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The official Space 34 Update


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Originally posted by pod

That's my logic. The cops should be focusing on other issues rather than raiding Space 34.

The Miami PD should be focusing on cleaning up that neigborhood.

Too many homeless frequent the area, and the police do not do anything about it. They allow these degenerates to break into peoples' vehicles, and extort money from the unwary clubgoer.

The cops should take a more proactive role in supressing this kind of behavior...otherwise, things are liable to get out of hand. If I owned a car and saw some lowlife bum trying to break into it, there'd be no question about it...I would kill him. You fuck with my property, your life means nothing at that point...especially if you're a bum that doesn't contribute to society...I'd be doing the world a favour by getting rid of them...next stop my mandatory sterilization program for India and China.

Instead of wasting the taxpayers money and pulling a media stunt, the police should be rounding up these bums and tossing them into jail.

I respectfully disagree . . . thing about it:

LP out of town. . . DEA made the raid - not the local police . . . Make an example of the club voted #1 in the world.

I could go on and on. The feds have been staking it out for some time.

I hope that nothing happens as they bring in the best talent, but I think that the days of S34 are numbered.

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What, the bums should have free reign in that neighborhood?

Of course Space 34 is a high profile target...when you're #1 there's always gonna be haters...but the cops are stupid if they think that a club can 100% control a drug problem...

Out of any club I've seen with a "drug problem", Space 34 has taken the most measures I've seen...whether they'll work remains to be seen.

If you wanna do drugs, that's fine by me. Just don't be stupid and do them in a club. I'm preaching to the choir here, but I hope everyone spreads the word so to speak. I'd hate to see a place I enjoy so much close down due to some morons...and not just Space 34, either...that applies for any club.

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Originally posted by sobe2003

Make an example of the club voted #1 in the world.

According to what source?!!?

That may be a little overenthusiastic there... remeber the world is a pretty big place, w lots of ppl in it...

U might wanna start w biggest in FL, maybe the US, (according to dancestar :rolleyes: ) but def not the entire world... :blank:

just thought I'd clarify that...


mp3.- :smoke:

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Originally posted by mp3some

According to what source?!!?

That may be a little overenthusiastic there... remeber the world is a pretty big place, w lots of ppl in it...

U might wanna start w biggest in FL, maybe the US, (according to dancestar :rolleyes: ) but def not the entire world... :blank:

just thought I'd clarify that...


mp3.- :smoke:

I agree.

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Originally posted by mp3some

According to what source?!!?

That may be a little overenthusiastic there... remeber the world is a pretty big place, w lots of ppl in it...

U might wanna start w biggest in FL, maybe the US, (according to dancestar :rolleyes: ) but def not the entire world... :blank:

just thought I'd clarify that...


mp3.- :smoke:

You've got to remember - we have a guy named John Ashcroft who is ultra conservative as the Attorney General. He calls the shots in this area. Hence - the Rave Act.

They got three main places where they can go after - NYC, LA and Miami.

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Before you start bashing this Republican administration, keep in mind that the Rave Act was sponsored by Joe Biden, a Democrat, and the bill had bipartisan support (as well as bipartisan opposition).

Ashcroft doesn't make the laws. he just enforces them. ;)

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Originally posted by macboy

Before you start bashing this Republican administration, keep in mind that the Rave Act was sponsored by Joe Biden, a Democrat, and the bill had bipartisan support (as well as bipartisan opposition).

Ashcroft doesn't make the laws. he just enforces them. ;)

relax bro.......btw john ashcroft is evil:shake: :shake: :shake:

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Originally posted by macboy

Before you start bashing this Republican administration, keep in mind that the Rave Act was sponsored by Joe Biden, a Democrat, and the bill had bipartisan support (as well as bipartisan opposition).

Ashcroft doesn't make the laws. he just enforces them. ;)

each party has a conservative. This happen to be like the only democrat involved in this so .. a bit of "make sence" stuff.

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Originally posted by macboy

Before you start bashing this Republican administration, keep in mind that the Rave Act was sponsored by Joe Biden, a Democrat

indeed. last year's rave act was sponsored in the house by lamar smith, a democrat from texas, and in the senate by joe biden, a democrat from delaware. this year, the language of the original rave act was inserted into the omnibus "justice enhancement and domestic security act of 2003" by none other than tom daschle, a democrat from south dakota. when that bill didn't become law, biden took it upon himself to attach the rave act as a rider to the popular "amber alert" bill in a conference committee so that this dubious legislation would be enacted without any floor debate.

that doesn't seem very "democratic" to me.

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Originally posted by sobe2003

You've got to remember - we have a guy named John Ashcroft who is ultra conservative as the Attorney General. He calls the shots in this area. Hence - the Rave Act.

They got three main places where they can go after - NYC, LA and Miami.

What are you talking about?!

My reply was strictly aimed at clarifying the fact that space is not the #1 club in the world.. :blank:

i dont know what ever gave u that idea..

I'm still somewhat puzzled as to why john ashcroft has anything to do w this.... :confused: :confused:

in any case, this thread's gotta sink...

peace out!

mp3.- :smoke:

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Originally posted by blendprod

relax bro.......btw john ashcroft is evil:shake: :shake: :shake:

They all are evil. To solve all the problems, this is their mentality to everything:

"Do something wrong....stick them in jail forever!" :idea:

Drug related crimes, jail for 10-20 years or more...

Kill someone...you can be out in less than 10 years....

I dunno where I'm going with this, but who cares, it's true :tongue:

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