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SPACE34 - ecstasy bust : NEWS RELEASE !!!


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The fact of the matter is that clus are "the toilet bowls of society". Patrons don't go there to pray. As for club employees, well I'm sure many of you have run into a load of shady industry peepz.

Clubs are jobs most of us don't need a background check to land. My point is, as hard as the club tries to keep everyone in check, eventually you'll have a bad apple or 2 in the bunch. It's a fast movin' industry with potential to make a quick buck & unfortunately some peepz get sucked into that, even if it means goin' beyond breakin' the rules as in this case. It's hard for a club owner to monitor everyone on his staff. Especially when you have a venue the size of Space 34 with over 100+ employees, not to mention the masses that step thru the gates every weekend.

It's a shame something like this had to happen. It ruined my night & for a fraction of a second there I wasn't too sure I had a job due to someone else's irrisponsibility.. or should I say stupidity?? The sad thing is, sometimes it's the peepz who you least expect it as in this case ("Richie" out of all people) & once again. In my opinion that screws it up for the rest of us. If I were Louis or George, how would I be able to trust anyone after this & other previous incidents?? :hey:

Now we're all payin' for this...

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biz, it was very unfortunate to see what happened @ space34. but, dude this is not your fault. just continue to do what you do best. promote and loving this music and guiding dj roland to the promise land my friend. i wasn't able to make it on saturday night. but, i will see you soon. maybe for ferry corsten...not!!!!!hehehehe u know i don't like trance...lol:D but, my spirit is always with you and rolly my man.;) see u soon.


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I wonder what they plan on doing with events like Ultra, which is coming up at the end of month. They're really trying to single out just the Dance music events/venues. Nice to see that they have nothing against Hip Hop or Rock events, where there's shootings, or sub par worn out club standards (as we've seen in Chicago and Providence).

I love how they also write so nonchalantly that ppl will get sued for "no more" than $500,000, and will be jailed for "no more" than 20 years...Thanks!!

I'm all for the decrease of ecstasy use, but isn't x abuse on the decrease anyways? And wasn't this "lethal" drug legal according to the US government up until 1985?! Last time I checked all of the current members of the US congress were born before 1985. Then again guns are still legal in this country so its good to see there's no double standadrd going on here...

Here's an idea - maybe the government can subsidize fun things for Americas youth culture to do, maybe then less kids (underaged candy kid ravers are the cause for all these bills) will feel less of a need to use X as their recreation drug of choice.

As for the homeless issue, yeah I hate seeing them beg for money too, I usually just ignore them. The thing is, the US government is to blame for the homeless phenomenon of the past 30 years. City and federal officials in the 60s and 70s might have meant well with their urban renewal projects, and the war on poverty, but guess what - this meant tearing down cheap one bedroom little hotel rooms in America's downtowns. These were places where the really poor people lived. Some of them just couldnt afford to move anywhere else, and found themselves on the streets with little government help.

On top of that, in the 70s a lot of psychiatric facilities subsidized by the state were receiving less funding. As a result, many psychos were released, or had stopped being treated, and they too became part of the homeless class.

In the 80s a lot of farming families were cheated and evicted out of their land by who? Yup, the US government.

Okay, okay, so the government has also done a lot of good for this country, but its certainly also to blame for a lot of the things its currently trying to fight...

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im sorry but it's just stupid..

Around a year ago i got caught with 4 pills(yes i was a dumfuck) at the old space..security were assholes and they took me to the cops..in the end..cops let me go.

What the fuck ? 3 pills and there getting long time?..stupid shit.

i would understand if they were dealing in thousands..

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Glad to see that the worse did not happen and that space is still open and kickin and even more so glad biz, roland, oscar g, and the rest of staff that work hard on entertaining us still get to work at what they love to do and where they love to do it.

Lessons from this are to be more careful in regulating staff and for some of the staff to quit messing around people are watching so quit trying to make a quick buck and just continue with knowing that you still have somewhere to work and making good enough money.

