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Perfect End to Summer 2003

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After all these summers down there I can never get tired of that room and the feeling you have as soon as you walk through those doors. I've said it numerous times before to the point that I sound like a broken record, but there is truly nothing like Temptations Closing Party. There is only one word to describe that night and that is MAGICAL! Watching all of you have so much fun and going crazy from the DJ Booth gives me chills. That is without a doubt the ulimate high. Nothing makes me feel better then watching you guys love the music as much as I do. Times like these makes all the drama I deal with in this industry worth while. So, once again from the bottom of my heart I thank all of you for making my summers at Tempts so incredible. I hope to see you all winter long at the clubs I will be playing.

Love you guys!

Denny Tsettos

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Originally posted by Denny Tsettos

After all these summers down there I can never get tired of that room and the feeling you have as soon as you walk through those doors. I've said it numerous times before to the point that I sound like a broken record, but there is truly nothing like Temptations Closing Party. There is only one word to describe that night and that is MAGICAL! Watching all of you have so much fun and going crazy from the DJ Booth gives me chills. That is without a doubt the ulimate high. Nothing makes me feel better then watching you guys love the music as much as I do. Times like these makes all the drama I deal with in this industry worth while. So, once again from the bottom of my heart I thank all of you for making my summers at Tempts so incredible. I hope to see you all winter long at the clubs I will be playing.

Love you guys!

Denny Tsettos

All I have to say is for someone who was really SICK (with a fever, throwing up, nasuea) I managed to stick it out and it was well worth it

All I have to say is the music was my cure, because half way through the night I felt hell of alot better

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Originally posted by Denny Tsettos

After all these summers down there I can never get tired of that room and the feeling you have as soon as you walk through those doors. I've said it numerous times before to the point that I sound like a broken record, but there is truly nothing like Temptations Closing Party. There is only one word to describe that night and that is MAGICAL! Watching all of you have so much fun and going crazy from the DJ Booth gives me chills. That is without a doubt the ulimate high. Nothing makes me feel better then watching you guys love the music as much as I do. Times like these makes all the drama I deal with in this industry worth while. So, once again from the bottom of my heart I thank all of you for making my summers at Tempts so incredible. I hope to see you all winter long at the clubs I will be playing.

Love you guys!

Denny Tsettos

Denny, that was the performance of the year so far. Unbelievable!

How do you go to any other clubs and have the much fun in one night? Impossible. Thanks for an awesome end to the summer.

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Every year I leave the Tempts closing party saying that was the best one yet, but the truth of the matter is it can't get better then the year before and it won't get better next year!!!!!!

Yo have reached the max in pure insanity and energy!!!!!

The one thing I can say about this year is the last hour or so, you maneged to throw down the best 1 hour of music that what made Tempts ....TEMPTs.......sunshine, to be able to love, I want to dance with somebody, moving up keys, misssing you/I can't sleep and a couple of more!!!!!!!!!

It's very easiy to deal with a packed crowd like that when you know everybody was enjoying the shit out of the music and company!!!!

Thanks for ruining my retirement party and making me want to come back for more next summer!!!

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I think tempskid put it best. On Monday everyone said to themselves that there is no way next years closing party is going to be as good as this years and then u catch yourself realizing you said the same thing last year on the same labor day monday. What Denny did Sunday night in the last hour is the reason I beleive that Denny is just an amazing DJ and my choice as the best in this state. Though most people expect Denny to kill everybody with all the new shit all night long he decided to play the shit that everyone loved to hear over the past couple years. He is a true professional and totally knows the meaning of playing for the crowd. Yeh there are haters out there but every DJ and person has them and as a entertainer he needs to let those things fly over his head and realize some really dont like him and some are just plain jealous. Well all I know I was completely tired from a 10 hour day at SURF and still made it a point to get to Temps to sit in the DJ Booth to watch the festivities. Another great closing party and the energy in that room is one that every nightclub owner/consultant/promoter should look to achieve in any of the parties they do. Great job to Denny and the staff for making it another TEMPS CLOSING PARTY EVENT.

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i think im going to cry...................

dammit digga, shut it................DIGGA DOES NOT CRY!!!!!!!!!!!



IT IS VERY DANGEROUS TO MY HEALTH AND THE PEOPLE AROUND ME..............................................

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Originally posted by Denny Tsettos

After all these summers down there I can never get tired of that room and the feeling you have as soon as you walk through those doors. I've said it numerous times before to the point that I sound like a broken record, but there is truly nothing like Temptations Closing Party. There is only one word to describe that night and that is MAGICAL! Watching all of you have so much fun and going crazy from the DJ Booth gives me chills. That is without a doubt the ulimate high. Nothing makes me feel better then watching you guys love the music as much as I do. Times like these makes all the drama I deal with in this industry worth while. So, once again from the bottom of my heart I thank all of you for making my summers at Tempts so incredible. I hope to see you all winter long at the clubs I will be playing.

Love you guys!

Denny Tsettos

thank you!!!!! count down for another memorable summer to come 2004

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Originally posted by dogekid

we need to invent a new word for energy, cuz whatever that was that we all created at the end of sunday night was some next level shit.

Exactly what Jay said! It was complete mayhem that last hour.

Denny - Thanks for a great recap to summer 2003.

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Guest saleen351

good to hear tempts was tempts.. you guys missed denny at space, it was a blast and the owner of the club emailed me and confirmed denny is comming back for a saturday night spot along side oscar g and roland @ Club Space... Hopefully they let him play the patio...

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thanx for an incredible summer Denny, it had to be one of my best.....being a tempts virgin before this year i did not know what i was missing....i sure as hell made up for it though by only missing one saturday and only two or three sundays.... i could never get sick of that place the music, the vibe, the energy is just nuts in that place, loved every minute of it.......i cant say enuff bout the closing party, it was the sickest thing i have ever seen at a club, sh!t im gettin chills just remembering back to it.......incredible time

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I would like to thank the vast majority of the crowd for behaving Sunday. You guys had fun and kept yourselves in control for the most part. The exception of the few assholes that thought throwing bottles was fun, it was a good night. The tens years in this business and 8 Closing parties this was the craziest one yet.

The summers done after this weekend and then were back in "SESSION" at DEKO, this was the most amazing party last year, but that wasn't a shocker,being that Sergio and his crew are the best around, be sure to join us starting the 13th of September for another Sicckkkkkkkkkkkk Party!!!

To Denny Tsettos, Thank you, for keeping my business running every summer my crew grows and its because you put the bodies in the place.

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