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blast from the past...


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frank sinatra once said, "love is better the second time around..." now if he meant love with the same person, and gettting into a past reltionship over again would you agree or disagree??? recently i had this thought when i heard from a friend that he was with an ex again... now in all seriousness do you feel hes setting himself up for a let down, or does he now know they theyre meant to be together??? ( several years down time, several years or not communicating with each other, and they broke off on decent terms)... and ive been thinking not about their relationship but about second chances in general (i ran out of reading material on the train coming home today) and i found myself arguing with myself because for every reason to get back together, i came up with one not to... what are your thoughts???

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Originally posted by joeg

we're comparing Frank Sinatra & montel williams??? :confused:


yeah, right? wtf...

But anyway, whatever blue eyes has to say should carry some weight :cool:

and i found myself arguing with myself because for every reason to get back together, i came up with one not to... what are your thoughts???

Well, i think that people who try it for a 2nd time are either A) more mature and are learning from their previous mistakes, B) think it can be better the 2nd time around.

dude, i know you know about me and smurfette. It seemed like we were going no where. We've done 2nd, 3rd, and now, after all that, it seems better than ever. We jumped into it way too quickly, and things seemed to burn out fast. but now it's goin well :)

So basically, i think what Mr. Sinatra meant was that after breaking up with that person, goin out with other peeps, and you somehow learn that you always loved that one you broke up with, IF you get back together a 2nd time, it will be THAT much better since you now realize a lot more things....

comprende :confused::hat:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

comprende :confused::hat:

not really....but....I agree with marko about Pro's and Con's counteracting one another.

If you think about things too much, you'll always come up with *reasons*. I'm a strong believer in following your heart....even if it's not forever. :half:

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Originally posted by fkornre

when did montel become the "voice of reason"????

haha :werd:

I think people go back with their ex's for so many reasons...sometimes it works for them and sometimes you get a full on reality check on why you broke up with them in the first place. It's a risk like anything else.

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Originally posted by naughtybabe

Just follow your heart..

If you think going back to an ex is what

you need, then go for it. Remember what

you say? "TAKE RISKS"

its not me banana... did you read the post its kid i know and his ex... but yes i always say "take risks" however the reward has to be worth the risk...

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Timing is everything..so maybe their timing was all off the last time and thier in a better place for each other now...or maybe their worse off...i believe in taking risk's with anything u believe is worth the reward .. ex's are just like any other person .... you would have to get to know the X just like ud have to get to know a new person(depending on the time period between break-up and hook-up) but this would mean that the x would have to be a different person then before cuz why would u get back with the 'same' person when its proven not to work right?

so all in all...yeh hes prolly setting himself for a let down cuz it can never be the same (which is what most ppl want or think is gonna happen when getting back with the X)

but it really boils down to wat makes u happy ..and if the X is that then by all means do you my man

Oh and BTW i walked away a few times during this... lost my train of thought ..so i hope it makes sense..

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i dunno. when i break up with someone i tend to cut all ties. i dont see a reason to go back into a situation where there was obviously hurt. it ended for a reason.

i spoke to my ex bf the other day, i never speak to ex's. it was kinda nice just to know hes doing well and everything but i do not have any intent to see him ever again. he can eat his heart out, i am a changed person and for the better. he doesnt know what he lost, correction, i think he now realizes what he lost & that sux for him. hehehe. <3

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Originally posted by fineones

Timing is everything..so maybe their timing was all off the last time and thier in a better place for each other now...or maybe their worse off...i believe in taking risk's with anything u believe is worth the reward .. ex's are just like any other person .... you would have to get to know the X just like ud have to get to know a new person(depending on the time period between break-up and hook-up) but this would mean that the x would have to be a different person then before cuz why would u get back with the 'same' person when its proven not to work right?

so all in all...yeh hes prolly setting himself for a let down cuz it can never be the same (which is what most ppl want or think is gonna happen when getting back with the X)

but it really boils down to wat makes u happy ..and if the X is that then by all means do you my man

Oh and BTW i walked away a few times during this... lost my train of thought ..so i hope it makes sense..

good points... (also i think tis is the longest post you ever made....)

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Originally posted by somebitch

i dunno. when i break up with someone i tend to cut all ties. i dont see a reason to go back into a situation where there was obviously hurt. it ended for a reason.

i spoke to my ex bf the other day, i never speak to ex's. it was kinda nice just to know hes doing well and everything but i do not have any intent to see him ever again. he can eat his heart out, i am a changed person and for the better. he doesnt know what he lost, correction, i think he now realizes what he lost & that sux for him. hehehe. <3

as long as you do not feel it was a waste of time, and it has made you a better person by it than i feel it was worth it... any relationship, even ones that fail.. because the more you date, the more youre in relationships the more you start to realise what you like and dislike, and more importantly you learn a lot about yourself when youre in a relationship... its a lot easier to find something when you know what it is that youre looking for and where to find it... these are all good things and simply because one relationship fails, doesnt mean the next one will be a failure but quite possibly a Success!

