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For those who haven't heard Denny play, free set...

Guest saleen351

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Originally posted by saleen351

LOL, fyi biz and dade, nyc and nj peeps go to VEGAS on LDW, not miami...

and don't argue with me, i'm from NJ!!!!

also, i'd like to point out that dade is so wrong on the sound thing. denny opened up exit with eddie baez... trust me they play it all, oscar and denny play the same shit, except whereas oscar will venture into tech land, denny will venture into anthem/classic/acapella/diva land..... but the foundation is exactly the same....

besdies that, denny is better laying vocals over shit, and mixing, but oscar reads the space crowd better, yet og was lost in the hamptons and kinda lost in the surf club... so denny might loose the space crowd, but if the northeast peeps show up, you'll see 3 types of peeps on the dance floor...

1. the crack heads who love everything

2. tri staters who are going nuts

3. miami folk who can't open their mind who will cry at the first note of a vocal...

love him or hate him, Denny was good enough for Exit and now good enough for Space..



not sure if og is gonna be around, but denny vs oscar would be so cool for me...

ps, i can sucker anyone into my hype machine!!!! IT'S ON!!!! I'M SNEKAING IN, OR BLOWING MARKUS... EITHER WAY, I'M THERE!!!!

if you where Denny’s PR person he would fire your ass. you don’t try to entice people, to go check out a DJ. NOBODY really knows outside of NY-NJ, by shitting on the scene down here, and other DJ’s. space will have madd nyers supporting that’s great, I’m sure it will be an overwhelming success. :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

This set is simply amazing. riveting! revolutionary! Denny is an artist and sound waves are his canvas. I just listened to the evolution of dance music in leap years. I spoke to my family and we're all making a pilgrimage to NJ the holy mecca of dance music to see Denny spin at what can only be discribed as the 8th wonder of the world "tempts".

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sobeton

if you where Denny’s PR person he would fire your ass. you don’t try to entice people, to go check out a DJ. NOBODY really knows outside of NY-NJ, by shitting on the scene down here, and other DJ’s. space will have madd nyers supporting that’s great, I’m sure it will be an overwhelming success. :rolleyes:


you just don't get it.....

I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DENNY IS MY FAVORITE DJ, AND I'M GONNA BE THERE... my hype gets people to read, denny's bio and his ktu set will be the factor if they choose to go, not what i wrote.. get a clue, learn the game or buy my book...

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Originally posted by saleen351

LOL, fyi biz and dade, nyc and nj peeps go to VEGAS on LDW, not miami...

and don't argue with me, i'm from NJ!!!!

also, i'd like to point out that dade is so wrong on the sound thing. denny opened up exit with eddie baez... trust me they play it all, oscar and denny play the same shit, except whereas oscar will venture into tech land, denny will venture into anthem/classic/acapella/diva land..... but the foundation is exactly the same....

besdies that, denny is better laying vocals over shit, and mixing, but oscar reads the space crowd better, yet og was lost in the hamptons and kinda lost in the surf club... so denny might loose the space crowd, but if the northeast peeps show up, you'll see 3 types of peeps on the dance floor...

1. the crack heads who love everything

2. tri staters who are going nuts

3. miami folk who can't open their mind who will cry at the first note of a vocal...

love him or hate him, Denny was good enough for Exit and now good enough for Space..



not sure if og is gonna be around, but denny vs oscar would be so cool for me...

ps, i can sucker anyone into my hype machine!!!! IT'S ON!!!! I'M SNEKAING IN, OR BLOWING MARKUS... EITHER WAY, I'M THERE!!!!

First of all, opening Exit is supposed to impress us why?? Aside from the size, there is nothing impressive about Exit especially their contribution to the Dance Scene. Yes, I've been there several times.

When you say "oscar will venture into tech land" you should say "Oscar will venture into deeper, more progressive, techy stuff that the Space 34 crowd really digs".

