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Fuck Crobar


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Ok ok ok let me get this straight....................................AT before this sig you have now, there was a pic of a club that looked like nothing but a sausage fest and now you post a pic full of cocks? Us trance heads can get the message without you displaying all of those cocks,is there something you wanna let tell us you know, tell us something that your hiding from?

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Your a gimp. Complaining about 20 comps? You know what crowbar is like, and the lines. Obviously, your contact their didnt hook you up. Seems like its your fault or the your contact doesnt think that much of you. Its not the clubs fault. Nothing is wrong with a selective club ( see bed on wed). Besides the club was empty. Who cares.



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Originally posted by cheekeetika

Crobar is the shiznit...even when I wasn't witrh EV I never had a problem getting into that club....or at any club for that matter!

That's my point...all you need is to go in style...and I'm not talking about what you wear...if you do have to wait outside and try your luck at getting in when there's 50 bozos out there...nuh...the way I go, no problem.


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Originally posted by funketeer

That's my point...all you need is to go in style...and I'm not talking about what you wear...if you do have to wait outside and try your luck at getting in when there's 50 bozos out there...nuh...the way I go, no problem.


Problem is that a lot of club go-ers feel the clubs owe them comped entrance and drinks just becuz...they fail to realize that the club is a business...we should be thankful that we get the open bars and the free admission till 12 or 1am...

Just my two pennies...and an extra one for good luck!:D

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Originally posted by cheekeetika

Problem is that a lot of club go-ers feel the clubs owe them comped entrance and drinks just becuz...they fail to realize that the club is a business...we should be thankful that we get the open bars and the free admission till 12 or 1am...

Just my two pennies...and an extra one for good luck!:D

Seriously, what makes no sense at all is that you WANT to go to a club. The club says "come before midnight and we'll comp you". You show up late with 20 people (BTW - I heard that you showed up with 6 guys and grabbed a bachelorette party that was waiting outside and offered to get them in free so that you would look like you were with girls) and they say no, which is reasonable. Now it's "Fuck them...That place sucks". OR they have a dress code and you don't pay attention to it but are surprised when they won't let you in....followe by "FUCK THEM...They Suck..."

Yeah, I'll bet Crobar and Space are reworking their door policies now that you've shown them the light. New promotion at Crobar and Space 34...If you come early and are dressed well the cover is doubled BUT if you show up late, with 20 or more people...looking like a slob....COME ON IN!!!

Andrew, there have been times that you've showed up at an event of mine at Opium dressed completely sloppy. You know what kind of place Opium is and you make the choice to go there but don't have the respect to dress accordingly like everyone else. Yet I have made the exception and let you in...comped. Why not make it easy on us and yourself by meeting halfway? Why must it always be that if the club has rules that you don't like...THEY SUCK?

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Originally posted by cheekeetika

I think the club scene down here in Miami is very generous to their patrons...not to mention, everybody I know gets hooked up and makes me wonder WTF is everyone complaining about? Some people should be so lucky to even get in to the club.:D


I've partied in lots of other cities and I never get comped the way I do here in Miami.

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Originally posted by cheekeetika

Are you answering my question...if so, thank you very much POD! BTW how the heck are ya! Haven't seen ya in a while!:D

Yeah I was...dade=OGMiami. Edgar knows him real well!

Not doin' too bad around here overall!

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I rarely post but I find this thread extremely ironic, funny, and deserving of a post...

First off, the person that noted that NYC does not have any lines is flat out wrong. On a traditional Friday at Arc or Saturday at Factory at 4am, or any other spot for that matter, there might not be any lines. But I have seen and experienced long, unfathomable lines/waits for lounges, bars, and clubs here in NYC for no apparent reason other than to make the place look "happening" to the passer-by, in a futile attempt to draw more people into the spot. I do not think this issue is exclusive to one city...it is more respective of the scene in general. I have lived in NYC, LA, Tokyo, BCN, Italy, and Sydney - and the latter was the only place where the club scene was not so pretentous.

