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Culture Club Saturdays

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you will encounter several confused meat headz doing the guido stump to 80's music, which you will hear for most of the night,

expect a lot of drunk people, and some asshole dressed up as boy george; great place to get drunk and sing along

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yeah, cluture club is a blast but as said above, go only "Once in a While". The cover is like 20 bux, it all depends. In my opinion it is not the kind of place you want to be at all night long. Start the night off somewhere else, get drunk and then make your way to the culture club. Expect alot of drunk bachelorette parties, drunk fratty guys and classic 80's tunes. There are also the occasional ppl dressed up in traditional 80's gear which is always fun to see. Have fun its always a good time...

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Every so often you pop out of the wood-work to assert yourself, and strangely enough, your assertions are usually in response to something trivial (that's the only time you can really flex any form of psychological muscle).

Yet, when a true discussion takes place, your response usually seems more ignorant than anything, and is usually chock full of misconceptions, misunderstandings, and misstatements. Thus, whatever it is that you say seems worthless because of your inability to convey your ideas like someone who actually went to Harvard University (as you say you did). You are consistently stupid (I guess you deserve credit for at least being consistent in that right).

You may dig yourself out from all of the cow shit every so often to post on this board, but don't ever believe for one second that your posts, regardless of what they state or imply, will ever redeem you from your constant and continuous fuck-ups on this board (as I've already pointed out to you in previous posts).

Other than that, I hope things run well with your business ventures. How's "Escobar Realty" going? :laugh:

Good luck

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth


Yet, when a true discussion takes place, your response usually seems more ignorant than anything, and is usually chock full of misconceptions, misunderstandings, and misstatements. Thus, whatever it is that you say seems worthless because of your inability to convey your ideas like someone who actually went to Harvard University (as you say you did). You are consistently stupid (I guess you deserve credit for at least being consistent in that right).

LOLLLOOL A true discussion????? Oh my, how could i oversee the importance of this topic????? "Culture CLub Saturdays" I am more than certain that as we speak there are CNN correspondents reading this board for insightful information on ever so important aspects of our club life. Thank you Rudeboyyouth for your guidance in teaching me to evaluate the importance and seriousness of certain discussions. You have truly shown me the light.

You may dig yourself out from all of the cow shit every so often to post on this board, but don't ever believe for one second that your posts, regardless of what they state or imply, will ever redeem you from your constant and continuous fuck-ups on this board (as I've already pointed out to you in previous posts).

Let's save the redemption for martyrs, shall we? Afterall, I'll always be inspired by degenerates such as yourself to wallow in stupidity and offer nothing of content to such a bland overrated messageboard.






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Read the post a little more carefully next time, Ili.

Every so often (when the topic is trivial, as I've stated) you decide to pop out of the wood work and assert yourself. Realistically speaking, that's the only time you can really assert yourself without being made fun of or dismissed.

When a serious discussion (something other than this obviously trivial topic) arises, your assertions turn out to be nothing more than useless, misinformed statements that serve only to embarass you. It has little do with "content" (as you stated) and more to do with the quality of your words. In the past you've made several sad attempts to be taken seriously, and those attempts were either snickered at or dismissed alltogether in light of your stupidity.

But, in true Ilianic form, you fight on, and continue to spew bullshit from your mind (bullshit that only your proctologist could possibly find the root of). Sadly enough, when all is said and done, you're still Iliana. That must really suck.

Remember, typing useless shit isn't necessarily an answer; rather, it's a habit that needs to be broken if you wish to be succesful in a world that is obviously kicking you in the ass.

Good luck


P.S. Learn how to put on your makeup before you start spewing more shit from that trap.

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

Read the post a little more carefully next time, Ili.

Every so often (when the topic is trivial, as I've stated) you decide to pop out of the wood work and assert yourself. Realistically speaking, that's the only time you can really assert yourself without being made fun of or dismissed.

When a serious discussion (something other than this obviously trivial topic) arises, your assertions turn out to be nothing more than useless, misinformed statements that serve only to embarass you. It has little do with "content" (as you stated) and more to do with the quality of your words. In the past you've made several sad attempts to be taken seriously, and those attempts were either snickered at or dismissed alltogether in light of your stupidity.

But, in true Ilianic form, you fight on, and continue to spew bullshit from your mind (bullshit that only your proctologist could possibly find the root of). Sadly enough, when all is said and done, you're still Iliana. That must really suck.

Remember, typing useless shit isn't necessarily an answer; rather, it's a habit that needs to be broken if you wish to be succesful in a world that is obviously kicking you in the ass.

Good luck


P.S. Learn how to put on your makeup before you start spewing more shit from that trap.

I find it touching, yet, a little disturbing, that you choose to divulge such long, heart felt opinions about me. I can't even begin to fathom the psychological issues you hide deep inside yourself (much like your 10" dildo lodged up your ass).

You see, much like my predictable useless, misinformed statements, your responses towards me are like a broken record. It's safe to say that this could be the 100th time that you have given me a piece of your mind. (I wonder if you even notice how repetitious and boring you are?) But for God's sake, if I'm still around then:

1. Drop it. It is obvious that nothing you say will affect my attitude towards this board or my responses. A person of your "intelligence" should have figured this out TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO.

2. Take up a typing class at Devry. Maybe this is all just a fluke and you just like working on your typing skills. I can only imagine only a nobody would waste such energy on something so trivial. This is proof that you are guilty also of popping up on trivial

non- thinking subjects!! (Hmmmm)

3. Or.....You are obsessed with me and you find that this is the only way you can actually reach me and communicate. So just IM me. It will save this board alot of aggravation if they don't have to read through all your love stricken crap!