When you say "denny will venture into anthem/classic/acapella/diva land" You should say "Denny will venture into stuff that the 34 crowd will consider commercial and a little cheesy. But the Jersey boys will love it".

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sobeton

you my man are right on point , but I would change this around a bit.

to something like this :



newflash, miami doesn't care about any dj, as long as they can do drugs...:idea: ask the entire crowd at space, who the resident djs are, and i bet 70% can't name him.... Whereas in NJ, the entire crowd knows the dj.... no matter what..

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Originally posted by saleen351

newflash, miami doesn't care about any dj, as long as they can do drugs...:idea: ask the entire crowd at space, who the resident djs are, and i bet 70% can't name him.... Whereas in NJ, the entire crowd knows the dj.... no matter what..

your hating and bashing, means NOTHING to anybody but yourself. you just don't get it ! just accept things as they are, and try to have fun. thats what clubbing is all about !
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Let me start by saying that I am very happy that Denny will be playing at Space....I have known Denny for a while and he is a great guy and a talented DJ that has a very loyal following in Jersey....

That being said....

I have no idea why you (Nick) find it necessary or effective to put down Miami clubs, Dj's or clubbers in order to make a case for Denny or the Jersey scene in general....All it does is ruin your credibility in my book....

Originally posted by saleen351

you get to hear lots of tunes that miami jocks, don't have, don't know, or won't play.... NJ and NYC is far ahead of the game on tunes. Not shitting on Miami jocks, but miami jocks all sound the same to me now....

I don't bash our scene, i just come from a much better scene and it will never live up to the nyc nj scene. You people think Miami is so great, when you only have 2 clubs. Crobar and Space.

My return to space, if i get back in, will be for only one night. I'm so over the scene, space etc... It's over! The only way the clubs downtown will make it, is if the city turns a blind eye to the drugs. If they crack down, people won't party.

og was lost in the hamptons and kinda lost in the surf club...

newflash, miami doesn't care about any dj, as long as they can do drugs... ask the entire crowd at space, who the resident djs are, and i bet 70% can't name him.... Whereas in NJ, the entire crowd knows the dj.... no matter what..



When I was in Jersey a few weeks ago all anyone would talk to me about was how great Miami is and how amazing Space is.....Denny is very excited about his opportunity to play here as he knows it is great exposure for him....

And as for all your rambling about Miami jocks and new music bullshit....you need to expand your horizons my friend....Miami jocks are traveling the globe playing a sound that has global appeal...not just a regional appeal...

Miami is a frequent stop for all the world's top jocks..

why do you think that is????

We have a local music scene which has developed into one of the best (if not the best ) in the world right now....a scene where we can have top notch DJs playing the best in electronic music on a weekly basis in some of the best venues in the world..

Can any of this be said for Jersey?

"The Jersey scene is very limited...they only know Jonathan Peters and the Jersey guys...other than that they are lost"

That's a quote from a prominent Jersey promoter......

Robbie Rivera, George Morel, George Acosta, Edgar V., Markus Shultz, Le Spam, Jazz and Groove, Stryke, Austin Leeds,Craze

these are just a few of the guys that have a global impact on the music scene that are right here in town....

I think you need to get out more....maybe then you will realize how good we have it here....

until then...

remind me again.....

when was the last time a Jersey Jock did the Essential Mix?



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Originally posted by saleen351

my hype gets people to read, denny's bio and his ktu set will be the factor if they choose to go, not what i wrote..

errr, actually it's the other way around Nick. You're hype is getting me to go, not Denny's Bio or his KTU set... :rolleyes:

you've hung on Denny's rod for soo long, that I need to see what you're idea of "quality music" really is...

be that as it may. We @ Space 34 are very scared.. I hear Saleen has joined the swat team in order to plan his return the night of Tsettos. Looks like Marcus & security staff will have a hard time tryin' to counter Saleen's fiber optics, nightvision & smoke bombs... :grenade:

this should make for some great entertainment. should be even better than the movie... http://www.apple.com/trailers/columbia/swat/teaser/trailer_med.html

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The warrior poet saleen, stronger now then ever before even after his humiliating banning from space. Like braveheart after the battle of falkirk Saleen's legend grows everyday; now, finally, his triumphant return to space.