Most people here in NYC constantly complain about how "our club scene is dead"..."died w/ Twilo"..."Factory is for meatheads"...etc. Yet it is these same people that are in those lines and at those clubs week after week. It is those people that do not realize the other great clubs/lounges that have sprung up since Twilo, albeit on a much smaller scale.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should be able to voice it freely, but if you do not like a place - simply do not go. You do not need to go around spewing at the mouth like a teenage girl. People have a good time at a club for a variety of different reasons - friends, music, whatever.

The opening of Crobar NYC has even begun to create a bit of hype and anticipation for a "revival" in the scene. NYC club-goers speak about the Miami club scene in much the same way as you Miami people do about the NYC scene.

I think people should open their eyes and realize the opportunity/blessings they have in front of them and ENJOY IT!

I guess for the club-goers of NYC and MIA, the grass is always greener on the other side.



aka: B.J.

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Originally posted by Spaz44

I rarely post but I find this thread extremely ironic, funny, and deserving of a post...

First off, the person that noted that NYC does not have any lines is flat out wrong. On a traditional Friday at Arc or Saturday at Factory at 4am, or any other spot for that matter, there might not be any lines. But I have seen and experienced long, unfathomable lines/waits for lounges, bars, and clubs here in NYC for no apparent reason other than to make the place look "happening" to the passer-by, in a futile attempt to draw more people into the spot. I do not think this issue is exclusive to one city...it is more respective of the scene in general. I have lived in NYC, LA, Tokyo, BCN, Italy, and Sydney - and the latter was the only place where the club scene was not so pretentous.

Most people here in NYC constantly complain about how "our club scene is dead"..."died w/ Twilo"..."Factory is for meatheads"...etc. Yet it is these same people that are in those lines and at those clubs week after week. It is those people that do not realize the other great clubs/lounges that have sprung up since Twilo, albeit on a much smaller scale.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should be able to voice it freely, but if you do not like a place - simply do not go. You do not need to go around spewing at the mouth like a teenage girl. People have a good time at a club for a variety of different reasons - friends, music, whatever.

The opening of Crobar NYC has even begun to create a bit of hype and anticipation for a "revival" in the scene. NYC club-goers speak about the Miami club scene in much the same way as you Miami people do about the NYC scene.

I think people should open their eyes and realize the opportunity/blessings they have in front of them and ENJOY IT!

I guess for the club-goers of NYC and MIA, the grass is always greener on the other side.



aka: B.J.

Thank U!!!! Someone from NYC who can finally shed some light! But its true, the scene is much the same everywhere you go and people just don't appreciate!:D

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Originally posted by Spaz44

I rarely post but I find this thread extremely ironic, funny, and deserving of a post...

First off, the person that noted that NYC does not have any lines is flat out wrong. On a traditional Friday at Arc or Saturday at Factory at 4am, or any other spot for that matter, there might not be any lines. But I have seen and experienced long, unfathomable lines/waits for lounges, bars, and clubs here in NYC for no apparent reason other than to make the place look "happening" to the passer-by, in a futile attempt to draw more people into the spot. I do not think this issue is exclusive to one city...it is more respective of the scene in general. I have lived in NYC, LA, Tokyo, BCN, Italy, and Sydney - and the latter was the only place where the club scene was not so pretentous.

Most people here in NYC constantly complain about how "our club scene is dead"..."died w/ Twilo"..."Factory is for meatheads"...etc. Yet it is these same people that are in those lines and at those clubs week after week. It is those people that do not realize the other great clubs/lounges that have sprung up since Twilo, albeit on a much smaller scale.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should be able to voice it freely, but if you do not like a place - simply do not go. You do not need to go around spewing at the mouth like a teenage girl. People have a good time at a club for a variety of different reasons - friends, music, whatever.

The opening of Crobar NYC has even begun to create a bit of hype and anticipation for a "revival" in the scene. NYC club-goers speak about the Miami club scene in much the same way as you Miami people do about the NYC scene.

I think people should open their eyes and realize the opportunity/blessings they have in front of them and ENJOY IT!

I guess for the club-goers of NYC and MIA, the grass is always greener on the other side.



aka: B.J.


i wont even bother reading it but if a trancer is agreeing with you u musta said some bullshit

go back to japan pal or stay ur ass at exit

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by andrewthomas


i wont even bother reading it but if a trancer is agreeing with you u musta said some bullshit

go back to japan pal or stay ur ass at exit

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Another well thought out, articulate answer.

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