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PVD, Summer Stage review...

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Originally posted by xxzambran0xx

PVD is known for 1999 trance.............. the best part of his set was the last 2 hours.........

So are a bunch of other DJ's. It doesn't mean half his set should contain tracks from 1999. To each his own. If yur still into the stuff from the last millenia then thats fine by me. Whatever gets you off.

The 3rd hour was the weakest stuff I've heard a professional DJ play in a long time. He was all over the place. He was letting tracks finish until there were only soft beats, then intro'd the next song with another set of soft beats. Simply no flow. I could tell even PVD was bored.

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I guess you were the one guy who was standing behind the tree having no fun what-so-ever. Sucks to be you, especially when the entire crowd was having a good time while you were having your anti-PVD hissy fit.

Once again, lets drink to you


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I had an amazing time.

I think the sound level was a problem for me, but I got past it. The crowd had great energy and I really fed off of that!!

His set was very good, I wasn't expecting a 'club' set anyway, I figured it would be epic and it was, but there was no need for him to repeat so many tracks.

But OUR music in the park made it the best night of the summer for me. Props to Mike Bindra for pulling this together, I'm sure he made a killing off another PVD pimping session though.

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Originally posted by bozer

I guess you were the one guy who was standing behind the tree having no fun what-so-ever. Sucks to be you, especially when the entire crowd was having a good time while you were having your anti-PVD hissy fit.

Get off your high horse and learn to read a full thread. I know its a little above the 3rd grade reading level you accomplished but if you practice reading, it will soon come to you.

I said I thought his first 2 hours was pretty good that his last hours sucked but that his overall set was mediocre.I have my opinions, you have yours. So you can quit having your hissy fit sitting while in front of your computer just because someone disagreed with you. You are the only person who's hatin'. Bringing up words like "hatorade" and whatnot. Don't bother crying to me, go cry to your momma....but only once I'm done with her. And once you are done doing that, go get a life because it is awfully apparent you don't have one.

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The show was ok. I didn't like the repeats, or the weak mixing in the first two hours. It definitely got better once the sun set. It was a good night to hang out and listen to some trance with your friends under the stars while drinking some beers! It had a Sundays@Space feel to it, but the women weren't as hot or friendly, but most of them spoke English! LOL. A good time was had by all in my crew.

Here are some pictures in the gallery: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=6064&ppuser=37733

Yeah, yeah, the pictures are boring - the really fun pictures are not posted here!

Too bad PVD went to Philly to play another show instead of coming the afterparty at the Paramount Hotel. We had fun drinking free Heinikens on his behalf anyways! :)

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Originally posted by bozer

Best night of the summer for me. He played a ton of hits (as expected), the lasers were cool looking, you could pretty much do whatever you wanted (seemed like no security anywhere), and everyone was there for a good time (I didnt even see any juice bags jerkoffs).

All in all a perfect night if you ask me, except for the 1 or 2 times I ran into people who refuse to wear deodorant. For the people who are complaining, please stfu. If you were unable to have a good time there last night, I highly doubt you are able to ever have a good time. Learn to enjoy yourselves more and stop worrying so much about being trend whores.

ima definitley gonna have a use for that part about people being trend whores who really never relax and fucking enjoy themselves, i agree very well said :)

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you can't please everybody...but you can try to please as many people as possible with some success....

PVD played "AS The Rush Comes " in the beginning, and it was the second to last song he played towards the end.

It sounded like every body sang the lyrics when he played it the first time...so since it sounded to him that they liked it so much, he did an encore of it towards the end...and again everybody sang the lyrics....so it makes sense to me why he would repeat it....

I didn't mind hearin it again...it's the 1st time I heard the track( xcuse me.... I just zoomed in from another planet) which to me was cool and a highlight of the nite.....

....Tune in somewhere,

Could be anywhere....

Coldness in the air:


We drift deeper---------

Life Goes on!__

We Drift Deeper:...

into the sound!!.........

travelin Somewhere;


there's a coldness in the air:

But I don't care.....

We drift deeper into the sound...

life goes---on.....

We Drift deeper into the sound:

Feelin Strong!!!

So Bring it on......

So bring it on

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Originally posted by djinnom

Don't bother crying to me, go cry to your momma....but only once I'm done with her. And once you are done doing that, go get a life because it is awfully apparent you don't have one.

Good one. Mother jokes always win.

/end sarcasm

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this post...not much of a review it is now....

