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This is pathetic


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Originally posted by djmikebugout

now hold up....

Nada aint tryin to take shit away from moo's site...as a matter of fact--its the opposite really-- The site has just started so not everything is up yet, just some pictures. But i can tell you that they registered the name. This site is just up to show that not everyone who parties in NJ is a guido. Sure there are some guidos in the pics but the point is they're tryin to do it up a lil differently.

In no way are they tryin to steal traffic or anything from moo's site....i can tell u b/c they are all my good friends...


cough cough REDPL0W rip off

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

now hold up....

Nada aint tryin to take shit away from moo's site...as a matter of fact--its the opposite really-- The site has just started so not everything is up yet, just some pictures. But i can tell you that they registered the name. This site is just up to show that not everyone who parties in NJ is a guido. Sure there are some guidos in the pics but the point is they're tryin to do it up a lil differently.

In no way are they tryin to steal traffic or anything from moo's site....i can tell u b/c they are all my good friends...


True Dat. Nadaguido guys are all really nice kids. Def good peeps. And the site is def different.

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Originally posted by themoo

I bought most of the names and missed njguidos....Again I do not fear its circumstances rather am upset about the fact that someone who has faked being friendly in the business ansd has backstabbed me. Again I am not worried about what will happen but I just think it is also my right to point out the snakes in the business. We used to in a sense all work with an understanding but now I know better. I am really just a little pissed at the fact that I've done all I can to treat them with business respect and now people like this try to take advantage of you. They didn't steal the name NJGUIDOS they bought it.....It's like irrigation...you spend a year digging a trench to supply your village with water and some guy just comes along and attaches his trench to yours stealing your water. That is how I see it. In the meantime these people play you like a fool and make believe that they aren't doing the obvious.

This is a business and a very lucritive one at that. Downfall is that it's a scumbag business. I've worked with more snake promoters and crooked owners than fish in the sea. That's the price we pay for being involved in this all cash, fast money (for the most part) business. People are greedy so get over it and move on. If it bothers you that much, I'm a firm believer in "What goes around comes around!" Who knows ask them to sell it to you and see what they say.

God has spoken let us bask in his wisdom :D

PS: I think their models are for the most part under 18. Now isn't it illegal to post those kind of provacative pictures on a business www site or any site for that matter. hin hint

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  • 5 weeks later...

Clubitup just needs to STFU!

I am sooooooo sick of them

its a white trash website

and i dont care how many posts you get

you have 18 yr olds posing half naked, underaged drinking

and all you do it run your mouth............hyprocrite too

why did you dig this thread up a month after it was posted??? are you that out of the loop that it took you this long to know about it?

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Originally posted by clubitup

First off let me start by saying I am a representative of Clubitup I am actually the First Lady. haha I have read everything that moo has written and it seems to me that all he does is complain about Clubitup. Well honey if Clubitup is not a threat to you then why are you going out of your way to consistently Bash them and be little them. If they are no way near your competition than why sweat the sappy move that they have made. It seems to me that you worry moo about Clubitup becoming better than you. You go on saying how “You paved the way for those kids†is a little pathetic if you ask me. They started out in April of 2002 and you copied them and started out in May of 2002. Clubitup bottom line capitalized on your mistakes and they have nothing to be ashamed of. If you had any business sense you would not make any of this public knowledge letting the world know, how much of an idiot you really are. You sound like a whinny, nagging lil bitch complaining about her period. Give it up already and move on with your pathetic life. Clubitup did not snake you they capitalized on your mistakes. Mistakes now there’s a choice word your parents must have used the day you were born.


Log onto Clubitup.com "Not Just Another Clubbin Site"

Why did you dig up this old ass thead you dumbass???

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Originally posted by clubitup

First off let me start by saying I am a representative of Clubitup I am actually the First Lady. haha I have read everything that moo has written and it seems to me that all he does is complain about Clubitup. Well honey if Clubitup is not a threat to you then why are you going out of your way to consistently Bash them and be little them. If they are no way near your competition than why sweat the sappy move that they have made. It seems to me that you worry moo about Clubitup becoming better than you. You go on saying how “You paved the way for those kids” is a little pathetic if you ask me. They started out in April of 2002 and you copied them and started out in May of 2002. Clubitup bottom line capitalized on your mistakes and they have nothing to be ashamed of. If you had any business sense you would not make any of this public knowledge letting the world know, how much of an idiot you really are. You sound like a whinny, nagging lil bitch complaining about her period. Give it up already and move on with your pathetic life. Clubitup did not snake you they capitalized on your mistakes. Mistakes now there’s a choice word your parents must have used the day you were born.


Log onto Clubitup.com "Not Just Another Clubbin Site"

seriously, why u brining up an old post wit drama involved in it. You just made you and ClubItUp look like a group 7 year olds who should be watchin Romp-A-Room. if anyone paved the way, it def wasn't ClubItUp.com.

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Originally posted by clubitup

I brought this up because I am so sick and tired of reading about Clubitup stole the Guidos domain name. How is it stealing when Clubitup went out and purchased it legally!!!! I read this shit on Clubitup's website all the time and now I read it on here. Yes it did take me a month to find it because none of the guys from clubitup post anywhere but there own message board. I mean I find it a little pathetic that the Moo needs to post up on here what is happening between him and Clubitup.

As the Offical Spokesmodel for Clubitup I would like to announce that anyone interested in joining the Clubitup team please email Info@clubitup.com to sign up. No we are not teenie booper whores or trailer trash so whoever said that can hate all they want. Your Ugly ass probably would never make becoming a spokesmodel for the site.

