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sex in the office


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I banged my ex boss a couple of years ago ( i was 23, she was 29) on her desk, we had always flirted at work and had many lunches but this was a late night of work, she ordered some dinner and by the time the food had gotten their everyone in the company had bounced.. (so we thought) so we were eating and started gettin touchy feely, and one thing led to another, and we dropped the blinds (thank god she had that kind of office) and we wound up all over her office..

about 20 minutes in we were goin hard and gettin a bit loud.. well i was sitting on the chair and she had her back to me while just slammin me pretty hard (she was a good one) and all of the sudden the door opens and it's the cleaning lady comin to get the garbage

she opens the door and steps in and says

"AY... DIOS MIO! Disculpe..." (then under her breath she says..."ay yay yay, que cochinos!!) and both of us understand spanish, so i got up (she hid under the desk) and talked to her and gave her $100 to keep her mouth shut.. (mean while, i had forgotten to put some clothes on)

but thankfully, she was most cool after that, cause she was like.. i'll clean up for you guys (which was kinda weird but hey.. who was i to argue)

she was the cute cleaning lady too... i almost wanted to ask her if she wanted to join us

but anyways, long story short, she left and we finished up our little humpfest.. and then got dressed and went out for some drinks and went back to her place.

The Next day, we were working late again and the cleaning lady came by and says to me.. "No again today?"

i laughed and we just laughed about it all night

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