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Who Thinks Johnny Vicious Is The Best Dj In Nyc

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Tomiie, Regisford and Vega are all MUCH better DJ's than Vicious IMO.

Vicious may be a good DJ or even a very good DJ, but he spins Techno/Trance TRASH. That is the only and the best way I could put it. His song selection is most often atrocious. Vicious spins too much CHEESE!

On the other hand, he is great person, a true gentlemen and a fine DJ in the industry. I just think his song selection is terrible.

Everyone has their own opinions. Just because you don't like his style doesn't mean that he's a bad DJ. Hell, how can anyone not like Vicious? I've always heard that he is a great person!

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

Tomiie, Regisford and Vega are all MUCH better DJ's than Vicious IMO.

Vicious may be a good DJ or even a very good DJ, but he spins Techno/Trance TRASH. That is the only and the best way I could put it. His song selection is most often atrocious. Vicious spins too much CHEESE!

On the other hand, he is great person, a true gentlemen and a fine DJ in the industry. I just think his song selection is terrible.

Everyone has their own opinions. Just because you don't like his style doesn't mean that he's a bad DJ. Hell, how can anyone not like Vicious? I've always heard that he is a great person!

I agree. His productions are good, his mixing is excellent, but his track selection is horrendous. When Vicious plays how HE wants to play, as opposed to how a club, or crowd, or radio station want him to play, he can be incredible. He was no joke back in the Tunnel days.

But how many times can you hear "Crowd Song" or "Children" before you want to hurl? From what I've heard from a couple of good friends of mine, he IS a class act and a nice guy, but that does not a good DJ make.

As far as local DJs, I'd go see Tenaglia, Tomiie, Little Louie Vega, Francois K, Junior, Rauhofer, Roger Sanchez, Low End Specialists, Rich Woods, That Kid Chris, Joeski, Cevin Fisher, Tim Regisford, David Waxman, Victor Calderone, Erick Morillo before I saw "Roxy" Vicious.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

you have just reaffirmed that u and ur boyfriend LALA r by far the BIGGEST FUCKING MORONS TO EVER GRACE THE CLUB SCENE....Johnny Vicious isnt the best DJ in his own house....

best DJ in NEW YORK CITY>?? that is one bold ass statement and uve proven how much u really DONT KNOW....i wouldnt even begin to fathom who is the best NYC DJ...there's so many quality DJ's no one talks about..like Matt who does Fridays @ Abaya...Meritt...Justin Nichols...not to mention gods like Tenaglia..Vasquez..Tomiie...Morillo...Regisford..Vega...etc etc

fuck that..i dont think johnny vicious could hang with Roha or mike bugout or djjonstephens from this board....

his style is old..boring..repetitive....


He may not be the best, but mentioning Meritt was a good choice. I think he may be the most UNDERRATED DJ in the city.

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i feel its an opinion thing

if you feel hes the best for you then hey thats all you

iam a big vicious fan

i used to love all his old work back at the tunnel and sf fridays and early roxy days

ill agree his last set was mind blowing

but he even said it him self that the times are changeing and the demand for hard trance in nyc is fadeing

alot of djs are spinnin tech-house

now i respect tech-house, but alot of clubs and djs are spinnin it

iam a trance fan myself

the way he is going he is just gonna be in the same class as every other dj who will be forced to spin tech-house cause its the style

the days of hard dance floor exit anthems we all know of is fadeing so i feel if vicious wants to make a strong return out of no where he should start to play a more marco v kinda style

its tech trance but not as hard and he should cut down with the house

i mean thats just my opinon but hey if everyone is spinnin tech cause its in why not spin tech trance since he is a trance dj to some extent

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Originally posted by joecrack13

someone who spins KTU music can never be the best DJ in NYC....i think people forgot that NYC has some of the biggest names in the world...i just got back from ibiza and these following names were so huge there noone would understand

Roger Sanchez

Erick Morillo

Satoshi Tomiie


David Morales

Lil Louie Vega


u cant even put these guys in the same category as Johnny Vicious who i must say was the first DJ i loved but as time goes on u get onto bigger and better things

Jonathan Peters is probably one of the worst DJs ive ever heard...the guys not known out of NYC, Boston, Philly or Vegas

Not saying he is the best or anythign( he is one of my favorites) but Jonathan Peters has had the longest residency or has kept the longest party thats still goin till today. He is not well known because he does not travel at all. He is fine in his soundfactory which is ok its his descion. There is no best DJ, but there is a most recognized dj. And i would say its Mr. Danny Teneglia. He is well know all over the globe and he is also in the game a very long time. but like i said aint no best for me Jonathan Peters does it betta than alot of dj's who i can even say are better than him but he just does it for me. cause of my taste in music. Like i said aint no best dj, and who is clubplanet to choose becasue we aint professional dj selectors and we all like different music. yes we all have different tastes.

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Originally posted by eddie3

To be 100% honest... vasquez is the best ever

o... and............

I think whenever I go to factory JP's set is great (especially from 5-9am) and I laugh whenever ppl bash JP

but factory is horrible

great music/horrible atmosphere

The last time i went to factory at the underwear party everyone was having fun and dancing and the party was great. great fuckin atmosphere. i got there at 3 pm and left at 8 pm. i neva seen a bad atmosphere at factory. and i been goin for 2 yrs(the yrs people claim are the worst its eva b een). i dont know what a bad atmosphere is if everyone is partyign and having fun then what is bad about that. motha fuckas fighting and that shit is bad atmosphere no fights at factory kiddo

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Originally posted by donnie

Not saying he is the best or anythign( he is one of my favorites) but Jonathan Peters has had the longest residency or has kept the longest party thats still goin till today.

Wrong, that would be Tim Regisford @ Shelter.

Originally posted by donnie

Like i said aint no best dj, and who is clubplanet to choose becasue we aint professional dj selectors and we all like different music. yes we all have different tastes.

Fine, there may be no "best DJ", but do you have to be an professional actor to know that Jennifer Lopez can't act if her life depended on it? Do you have to be a professional singer to know that Beyonce Knowles has a better singing voice than Yoko Ono? So why suggest that someone can't have a reasoned opinion about why a particular DJ blows if they've based it on their personal experience of having seen many DJs perform?

I'd like to hear anyone suggest that Tony Draper, for instance, is a better technical DJ than John Digweed. While it may be "subjective," the majority of people who have heard both DJs would probably look at someone who suggested that as if they had been lobotomized.

There is *some* degree of objectivity involved, we just can't quantify it in the same way we can with sports stars who have statistics to back up how "good" they are.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

there's so many quality DJ's no one talks about..like Matt who does Fridays @ Abaya...Meritt...Justin Nichols...not to mention gods like Tenaglia..Vasquez..Tomiie...Morillo...Regisford..Vega...etc etc

And don't forget Low End Specialists. :D

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Originally posted by luiskain

Let's just put an end to this and agree that I'm the best DJ in nyc. I'm the guy who has been secretly producing and mixing the CDs u buy in the village for 5 bux

Yes, Exit Flips Sound Factory Vol 64 is comin out kids...keep your eyes peeled

and your the guy who sells that at he corner also, aren't ya??

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