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Attn : Elite


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You seem to know your shit...

Ok... Here is my situation. I am at the gym from 9:00am till 11:00am. I am at work from 1:30 in the afternoon till 10:00pm. I am always on the go. So eating right can be a bitch... I know I can cook and bring shit into work. Or have stuff ready to go at home before and after the gym...

Currently I am 250 - 255 lbs... I have a nice build but also have a little extra in many areas... I would love to get myself to 225 - 230. Where I was about a year ago. Working cardio into my routine at the gym is pretty minimal because of the time I have to get in and out.

Gimme some advice here on how and where I can work in cardio. Maybe a new workout routine. And any 7 day diet scheme you can think of. If you need me to be more specific let me know...

Just figured I would get some advice from someone else and maybe learn something a little better than what I am doing.

Appreciated. :D

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Originally posted by elementx

You seem to know your shit...

Ok... Here is my situation. I am at the gym from 9:00am till 11:00am. I am at work from 1:30 in the afternoon till 10:00pm. I am always on the go. So eating right can be a bitch... I know I can cook and bring shit into work. Or have stuff ready to go at home before and after the gym...

Currently I am 250 - 255 lbs... I have a nice build but also have a little extra in many areas... I would love to get myself to 225 - 230. Where I was about a year ago. Working cardio into my routine at the gym is pretty minimal because of the time I have to get in and out.

Gimme some advice here on how and where I can work in cardio. Maybe a new workout routine. And any 7 day diet scheme you can think of. If you need me to be more specific let me know...

Just figured I would get some advice from someone else and maybe learn something a little better than what I am doing.

Appreciated. :D

a 2 hour workout is too much, bro. I'd take at least 30-45minutes of that time to walk or jog on a treadmill. Regarding your diet, I'd keep it high in protein and low in carbs. It will definitely help you lose weight, but it's up to you, Consume meals 6-7 times a day(SMALL meals, as this will increase your metabolism) The only time you really need carbs is breakfast and postworkout. I wouldn't worry much about other times of the day, but a fruit or veggies hjere and there are essential. I'd consume such foods as grilled chicken, lean turkey, lean beef, fish, whole grain stuff(bread, rice, pasta). Also, a lot of fruits and veggies. Consistency is the key. Sometimes you'll get tired of eating all the healthy, "tasteless" food, but it's for your own good. It's not like you're entering a competition at a 3% bodyfat;) In addition to that, drink at least 1 gallon of water daily. Good luck!

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Originally posted by sex0nthebeach

a 2 hour workout is too much, bro. I'd take at least 30-45minutes of that time to walk or jog on a treadmill. Regarding your diet, I'd keep it high in protein and low in carbs. It will definitely help you lose weight, but it's up to you, Consume meals 6-7 times a day(SMALL meals, as this will increase your metabolism) The only time you really need carbs is breakfast and postworkout. I wouldn't worry much about other times of the day, but a fruit or veggies hjere and there are essential. I'd consume such foods as grilled chicken, lean turkey, lean beef, fish, whole grain stuff(bread, rice, pasta). Also, a lot of fruits and veggies. Consistency is the key. Sometimes you'll get tired of eating all the healthy, "tasteless" food, but it's for your own good. It's not like you're entering a competition at a 3% bodyfat;) In addition to that, drink at least 1 gallon of water daily. Good luck!

I do the whole water thing... The only reason I am in the gym so long is because I am hitting 3 body parts a day. Like I said my schedule is rough at work and I am always running around. There are some days I cannot get to the gym. Therefore I try to at least get all body parts in at least once a week. Therefore I normally do 3 per day every other day. And Legs on there own day.

Eating 6 or 7 times a day I know is the way to go. I was doing it for a while but slacked off. I should really get back there... I am not ignorant to health and fitness. I have been into it for quite some time now.

I will be getting back to a normal schedule by the end of the month and back to 1 muscle group per day. Which is when I will try to work cardio back into my routine.

What I am looking for is an actual 7 day food plan and a new workout routine.

I ask Elite because he really seems like he knows his shit. And maybe he can tell me something I am missing...

I have lost alot of weight in the past... I went from 305 lbs 2 years ago to 225. Then shot up to 250- 255 within the last year. And my body just seems like it does not want to lose it anymore.

Thanks for your advice anyway.

I dunno... Elite???

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Sex on the beach - hit it on the head.

As far as your body "Not" wanting to loose weight. Everybody has a certain weight that it wants to be - depending on muscle mass, bone density and size and also metabolism.

For example, if you eat normally, you will probably stay around the 250 mark. It will be relatively easy for you to drop down to 235 or 240 and it would also be easy for you to bulk up to 260 or 265. But in order to drop or add much more than that - you have to have a drastic change in your diet and exercise.

I have a couple of questions - then we can go from there.

1) How much time do you have to allocate for working out.

2) What is your current diet plan

3) What is your current workout routine.

4) Do you have extra time on the weekends - or do you work 7 days a week.


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Originally posted by elementx

The only reason I am in the gym so long is because I am hitting 3 body parts a day. Like I said my schedule is rough at work and I am always running around. There are some days I cannot get to the gym. Therefore I try to at least get all body parts in at least once a week. Therefore I normally do 3 per day every other day. And Legs on there own day.

Well, I'm not elitesnautica, but I can tell you that working out much longer than an hour increases production of catabolic hormones and decreases your T-cell count. It will catch up to you if you keep it up too long. Keep your workouts short and INTENSE, and you really don't need to do so many exercises.

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Originally posted by rackham

Well, I'm not elitesnautica, but I can tell you that working out much longer than an hour increases production of catabolic hormones and decreases your T-cell count. It will catch up to you if you keep it up too long. Keep your workouts short and INTENSE, and you really don't need to do so many exercises.

Elite: I will post my info up after 1:30 when I get to work...

Rack: I hear what you are saying. But the workout routine that I am doing now was giving me some of the results I was looking for. I am not trying to get big anymore. At least not right now. I may change my mind when I lose more body fat... I never feel as though I over train. I know I do alot in one day. And at the end of the month that will change. This is why I am looking for a different routine. When I go back to 1 muscle group a day. I am looking for the best split.

Ehhh... Give me about an hour or 2 and I will post up my routine... Then you can all break it down... Like I said I am not dumb to fitness... However I am kinda lost in the mix right now trying to figure out where and what to do next...

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elementx, i don't know how long you've been working out or anything 'cause you didn't post in this thread... but how long have you been doing your current routine? i understand the desire to fully work out each body part, but it doesn't NECESSARILY have to take so long ... (unless you've already tried it) for all you know, a shorter workout could be just as effective. and as someone said, leave you time for more cardio.

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