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Originally posted by elementx

I dont think I would ever read those books... Cause then I would over analyse all my dreams and freak the fuck out... I am better off not knowing. :D

but im freakin out either way, cuz i think that there is always a reason for everything, or maybe im just paranoid, who knows :shake:
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i have an ebook about this called "ten thousand dreams interpreted". it´s pretty big (720 pages, pdf file) and has pretty much everything in it.

drop me a pm with an email and i´ll mail it to you

(and NO, this is no open invitation to everyone. so don´t even *start* pm´ing me, i´m not sending out the thing 1000 times)

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Originally posted by tastey

i have an ebook about this called "ten thousand dreams interpreted". it´s pretty big (720 pages, pdf file) and has pretty much everything in it.

drop me a pm with an email and i´ll mail it to you

(and NO, this is no open invitation to everyone. so don´t even *start* pm´ing me, i´m not sending out the thing 1000 times)

Send it to me damn it...

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wanna hear a strange one i had the other day...


ima tell ya anyway...

don't worry its short...

i walk down this long dark hallway...

it takes forever... like in the wall...

when i finally get to the end i push open a door...

and who is behind the door...


and i give myself the most dirty look i've ever seen...

i was like what the fuck you lookin at me like that for...

then i woke up...

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I use to have really strange dreams the kind that I would wake

up and still not be sure if I was awake or not... There would be

nights where I didnt even wanna go to bed from fearing what I

would dream about but thanks to god they have stopped now I

mostly dream about friends and me doing things... but the

strange thing is that I always see myself outside of myself..

Do you guys understand what I mean??

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Originally posted by tastey

i sent it to sugar. i´m only on isdn and it takes forever to attach. bug her about it if you want it :idea:

All you have to do is foward it. And it does not have to upload again... :idea:

Sugar if I PM you my work email. Think you can send it over?

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Originally posted by elementx

All you have to do is foward it. And it does not have to upload again... :idea:

Sugar if I PM you my work email. Think you can send it over?

PM me your work email and I'll send it to you.

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I think we appropriate more meaning to dreams than we should.

I think reality and the dream world are 2 separate entities (Sorry Freddie Kruegar fans :( , and dreams are like a mixing of numerous variables than one has experienced throughout their day/life.

Like dreaming about 2 people who ordinarily did not meet, but in your dreams somehow come together. Or dreaming that you're in some far-off vacation or distant place. You've never been there, but maybe you saw a travel show or you want to go there...

I think dreams can be fun and provide insight to certain factors of your life, but i doubt you should actually worry or concern yourself seriously with them :half:

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Originally posted by elementx

All you have to do is foward it. And it does not have to upload again... :idea:

Sugar if I PM you my work email. Think you can send it over?

dar will deff send it to u , if i do it ill f**k it up somehow, but he will do it for ya ;)
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Originally posted by tastey

i have an ebook about this called "ten thousand dreams interpreted". it´s pretty big (720 pages, pdf file) and has pretty much everything in it.

drop me a pm with an email and i´ll mail it to you

(and NO, this is no open invitation to everyone. so don´t even *start* pm´ing me, i´m not sending out the thing 1000 times)

thank you so much, i appreciate it sooooooooooo much, dar red one of the things that i drempt about last night and it gave me the chills, omg i got so freaked out, but then i thought about it for a while and its true, it described a conversation that i had with my dad , and the dream book matched it. it was really wierd :eek:
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Originally posted by sugarnspice69

thank you so much, i appreciate it sooooooooooo much, dar red one of the things that i drempt about last night and it gave me the chills, omg i got so freaked out, but then i thought about it for a while and its true, it described a conversation that i had with my dad , and the dream book matched it. it was really wierd :eek:

you´re welcome...

dreams really should be considered serious. the REM phase (the "dream" phase) is where our concious and unconcious meet. if you dismiss dreams then you dismiss yourself. verrrrrry interesting subject.

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Originally posted by tastey

you´re welcome...

dreams really should be considered serious. the REM phase (the "dream" phase) is where our concious and unconcious meet. if you dismiss dreams then you dismiss yourself. verrrrrry interesting subject.

i gotta read more into it, i didnt get a chance to, dar just told me pieces last night, he dl it on his comp and saved it on a disk for me so it wouldnt take as long to dl, my comp is slow as hell :pissy:
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Dreams are a gateway of perfecting one's SOUL.

When you have a semi conscious dream in which u seem to be "partially in control of your actions" and are unaware of it bein a dream.. well.. uhm... Beware!! this is where your SOUL (true self is being put to a test)

See.. any moron can resist temptation here on physical Earth. But if u can do it in that "semi conscious dream state" where all you rely on is your Soul's animal impulses (rational mind plays no role here) then your one step closer to perfection. Of course these dreams only come at certain intervals and then they stop. Some ppl embrace them as lessons.. some think of them as horrid nightmares.

You will have hundreds if not thousand scenarios of where ur soul is being tested like this (some u will remember, some u will forget upon wakening)

Purpose of this is, that when u can perfect yourself (as in pass) these lessons of Fear (etc..) in the dream state u will no longer have to "TRY" to resist or be afraid of them in real life.

This is very plain and simple and doesn't sound as complicated as I described. Btw, u should form ur own interpretations of what things mean to u, and not ready any corny books by psychologists. These guys don't know ja*k shit.


"Because I live, u should know the end is coming"

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Originally posted by darlok

Dreams are a gateway of perfecting one's SOUL.

When you have a semi conscious dream in which u seem to be "partially in control of your actions" and are unaware of it bein a dream.. well.. uhm... Beware!! this is where your SOUL (true self is being put to a test)

See.. any moron can resist temptation here on physical Earth. But if u can do it in that "semi conscious dream state" where all you rely on is your Soul's animal impulses (rational mind plays no role here) then your one step closer to perfection. Of course these dreams only come at certain intervals and then they stop. Some ppl embrace them as lessons.. some think of them as horrid nightmares.

You will have hundreds if not thousand scenarios of where ur soul is being tested like this (some u will remember, some u will forget upon wakening)

Purpose of this is, that when u can perfect yourself (as in pass) these lessons of Fear (etc..) in the dream state u will no longer have to "TRY" to resist or be afraid of them in real life.

This is very plain and simple and doesn't sound as complicated as I described. Btw, u should form ur own interpretations of what things mean to u, and not ready any corny books by psychologists. These guys don't know ja*k shit.


"Because I live, u should know the end is coming"

true, but the dream i had and the meaning of it went back to my conversation w my father, so i dunno, whatever, anyway i see u are polak too, lol ;)
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Originally posted by darlok

Btw, u should form ur own interpretations of what things mean to u, and not ready any corny books by psychologists. These guys don't know ja*k shit.

these interpretations are meant to be "thought starters". when you don´t know where to start. it says something, doesn´t even have to be the right thing. then you think about it if it relates to you. in your mind, you then you agree partly or disagree partly and form your own meaning anyway :)

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