidently wipe across my shirt, or worse get on my skin. keep that shit to yourself.

I was using a far fetched illustration to make my point. Of course no one would want to touch that shit, contagious or not. HOWEVER, when someone specifically says "ohh, you have poison ivy, stay away, i dont want it". I felt it necessary to set the record straight



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