Another thing learned is I think is to not have one place to depend on. Meaning roland tour more around and play more places other then space to keep making a name for himself outside of space clubbers and biz and other promoters have more parties then just one. Even if its not a weekly party, for example the hot pink party at life, that could have worked I think if it took place monthly rather then weekly, and who knows maybe it could have worked weekly had it not been open for the summer, but instead during college season and open to an 18 and over crowd for women and 21 for guys. Oscar g, I think would have no prob, other then having a real home to come play week in and week out. I don't know maybe I'm not making any sense at all, but I'd just like to see the guys that make my saturday nights entertaining as hell anytime I pay them a visit, still have a place to entertain us.

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where are you people getting the idea this year-long investigation is about three pills?

"three, four-methylenedioxymethamphetamine" is the chemical formula for mdma. it does not mean three ecstacy tablets. what, am i the only one who took molecular architecture in college?

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Originally posted by saintjohn

where are you people getting the idea this year-long investigation is about three pills?

"three, four-methylenedioxymethamphetamine" is the chemical formula for mdma. it does not mean three ecstacy tablets. what, am i the only one who took molecular architecture in college?

No your not the only one .......... I just finished Organic Chemistry 2 .

3-4 stand for the Carbon which the particular substrate is attached too , either it be the METHYL group or the DIOXY ( 2 oxygens) .


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Originally posted by mursa

No your not the only one .......... I just finished Organic Chemistry 2 .

3-4 stand for the Carbon which the particular substrate is attached too , either it be the METHYL group or the DIOXY ( 2 oxygens) .


So in other words....

2 oxygens don't make it right?

Ignore me....need some rest. :tongue::zzz:

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Drugs? DEA? Space 34? Bums? Arrests? Fuck it! This town needs a hero...from now on, I will dedicate my life to fighting for justice and I will never forget this words as long as I live "With great power, comes great responsability"

I will no longer be Funketeer, I am now your friendly neighborhood Spiderman!


peace and chicken grease


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Originally posted by funketeer

Drugs? DEA? Space 34? Bums? Arrests? Fuck it! This town needs a hero...from now on, I will dedicate my life to fighting for justice and I will never forget this words as long as I live "With great power, comes great responsability"

I will no longer be Funketeer, I am now your friendly neighborhood Spiderman!


peace and chicken grease


is this post supposed to be funny :confused::blown:

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Originally posted by saintjohn

where are you people getting the idea this year-long investigation is about three pills?

"three, four-methylenedioxymethamphetamine" is the chemical formula for mdma. it does not mean three ecstacy tablets. what, am i the only one who took molecular architecture in college?

Thank you saintjohn...i've been reading this and was trying my best not get involved, but you are right. If they were arrested this was much bigger than meets the eye. A few months ago they arrested 15 people in a huge undercover operation and this might be the trickle down effect from those arrests.

Regardless of what it was, its still a very unfortunate situation for everyone involved. :(

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just from todays Sun- Sentinel.

"A two-year investigation at the hot downtown Miami nightclub Space 34 resulted in 16 indictments, which were unsealed Monday in federal court in Miami. Eleven people have been arrested, including two club employees and two former employees."

Link to full article

If you look at the article, it looks like Pompano is just crawling with dealers.

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Originally posted by erickamikaze

just from todays Sun- Sentinel.

"A two-year investigation at the hot downtown Miami nightclub Space 34 resulted in 16 indictments, which were unsealed Monday in federal court in Miami. Eleven people have been arrested, including two club employees and two former employees."

Link to full article

If you look at the article, it looks like Pompano is just crawling with dealers.

I think all of Florida is...While discussing this issue with a co-worker, he told me that even clubs in Naples were busted over the weekend...its a statewide sweep. Crazy shit...it was bound to happen sooner or later.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

I say make fucking liqour illegal. Fucking double standard. Drunk drivers kill a shitload of people every year.

:clap2: ...i agree and also they should make "Guido Fist Pumping" illegal too...u know how many club patrons are hurt by erant elbows and fists being thrown by Guidos?

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