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let it go man...

in my opinion, all beautiful things must end. otherwise they are not beautiful.

"this is the joy of the rose... that it grows... and then it goes..."

girls will move in and out of your life. cherish them when they come in and cherish them when they go out. i NEVER have bad breakups. i miss every girl i have ever been with.

i let them slip away with ease, grace, and poise. because i know in my heart (as do they) that i will never be that provider/long-term/emasculated man that they eventually need to have in their life to validate them.

some time i realized:

a woman can come into your life and become your muse and source of inspiration; a beauty that colors everything you do. then someday, that same woman will surely slip away from you (with no exceptions). you will be sad. but the memory of the beauty she infused into your life will never be overshadowed by the cloud of a deteriorating relationship. and that, my friend, is a profound and beautiful realization.

in other words, you won't be out mowing the fucking lawn while she is in the house with her infinitely spreading ass parked on the couch.

once you get to that point, when you can gently let go of a beautiful woman, all things are possible with women.

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Originally posted by tastey

let it go man...

in my opinion, all beautiful things must end. otherwise they are not beautiful.

"this is the joy of the rose... that it grows... and then it goes..."

girls will move in and out of your life. cherish them when they come in and cherish them when they go out. i NEVER have bad breakups. i miss every girl i have ever been with.

i let them slip away with ease, grace, and poise. because i know in my heart (as do they) that i will never be that provider/long-term/emasculated man that they eventually need to have in their life to validate them.

some time i realized:

a woman can come into your life and become your muse and source of inspiration; a beauty that colors everything you do. then someday, that same woman will surely slip away from you (with no exceptions). you will be sad. but the memory of the beauty she infused into your life will never be overshadowed by the cloud of a deteriorating relationship. and that, my friend, is a profound and beautiful realization.

in other words, you won't be out mowing the fucking lawn while she is in the house with her infinitely spreading ass parked on the couch.

once you get to that point, when you can gently let go of a beautiful woman, all things are possible with women.

i have to agree. also:

while every personal experience/circumstance is different, if someone is your ex, usuallyt hat means you didn't hold them up to the standard that you wanted a soulmate to be like. if you truly cared enough about someone, you'd be with them no matter what. ok, people have arguments about timing, special circumstances, whatever. but i think most of those are weak arguments. if you really loved/cared/wanted to be with that person at the time, you would have done everything you could to be with them. if you didn't care enough, then that means that it wasn't as strong as you might think it could have been. if that makes sense.

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Originally posted by fineones

Timing is everything..so maybe their timing was all off the last time and thier in a better place for each other now...or maybe their worse off...i believe in taking risk's with anything u believe is worth the reward .. ex's are just like any other person .... you would have to get to know the X just like ud have to get to know a new person(depending on the time period between break-up and hook-up) but this would mean that the x would have to be a different person then before cuz why would u get back with the 'same' person when its proven not to work right?

so all in all...yeh hes prolly setting himself for a let down cuz it can never be the same (which is what most ppl want or think is gonna happen when getting back with the X)

but it really boils down to wat makes u happy ..and if the X is that then by all means do you my man

Oh and BTW i walked away a few times during this... lost my train of thought ..so i hope it makes sense..

:jawdrop:WOW.. Kessy! :laugh:

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Originally posted by tastey

let it go man...

in my opinion, all beautiful things must end. otherwise they are not beautiful.

"this is the joy of the rose... that it grows... and then it goes..."

girls will move in and out of your life. cherish them when they come in and cherish them when they go out. i NEVER have bad breakups. i miss every girl i have ever been with.

i let them slip away with ease, grace, and poise. because i know in my heart (as do they) that i will never be that provider/long-term/emasculated man that they eventually need to have in their life to validate them.

some time i realized:

a woman can come into your life and become your muse and source of inspiration; a beauty that colors everything you do. then someday, that same woman will surely slip away from you (with no exceptions). you will be sad. but the memory of the beauty she infused into your life will never be overshadowed by the cloud of a deteriorating relationship. and that, my friend, is a profound and beautiful realization.

in other words, you won't be out mowing the fucking lawn while she is in the house with her infinitely spreading ass parked on the couch.

once you get to that point, when you can gently let go of a beautiful woman, all things are possible with women.

i agree 100%... very well put!!!

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