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when you go to lunch or out do you . . .


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Originally posted by eggmok

always ask your co-workers if they want anything . . .

i know it's work place etiquette to do so, but i really hate it because someone will say "yeah, can you get me a hot fudge sunday, or a hamburger or blah, blah, blah." then you have to come back with you hands full of lunch for everyone else . . .

and if you do go out and don't ask and come back, some jackass will say "dude, you went to mickey dees and didn't ask if i wanted something."

if fuckin hate that shit . . .:mad:

fuck that... if they wants something go get it themselves... what the fuck am i benson???

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Originally posted by teriaki

The worst is when I bring lunch. One co-worker always finds the need to come over and ask me "hey... whatcha got there? smells good."

Really bugs me for some reason.

Yeah, yeah - that drives me insane. All I want is 30 minutes of leave-me-alone time and somebody has got to be all up in my face asking about my lunch. I've even had people ask for a taste!

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Originally posted by nourishment

Yeah, yeah - that drives me insane. All I want is 30 minutes of leave-me-alone time and somebody has got to be all up in my face asking about my lunch. I've even had people ask for a taste!

I hate when it's...."What is that?" Reply, "What fucking difference does it make? You aren't eating it!!"

And I hate the damn nosey ass people I work with!! Always asking, "how are you today?"

"It's none of your fucking business how I am doing today."

And the worst of them all, "HAVE A NICE DAY."

"Who the fuck are you to be telling me to have a nice day?" Why don't you go have a fucking nice day!! Maybe I want my day to be shitty for a change. Maybe I don't want to be in a fucking good mood!! Nosey bastards.

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