I think we should have a few rules as far as reviews go:

1. this wasn't your first event

2. You were not tripping so hard as to see things that are not there.

3. You have seen that DJ before and are familiar with his/her style, type of tracks played etc and in fact do enjoy it.

Otherwise we will have some people say that they have experience an Ascension and others (those that just don't like anything by the particular DJ) that it sucked.

I already have given my opinion on this event.

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Originally posted by PCR

this post...not much of a review it is now....

I think we should have a few rules as far as reviews go:

1. this wasn't your first event

2. You were not tripping so hard as to see things that are not there.

3. You have seen that DJ before and are familiar with his/her style, type of tracks played etc and in fact do enjoy it.

Otherwise we will have some people say that they have experience an Ascension and others (those that just don't like anything by the particular DJ) that it sucked.

I already have given my opinion on this event.

ummm, that was the dumbest thing I have read in awhile, even if it was a joke. That's the point, to have different opinions on the night. Who cares if it was your first event, if you're were on drugs, or if you haven't seen the DJ before...does that make you less entitled to let people know what kind of a night you had? :rolleyes:

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i just dont get why there are so many fuckin haters on these messageboards.

i think pvd in central park was a big step for dance music and dance culture in nyc.

the night was a big success in that there was a nice crowd, nice music, and no one was hauled on in a ambulance.

clubbers need events like this to be a major success.

so if pvd dropped alot of older tracks and played a few songs twice, he was playing for his crowd.

the crowd in my opinion were probably not people who have heard pvd too much so he wanted to put on a good show.

fuckin people and their criticism. stay home and shut up if all u can do is criticize. instead of lookin at all the good that this event had people look at the bad.

and its all the fuckin trend whores and the music heads.

try goin out to have a good time and stop complaining about bullshit.

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Originally posted by buredf

i just dont get why there are so many fuckin haters on these messageboards.

i think pvd in central park was a big step for dance music and dance culture in nyc.

the night was a big success in that there was a nice crowd, nice music, and no one was hauled on in a ambulance.

clubbers need events like this to be a major success.

so if pvd dropped alot of older tracks and played a few songs twice, he was playing for his crowd.

the crowd in my opinion were probably not people who have heard pvd too much so he wanted to put on a good show.

fuckin people and their criticism. stay home and shut up if all u can do is criticize. instead of lookin at all the good that this event had people look at the bad.

and its all the fuckin trend whores and the music heads.

try goin out to have a good time and stop complaining about bullshit.


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wow.. that whole day was simply something that i needed for a long time.. since april which was the last time PVD was in town.. that set then was great too imo..

summerstage was my first outdoor event that kicked some ass.. the whole crew was having a great time.. the music was A++.. i heard a couple tunes more than once but that was all good.. i guess after the place really filled up PVD thought it was neccesary to drop NBY n ATRC n OVERFLOW again.. but those tracks are sick.. so whatever daddy wants to do is fine by me.. it was his show not any of ours.. :)

ii know this review is a lil late too but oh well.. the guy up front wit the afro that everyone here knows, well i was standin rite there wit him.. lol.. he is one badass mofo.. screamin out those lyrics n all.. shoutin LOUDER LOUDER.. n crying for daddy to play circa forever which he didnt do.. sorry my friend but he is savin that choon for NOV when he is back in a club..

the place - fun to be in CP..

the sound - was too low, but one the subs were turned on it was ok

the crowd - very diverse, if there werent so many people shoving their way through it woulda been more to my likeing but what did i expect in nyc

PVD's preformance - i loved every sec of it..

the crew - was def worth gettin there early n chillin wit everyone, $4 beers n $2 waters was a shock.. n that night tops this summer for best night out for me.. 2nd place right now was DH 1 year ann... n 3rd being S&P n DT this past weekend..

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Originally posted by buredf

i just dont get why there are so many fuckin haters on these messageboards.

i think pvd in central park was a big step for dance music and dance culture in nyc.

the night was a big success in that there was a nice crowd, nice music, and no one was hauled on in a ambulance.

clubbers need events like this to be a major success.

so if pvd dropped alot of older tracks and played a few songs twice, he was playing for his crowd.

the crowd in my opinion were probably not people who have heard pvd too much so he wanted to put on a good show.

fuckin people and their criticism. stay home and shut up if all u can do is criticize. instead of lookin at all the good that this event had people look at the bad.

and its all the fuckin trend whores and the music heads.

try goin out to have a good time and stop complaining about bullshit.