With all this said and done , I hope you find a clue and do the right thing.

Can't wait for your wonderful thought out response towards lil ol me! :)

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You seem to a be a little confused.

I "give you a piece" of my mind not in hopes of shunning you away or even enticing you to stop posting, but rather, to kill any misconception you might have regarding what you post and why you post it.

I could give a shit whether you change your life or methods of


You may try that "I-don't-give-a-shit, this-is-just-a- messageboard" bullshit, but your previous posts have made it more than obvious to readers of this board that you not only care about what is said to you, but you also take it to heart. You try asserting yourself, and when you aren't taken seriously (which is what usually happens), you resort to the Ilianic method of either cursing, crying, or suggesting that "this is a messageboard, and everyone is making a fuss over lil ol you." You've tried that shit in the past, but ultimately you've always resorted to shit spewing.

Don't bother asserting how you could give a fuck what people on this board think - that's bullshit, and you know it.

You've gone out of your way in the past to make readers of this board aware of your educational history as well as your courageous business ventures (why do that if you don't give a shit what people think of you?). Why not act the role of entrepreneur and show some integrity. Don't behave like the individual you think we've all forgotten (You know that girl who tried insulting others only to have her photo as well as location disclosed to the public like an asshole).

Your reputation precedes you, Iliana. Sorry. :(

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

You seem to a be a little confused.

I "give you a piece" of my mind not in hopes of shunning you away or even enticing you to stop posting, but rather, to kill any misconception you might have regarding what you post and why you post it.

I could give a shit whether you change your life or methods of


You may try that "I-don't-give-a-shit, this-is-just-a- messageboard" bullshit, but your previous posts have made it more than obvious to readers of this board that you not only care about what is said to you, but you also take it to heart. You try asserting yourself, and when you aren't taken seriously (which is what usually happens), you resort to the Ilianic method of either cursing, crying, or suggesting that "this is a messageboard, and everyone is making a fuss over lil ol you." You've tried that shit in the past, but ultimately you've always resorted to shit spewing.

Don't bother asserting how you could give a fuck what people on this board think - that's bullshit, and you know it.

You've gone out of your way in the past to make readers of this board aware of your educational history as well as your courageous business ventures (why do that if you don't give a shit what people think of you?). Why not act the role of entrepreneur and show some integrity. Don't behave like the individual you think we've all forgotten (You know that girl who tried insulting others only to have her photo as well as location disclosed to the public like an asshole).

Your reputation precedes you, Iliana. Sorry. :(

LOL YES! I Do Care what people on this board think of me, and what they know about me..I care very much.....And it appears that you remember all my shit talking. Have I given you such a deep traumatic impression that you remember everything about me? Or are you just a pathetic loser that devours every word I write and memorizes my shitty posts by heart? :laugh:

And to clarify..i ALWAYS resort to cursing and name calling... whether serious or not...so get over it.

Thanks for "trying" to kill my misconceptions on what I post. I still think Culture CLub is shitty. :rolleyes:

Can you MOVE ON with your pathetic excuse of a life now? :blown:


(Escobar Realty Mgmt) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

I'm not surprised either. Like I said, Iliana, your reputation precedes you.

I'm flattered, however, that you consider what I do to your words to be "devouring." But then again, you're nothing more than a light snack. ;)

Go back into hibernation. You're safer there.

Don't be so stupid, It's not for you to be flattered by. It's only proof of your lame existenece and obsession with me. (Yes..obsession).


May my light snacks continue to give you countless nights of diarrhea, bitch!


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It's still flattering nonetheless. You've always found yourself having to explain your comments, which, for the most part, illustrate that you're nothing more than an emotional cripple.

Although intended as an insult, your comment only proved even further how quickly you're able to embarass yourself.

You've already been digested and excreted, and you were so unsatisfying. :(

Clean up a little bit, try to get yourself back together, and make sure your next post does something more than illustrate how undeveloped your thoughts are.

Don't worry, your hurt will pass, and perhaps then you'll be able to write a little more clearly. Remember, you're a Harvard grad as well as an enterprising entrepreneur. As such, you need to refine your communication skills, otherwise your ventures will fail almost as miserably as your attempts to seem unaffected by all of this. ;)

Don't worry: like you said, it's only a messageboard, right? :laugh:

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

It's still flattering nonetheless. You've always found yourself having to explain your comments, which, for the most part, illustrate that you're nothing more than an emotional cripple.

Nooooooope. Never explain them. However, with you, I always feel the need to clarify since you never get it the first time around.

Although intended as an insult, your comment only proved even further how quickly you're able to embarass yourself.

You've already been digested and excreted, and you were so unsatisfying. :(

Clean up a little bit, try to get yourself back together, and make sure your next post does something more than illustrate how undeveloped your thoughts are.

Don't worry, your hurt will pass, and perhaps then you'll be able to write a little more clearly. Remember, you're a Harvard grad as well as an enterprising entrepreneur. As such, you need to refine your communication skills, otherwise your ventures will fail almost as miserably as your attempts to seem unaffected by all of this. ;)

Don't worry: like you said, it's only a messageboard, right? :laugh:

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

(Can you wake me up when "The Young and the Hopeless" comes on? I heard rudeboyyouth stars in this pathetic melodramatic soap opera :rolleyes: )

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