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why does magicliuti have a stick up his ass...


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Originally posted by magilicuti

um, yeah, i bet you are as delightful as your online persona to a T

:rolleyes: you're the epitomy of why jersey blows. thanks again for the laugh, we all got a kick out of how serious you're talking all this. :aright:
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I have been around along time, and i am so glad to see sassa and "the old guard" slowly fading away..........

it's nice not to have a group of 10 posters (with a collective 10BILLION posts) who just sit around and blow smoke up each other's asses while Bashing the shit out of everyone else.......it's a quite refreshing change lately.....


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Originally posted by 555-1212

I have been around along time, and i am so glad to see sassa and "the old guard" slowly fading away..........

it's nice not to have a group of 10 posters (with a collective 10BILLION posts) who just sit around and blow smoke up each other's asses while Bashing the shit out of everyone else.......it's a quite refreshing change lately.....


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Originally posted by magilicuti

here is the thread she pissed about

clubplanet is getting shittier by the day...

its quite amusing. and here she is saying i'm taking it too seriously...

hmmm...while we're talking about hypocrites....:blank:

you really are a douchebag! i was joking before, but this post just proves it...let's see you respond again. ticked off? I bet you are....:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

10,456 posts? Get a FUCKING life.

I am sure your parents would be proud of you if they knew all of what you've accomplished here on clubplanet.

Get some real friends and quit sitting in front of The Internet 12 hours a day!

and who the fuck are to tell me what to do? did anyone talk to you? :rolleyes:

morons always trying to start something...:blank:

if anyone needs a life, it's probably you. denver is dead as shit.

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Originally posted by sassa

and who the fuck are to tell me what to do? did anyone talk to you? :rolleyes:

morons always trying to start something...:blank:

if anyone needs a life, it's probably you. denver is dead as shit.

Denver's dead? Uh yeah ok! There's more to life than eating pills, 'bumping' and clibbing. You are a shallow piece of shit with no life.

CASE CLOSED. 10.450 + posts for sassa the LOSER!!!

BTW I promise you that I have lived more places and been more places in my 30 years of life then will if you lived to be 200. Get a life. Life isn't all about CP, bars/clubs/lounges, pills and 'bumps'.

I am sure one day you'll make some lucky man very, very miserable...

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

Denver's dead? Uh yeah ok! There's more to life than eating pills, 'bumping' and clibbing. You are a shallow piece of shit with no life.

CASE CLOSED. 10.450 + posts for sassa the LOSER!!!

BTW I promise you that I have lived more places and been more places in my 30 years of life then will if you lived to be 200. Get a life. Life isn't all about CP, bars/clubs/lounges, pills and 'bumps'.

I am sure one day you'll make some lucky man very, very miserable...

did she dump you or something?

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Uh dump me? Wow! You're out in left field.

How could I ever be dumped by someone I don't even know? I like many on here DO NOT make friends off the Internet. Do a search of any posts I've ever made and see if I am the 22 year old trying to do the CP meet up thing... I didn't think so.

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

Denver's dead? Uh yeah ok! There's more to life than eating pills, 'bumping' and clibbing. You are a shallow piece of shit with no life.

CASE CLOSED. 10.450 + posts for sassa the LOSER!!!

BTW I promise you that I have lived more places and been more places in my 30 years of life then will if you lived to be 200. Get a life. Life isn't all about CP, bars/clubs/lounges, pills and 'bumps'.

I am sure one day you'll make some lucky man very, very miserable...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: like you know anything about me and my life. you're 30??? wow. i don't pop pills sorry asshole. and i've been to denver, and it sucks balls. sorry, i'm not like you. :rolleyes: i guess being 30 didn't bring you any intelligence did it? or you'd mind your own fucking business. :blown:

twit. go chew on some hay, bitch.

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And now you've managed another 34 posts in under 48 hours. Why don't you have a real life? Godamn you are a loser! You are so fucking pathetic that you spend all day long here on CP.

YOU... ARE... A... LOSER!!!

Get a life outside of Clubplanet. Let me guess. You are from a third world RASCIST Balkan Republic.

How's your Yugo running? Lol! Oh! Only royalty can afford a Yugo!

BTW, the last time I checked Denver has been one of the top ten cities to live in the US for over 5 years now. I am not from Denver, so don't be a narrow minded fool in assuming so.

So, if you've been to Denver tell me where you went and what you did - LIAR!

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

And now you've managed another 34 posts in under 48 hours. Why don't you have a real life? Godamn you are a loser! You are so fucking pathetic that you spend all day long here on CP.

YOU... ARE... A... LOSER!!!

Get a life outside of Clubplanet. Let me guess. You are from a third world RASCIST Balkan Republic.

How's your Yugo running? Lol! Oh! Only royalty can afford a Yugo!

BTW, the last time I checked Denver has been one of the top ten cities to live in the US for over 5 years now. I am not from Denver, so don't be a narrow minded fool in assuming so.

So, if you've been to Denver tell me where you went and what you did - LIAR!

wow, trying so hard..... i'm from the balkans now? and never been to denver? Ok. :laugh: :laugh:

are you really 30? i'd kill myself if i was still posting at that age. why don't you grow up and act your age, instead of having an internet battle with a loser little girl like myself. :laugh::blown:

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