Don't go saleen, it's a trap! "Luis the long shanks" wants your head.:shake: :shake:

(Saleen runs infront of the line at space screaming FREEEEEEEEEDOM)

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2


The warrior poet saleen, stronger now then ever before even after his humiliating banning from space. Like braveheart after the battle of falkirk Saleen's legend grows everyday; now, finally, his triumphant return to space.

Don't go saleen, it's a trap! "Luis the long shanks" wants your head.:shake: :shake:

(Saleen runs infront of line at space screaming FREEEEEEEEEDOM)


whos this denny guy anyway?

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Originally posted by djoscarg

Let me start by saying that I am very happy that Denny will be playing at Space....I have known Denny for a while and he is a great guy and a talented DJ that has a very loyal following in Jersey....

That being said....

I have no idea why you (Nick) find it necessary or effective to put down Miami clubs, Dj's or clubbers in order to make a case for Denny or the Jersey scene in general....All it does is ruin your credibility in my book....



When I was in Jersey a few weeks ago all anyone would talk to me about was how great Miami is and how amazing Space is.....Denny is very excited about his opportunity to play here as he knows it is great exposure for him....

And as for all your rambling about Miami jocks and new music bullshit....you need to expand your horizons my friend....Miami jocks are traveling the globe playing a sound that has global appeal...not just a regional appeal...

Miami is a frequent stop for all the world's top jocks..

why do you think that is????

We have a local music scene which has developed into one of the best (if not the best ) in the world right now....a scene where we can have top notch DJs playing the best in electronic music on a weekly basis in some of the best venues in the world..

Can any of this be said for Jersey?

"The Jersey scene is very limited...they only know Jonathan Peters and the Jersey guys...other than that they are lost"

That's a quote from a prominent Jersey promoter......

Robbie Rivera, George Morel, George Acosta, Edgar V., Markus Shultz, Le Spam, Jazz and Groove, Stryke, Austin Leeds,Craze

these are just a few of the guys that have a global impact on the music scene that are right here in town....

I think you need to get out more....maybe then you will realize how good we have it here....

until then...

remind me again.....

when was the last time a Jersey Jock did the Essential Mix?




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Guest saleen351

when did saleen have any "credibility" as oscar put it????:confused:

get over it, you stuands just posted on my thread, so i have a huge name dj post, a club promoter, many other djs, former mega club owner, other producers, and i have some other huge names that will post on here aswell.... All i did was get a few more folks to read it, and if they are in miami, they may check it out.......:idea: :idea: i even told a few peeps that i would gonna cause a ruckus over this..... :laugh:

hey oscar i hear markus is doing a new track, but the artist is well know, so i'll be sure to email billboard and tell them not to count it in the top 25.... thanks for looking out for us clubbers.

btw, the scene is truely over, this might be my official retirment party for a while.. (if i'm allowed back in) S&G are hanging it up for a while, just not worth it anymore. I had more fun at mangos on los olas with all the milfs while a 80's cover band was rocking boys II men tracks. If it ain't classics, then i rarely play it. I have so much more fun in NJ, cause they realize the scene is done, and they all play classics a lot more. No more anthems, no more classics being made. Only the hardcore music lovers say music is great now, but the reg clubbers like me all are leaving and moving on. Which tells you djs and producers are out of touch with the clubbers:idea: I"m simply to the point that the scene is so gay that they actually resort to disco night:blown: I knew right then and there, it's completey done... All my hype about the new clubs downtown had me convinced we've reached a trough and we are moving on up in 2 months or so, but it ain't so. it's ova.... I use to burn a 100 cds every '2 months, i'd burn live set after live set for friends.. They would love it when i showed up with new beats, but now, no one asks me for anything. I couldn't even give cds away. I burn tons of shit for hog, but he only rocks stuff from months ago. why cause the music blowsssssssssssss!