Spokes model?You sound like an 18yearold loser.Your site sucks,and so do you! You purchased the name cause you are SHADY!!!!!!! Just admit it! NJGUIDO blows you out of the water.

Atleast the people on it arent minors.

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Let me start by saying I don't know anyone at either njguido.com or clubitup.com.

Registering similiar domain names happens everyday with the intent to sell it at a profit to the original owner. Having someone locally, that you know, in the same general business do it is totally unethical.

Clubitup.com looks as if it was written by a 3 year old. I hope you really dont speak like this in person.

Here is a quote from the clubitup.com homepage: "Clubitup.com became an Idea when searching out other club site never really answered the question of what the club looks like on the inside, what kind of crowd does this club attract besides of what age it was to get in."


What the hell does this mean??? Is that english?????????WTF.......

If the clerk at 7-11 drank a bottle of vodka and smoked a pound of weed, and inhaled helium I could understand him better. Holy shit, it looks like its a joke website done by the jerky boys. You can't be for real with this. Try spell check.....no better yet.....hooked on phonics.

Anyway registering njguidos.com is very underhanded but judging by your web content I can see you are clueless.

Who is Umar? Who is Frank? Who is Azam?

Or all you all the same person?


owner-address: Frank Khan

owner-address: P.O. Box 433

owner-address: 07075

owner-address: Wood-ridge

owner-address: New Jersey

owner-address: United States of America

admin-c: FK82-GANDI

tech-c: AR41-GANDI

bill-c: FK82-GANDI

nserver: full1.gandi.net

nserver: full2.gandi.net

reg_created: 2002-10-28 21:42:34

expires: 2003-10-28 21:42:34

created: 2002-10-29 03:42:35

changed: 2003-06-15 10:54:29

person: Frank Khan

nic-hdl: FK82-GANDI

address: 509 Sussex Road

address: 07075

address: Wood-ridge

address: New Jersey

address: United States of America

phone: +1 2019355888

fax: +1 2019354757

e-mail: Vindicare007@yahoo.com


509 Sussex Rd

Wood Ridge, NJ 07075


509 Sussex Rd

Wood Ridge, NJ 07075


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Anticyberquatting Consumer Protection Act

What You Need to Know About the ACPA

On November 29, 1999, President Clinton signed into law the "Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act" (ACPA). This law adds section 43(d) to the U.S. Trademark Act of 1946 and creates a cause of action for "cybersquatting" on famous trademarks. The ACPA also creates a federal cause of action for cybersquatting on a person's name without his or her permission. As a domain name reseller, you need to know about this law.

What the ACPA Covers

Under the ACPA, a person may face civil liability to the owner of a trademark (or a personal name) if such person:

(i) has a bad faith intent to profit from a mark; and

(ii) registers, trafficks in, or uses a domain name that:

(a) is identical or confusingly similar to a distinctive trademark;(B) is identical, confusingly similar to or dilutive of a famous trademark; or

© infringes a specially-granted trademark such as "U.S. OLYMPICS" or "AMERICAN RED CROSS."

See the entire text of Section 43(d)

A "distinctive trademark" is any trademark that has been registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or which has been used with goods and/or services for sufficient time that it has acquired "secondary meaning" among consumers.

A "famous trademark" is one that a court says is famous. There are numerous factors that are considered, including the duration and extent of use, extent of advertising, degree of public recognition, and whether the mark was registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. In practice, a "famous trademark" is one that most people have heard of, on a regular basis, for many years (i.e. Kodak, Exxon, Microsoft).

The important thing to realize about the ACPA is that it distinguishes between a "distinctive" mark and a "famous" mark. Liability is imposed with respect to a "distinctive" mark if the domain name is "identical or confusingly similar." However, liability may be imposed with respect to a "famous" mark even if the domain name is merely "dilutive" of that mark. It is the notion of "dilution" that creates the largest pitfall for domain name resellers.

The term "dilution" means the lessening of the capacity of the famous mark to identify and distinguish goods or services, regardless of whether there is actual competition between the trademark owner and the accused diluter, and regardless of whether the public is likely to be confused or deceived. Thus, McDonalds Corp. could sue the owner of www.McDonaldsBakery.com under the theory of dilution. Likewise, Disney could sue the owner of www.DisneyStinks.com under the same theory. It seems unfair, but that is the law.


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Originally posted by themoo

I've never had a problem with any other website and I still don't but I got to tell you this.

I purchased many "guido" named websites to protect the traffic and popularity of NJGUIDO.com. Recently I received a phone call from a friend saying type in NJGUIDOS.com (with an "s")

Well you do it....See what it does....

Now back to this post.

I happened to miss purchasing NJGUIDOS.com but ******** took the opportunity to buy the name and set up a forwarder to their website. Now to everyone outside of the scene here ******** has made a good move, gaining all of the mistyped traffic destined for NJGUIDO but in this scene don't you think that it is an unethical move especially when sites like NJGUIDO really paved the way for these kids? In the meantime we are often at the same places as them. I have lost all respect for these kids....I thought the fight they got into at Joey's was stupid enough. Now this? These kids are really starting to show their true colors and now that I know who I'm dealing with I think you should know too. I used to feel bad for them, but not anymore.

BTW - I really can give half a shit what these kids do now that I know they are snakes.

:D :D :D

why do you need the GUIDO in the name of the website? put in www.njfarmers.com



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