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Verizon "push to talk"

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Originally posted by mssabina

i don't get what's so fabulous about ppt... buy a goddamn walkie talkie. the nextel chirp is already fucking annoying, i can't waaaaiiit to hear the verizon version everywhere.

True that! One of these days you're gonna hear that brain piercing Instant Messanger send and receive message tone all over the place. ARGH!!


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Originally posted by bozer

Screw all of that crap, get one of these, its the best


Check out the product tour (flash)

Sidekick is gay... im talking full on, flaming, crossdressing with a lissssp gay. I mean... Who the hell has a pager these days anyway ?? Seriously...

I was thinking about getting the Verizon 2 way... but im assuming it cant ptt to w/ nextel right ?

In all honesty Nextels corporate policies and constant bouts of insurance fraud is getting on my nerves. Almost makes me wish I lived in a small shed in the woods.. *booooom* :laugh: But in all seriousness. Im sooo DONE with nextel. Im actually thinking about dropping the $200.00 to get out of my contract early. (i exp in January)

Anyways... my recommendation: Avoid nextel at all costs. Verizons ptt seems to be the way to go. Since they have the best network already... it just makes sence.

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Originally posted by bklynzzfinest

Sidekick is gay... im talking full on, flaming, crossdressing with a lissssp gay. I mean... Who the hell has a pager these days anyway ?? Seriously...

I was thinking about getting the Verizon 2 way... but im assuming it cant ptt to w/ nextel right ?

In all honesty Nextels corporate policies and constant bouts of insurance fraud is getting on my nerves. Almost makes me wish I lived in a small shed in the woods.. *booooom* :laugh: But in all seriousness. Im sooo DONE with nextel. Im actually thinking about dropping the $200.00 to get out of my contract early. (i exp in January)

Anyways... my recommendation: Avoid nextel at all costs. Verizons ptt seems to be the way to go. Since they have the best network already... it just makes sence.

Its not a pager...

It has nothing to do with paging. Its every thing rolled into one...

Cell phone

2 way (not a pager)

Wireless Internet



Aol Instant Messenger

Address book

To do list

And you want a walkie talkie? rofl...

Have fun with your "Big brother to little sister" walkie talkie nonsense..

Did you even check out the product demo? I hate Nextel's and every moron who forces me to listen to their stupid walkie talkie conversations. Now that my friend, is GAY

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Was mad close to buying it today but I just couldnt, I dont know if I really like it that much yet, plus I dont have anyone to talk to on the damn thing yet like no one else has the phone soo, I might wait till a better phone comes out...Cause I mean its still just the shitty v60 with and extra button, I need like a color screen or somethin else man....

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im gona wait to get it, alot of my friends and i still have nextel. I just cant stand that i dont have service alot of the times but the 2way is very convenient when alot of ppl have them. But it also seems that the verizon is a little more expensive, maybe it will go down as more people get them?!:confused:

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I'll never understand why people like Nextel's. Walkie Talkie technology is almost as old as two cups and some string, yet people are still amazed by it. No, I dont want to hear your stupid half assed conversation every time your fat ass sits next to me on the bus. Maybe if those piece of shit phones had decent cell phone service, you wouldnt have to resort to truck driver talking.

Anyway, if any of you want to journey into the year 2000, I suggest a sidekick.

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Originally posted by ladyshady

my mom bought the phone a week ago

brought it back today

it EATS the battery. she didn't have a defective phone or anything. these verizon cell phones just use a lot of battery.

it's not even worth it, having to charge them so frequently..

what did she have before the V60? a Nokia maybe? Nokia phones kick ass for battery life- if you were used to that then got a Motorola phone your fucked.

and the V60's battery's were bad to begin with, I have a car kit in my truck, would give the phone a full charge in 2 hours, i used to let it sit in there when i was driving to, inside, and driving back from the gym everyday, it would have a full charge, and by the time i was about ready to hit the gym the next day it was dead or almost dead again...24hrs of mostly standby time really sux for a phone.

Even my T720's batter isnt the greatest.

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