after denny and jimmy t at the old living room, i don't think there is one event i'll go to. i think only some techno djs and morillo and rivera... thats it!!!

in all seriousness all my posts on here were to stir up the posts and just get views. Denny ain't for everyone, but he got me into the scene, so i'm showing my support for him, as for oscar, me and him do butt heads, but hes still my #2 DJ.... he would be number one, but hates vocals... and a guido has to have his vox!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by jcmia

saleen trying to sound sensible ??? that's not entertaining at all !

i'm not here to entertain... me and AT are here to preach the word of denny and JP.....

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Guest saleen351

Denny's bio.........

There are DJs who play records. And then there are DJs who morph records into an entire musical experience. Ask anyone who has found themselves on the dance floor of Denny Tsettos and you will find that he does anything but merely play records. It's

this talent that has gained him notoriety at the first DJ to break out of New Jersey into the esteemed NYC club arena.

With over fifteen years experience Denny has had residencies at Carbon, Exit, and World. Packing in each room with thousands of clubbers each and every week. At Exit Denny would draw over 5000 people with his marathon 12 hours sets. Saturday and

Sunday nights during the summer he wows the Jersey shore at the legendary Temptations in Seaside Heights.He has spun the main floor during big events at the Twilo, Sound Factory, Roxy, and Limelight. In addition, Denny does frequent guest

appearances at nightclubs in other cities in the U.S and abroad such as Tokyo, Osaka, Cancun, Las Vegas, Chicago, Boston and Miami. Aside from his club success, Denny has the most popular and longest running radio mix-show on WKTU -New York. His mix-show airs on late Saturday nights, early Sunday mornings as listeners from the entire tri-state area tune in religiously to see

what new tune Denny will play next. Through his mix show he has been responsible for breaking many records over the years. In particular, he has used his mix show as

a platform for his own remixes as well. Tsettos has done remixes for a number of internationally renowned artists including La Bouche, Le Click, Rozalla, N-Sync and Lil

Suzy. Denny has been featured in number of the industries most influential publications, including DMA and Mixer Magazine.

Taking his skills to the next level, Denny has also been a record label executive and was in charge of A&R and Promotional Direction for Metropolitan Records (1998- 2000). Through Metropolitan, Denny launched his own label, Metro Underground,

where he exposed great local talent such as Plasmic Honey. Following that, Denny was in charge National Radio Promotions for the top dance label in the country Strictly Rhythm / Groovilicious. Unfortunately, the label met with an untimely demise this Fall do to corporate ludicracy within the Time Warner system. Not to fret, this only gives Denny more time to get back into the studio and take his DJ talent on the road again.

With a new year on the horizon, be on the lookout for what is to come next from one of the East Coast's true pioneers of Dance Music, DJ Denny Tsettos.

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Saleen - Not taking anything away from Denny, i think i would actually love his music from what i read in your posts and the mixes on KTU.

But almost all DJ bios go a little something like the one you posted. In reality music tastes are subjective and its not a good thing to put people down for not liking something you like. What are you trying to accomplish? I ask myself that when i see yours and others posts about "Fuck (insert music you dont like)". It only makes you look like a close minded asshole.

So help me understand what you are trying to accomplish by bashing. Its only fun for a little while then we think you are fucking around but when you go on and on and on about it gets tired.

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Originally posted by jcmia

Were's the Saleen that doesn't use structured sentences :confused: I wanna read the entertaining Saleen

Saleen may very well know, but he's still amusing as hell !, On a East coast scale he's somewhat knowledegable, however, on a worldwide scale, very ignorant !, read and learn !! if this your your source of info. :laugh: you're los t!

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