That is the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time, right down there with the loser bozer.

If we as a people have nothing to complain about, then nothing would ever improve. You and your flower sniffing asshole supporters are the type of people that if they were in a country run by tyrants that gave you no rights and killed your family would say "instead of looking at the bad, be happy that you are alive and don't complain!".

You are a fucking tool.

There are two sides to everything. There is some good and some bad. It's just the way it works. Expressing joy for the good and disdain for the bad is the BEST way to review something. It makes your review objective.

We all have brains. Try using yours.

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yeh mr brain over there..

theres two sides too every situation but whats the need to sit there and insult the music, say the event was stupid.

don't you think that if america had many more events like this that the scene would be alot better everywhere?

tell me the reason for criticizing the event...

theres a thing called constructive criticism and alot of people here do not know what it means

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this is a great post i found on another thread in boston section...

However, clubplanet, while functioning as an excellent website, is teeming with assholes - you can't change that.

I for one like all sorts of electronic music - progressive, breaks, house, and of course, TRANCE. I don't think I will ever understand the fierce resentment people like to display towards certain genres; they act as if its some sort of contest, or turf war.

I don't think that many people understand the fragility of "the scene". Electronic dance music is an entirerly new movement; it's revolutionary when compared to the great music phenomenons of the past (blues, rock, hip-hop). Its brought with it a new party culture (clubs) and most importantly, new ways of making music (electronic instruments). Ever been to a rave? Nothing like this has ever been seen before, but at this rate, we're lucky if people even remember in 20, 30 years.

The scene is also battling some nasty enemies: the decline of the album, the limbo that is online music, NYC nightlife going down the toilet, etc. etc.

This shit started in the underground, so I can understand the dedication people have to it - they don't want to see their music corrupted, and that is great. However, if people want to see this thing survive so that others will be able to look back and recognize its importance, they'd do well to listen more and talk less.

Bottom line is that I see people pop a lot of shit on this board; mad posts about "my love for this music, my love for the scene", and then I see the same people trashing another post for no good reason, usually because of a difference in taste.

Not like its going to make a difference here, but buredf has a point; dance music can't afford infighting right now, yet that's what you see. If people were to get a little more open about things, it would go a long way towards setting the whole scene on some stable ground.

Oh, and if some knowitall replies saying "dood, do a search we hit this topic already", fuck you in advance. Its the truth, and in the mental wasteland of clubplanet, its better to have it voiced again rather than ignored. I have a lot of time and money invested in the scene, and I don't want to see it die. Why? Because its the purest embodiment of a good time I've ever known.

Last edited by mrslick on 09-04-2003 at 03:33 PM

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oh come on now...

person A goes to see movie A

person B goes to see movie A

person A thinks the movie was great

person B thinks the movie sucked

both person A and person B are movie critics for a major newspaper.

Tell me, do you only want to hear about person A's experience when you are thinking about watching movie A and paying the $10 bucks it costs?

hells no. I wanna hear the whole story. I wanna hear the perspective of both person A and person B. It's very simple.

And to make another point, I was the one who said I like the first 2 hours because of my reasons, then said the 3rd hour pretty much sucked and the 4th hour was subpar making it out to be a mediocre set. sue me for being honest. I'm not gonna pump my fists in the air for a mediocre set just because the "scene" is dying. If a night that contributed to the "scene" was mediocre, only by saying it was mediocre can we expect things to get better. It was that friggin TOOL bozer who jumped on my case for having an opinion. Go bark up his tree.

And to top it off, it was very cool that it was outdoors. I think it really elevated the experience. But I'm not gonna get my panties in a bunch if someone disagrees with me on that unlike some ppl on this board *cough* bozer. yeah...bozer the lozer

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buredf, yes, the dance scene could use some help. but these things are cyclical and they evolve. i support what i like and give my opinions on things that i dislike. i wish more ppl would do the same such that when the scene comes back around, we only get back the good stuff.

if we simply accept any night as a good night, just for the sake of saving a dying scene, then we're in for a whole mess of shitty nights that make up the scene.

do you remember techno from the 80's? It exploded in the states. Clubs like limelight were PACKED every night. Then it faded and died. Then trance start getting bigger in the mid to late 90's. It's starting to die now. The next big thing will replace it and the scene will go on. It's only our input, both good and bad, that will bring us the next iteration the way we want it.

So, you can sit here and say everything is awesome even if its not, or have your say in what comes next.

I choose the latter....unlike bozer, the loser without a brain.

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