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Temps 2001 (the guido oddessy)

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How long did that take you to compose Silverback, honestly?? Is your mom an English teacher? Did she help you? As for cyphead and fleximus: It's great to be confident and it's very attractive, but there is a fine line between confident and COCKY. You guys have crossed the line. Oh, and there is a direct corrolation between being COCKY and being a COCK.

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Originally posted by Silverback

In the rare few moments each day that i can sit down and log onto this tangled web of an internet I find myself compelled to read the drivel posted by you peons because all it makes me do, is laugh. People posting hundreds and even thousands of times to this nowhere place. Spending hours contemplatiing insensible comebacks to the intellectual postings of my friends fleximus and cyphead. When will you learn that they cannot be deterred by adolescents like yourselves from speaking their mind. They are true Men (not the braggadocios that most of you are) who have conquered that belief deeply ingrained by our castrated society into the male psyche--that one cannot be great, that one must merely be ordinary. They have propelled themsleves outside of the conformity of the masses, and are paving the way for the future, for themselves for you and most importantly for our future male children, so that when they are brought into this world, they may know what it means to dominate and not fear reaching for greatness.

The goals for my life are far different from the goals that fleximus and cyphead have each set for themselves. I am relatively young and I have already garnered the admiration of my peers and the respect of the elders of my profession. So much so that the mere raise of my eyebrow or the slightest skepticism on my part will send people 10 and 20 years my senior scurrying to recheck their figures and assumptions. Fleximus and Cyphead will attain similar status in their lives, I am confident of that. It is often said that great minds think alike, but I am cautious to limit the scope of that expression to only the intellectuals because small minds and small men often think alike too. Look at how many have come to bash the opinions of my Great friends. You are a mob of peons. In trying to belittle them you serve only to emasculate yourselves. E Tu Brutus? And for you women who are here and witnessing this dialogue, tell me, what type of mate does a weak man make? What is a man if not for his physique and his intellect. Would you have your child raised by the coniving jackal, or the proud lion. Who will you lay your naked body next to, the adonis or the ill-defined.

You fools are like a pestilance and I have grown very tired of you all. I again admonish you to heed my warning. When the time comes I will battle you all. Do not say that you have not been given advance notice of the great supplification. You will wish you had never liked club music when I get through with you.

I don't know about anyone else, but I commend you Silverback, because that was the funniest most innovative as well as interseting post I have read since joining this board. the senseless babble of what DJ is better and what club is better has became so drap that it is stomach turning. To finally be able to read something that makes me laugh my ASS off is refreashing. BRAVO to you!!!



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Originally posted by eviljav666

post is funny....

cuba como tu estas....parents are coming back from little cuba tomorrow...my dads not feeling well..

kind of suck..i party hard tonight...

JohnnieCUBA things are good. Working hard and late. Was at work till like midnight last night, but today I'm out of here by 5:00 PM. Hope your pops is OK. My parents just got back from Miami last Sunday. Fucking CUBANS, a million places to visit in this world and they go to Miami every year. No partying for me this weekend. Dinner with the lady tonight, some golf tomorrow, and some quality time with the little guy (haven't seen him much this week with work and all.) Kids are funny bro.. He don't give a rats ass about work or coming home tired from work. He just wants his pops to play with him and read him a bed time story. Wish life always stays that simple.

Hasta luego compadre.


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Yeah cuba...

i totaly agree..a million places to go every year Maimi...


i would love a vacation..i just cant this place is short handed..iam realy trying to get out of here...iam not trying hard enought cuz iam still here...

Yeah hopefully Reinaldo gets better...this things sometimes turn into Soap Opra's...

:flame: KILL~~~~~~~~~~

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Originally posted by midnightangel

How long did that take you to compose Silverback, honestly?? Is your mom an English teacher? Did she help you? As for cyphead and fleximus: It's great to be confident and it's very attractive, but there is a fine line between confident and COCKY. You guys have crossed the line. Oh, and there is a direct corrolation between being COCKY and being a COCK.

Crossed the line? You wouldn't think so if you met us. Confident and humble. Generous and caring. These are just some of our attributes.

As you can tell we are highly educated, Silverback atttends Medical School, I am currently pursuing my MBA, and Fleximus is a Pharmaceutical planner.

Once again for no reason the bashing begins. We did not say anything to put anybody down personaly, racially (Saleen), or gender-wise.

You should end the profanity (C@CK, C#CKY) MidnightAngel, it is very unladylike and will not be tolerated by stand-up guys such as ourselves.

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Originally posted by cyphead

Crossed the line? You wouldn't think so if you met us. Confident and humble. Generous and caring. These are just some of our attributes.

As you can tell we are highly educated, Silverback atttends Medical School, I am currently pursuing my MBA, and Fleximus is a Pharmaceutical planner.

Once again for no reason the bashing begins. We did not say anything to put anybody down personaly, racially (Saleen), or gender-wise.

You should end the profanity (C@CK, C#CKY) MidnightAngel, it is very unladylike and will not be tolerated by stand-up guys such as ourselves.

Please, give me a break, I am merely making my assumptions by the way YOU have portrayed yourself in your previous posts. Mabye you need to step back for a minute and realize that not every person around you percieves you in the way you percieve yourself. I am sorry that my profanity has offended you, and it many not be very lady like, but I was using it to make a point. If you are willing to post on this board than except the consequence that everyone on this board has a right to voice thier opinion, and that was mine. If I have bashed anyones level of intelligence, I apologize. Oh, one more thing...a "humble" man does not brag about how women drop at thier feet, the designer clothes they wear or how great they are. You might want to be careful not to contrdict yourself in the future.

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Originally posted by midnightangel

Please, give me a break, I am merely making my assumptions by the way YOU have portrayed yourself in your previous posts. Mabye you need to step back for a minute and realize that not every person around you percieves you in the way you percieve yourself. I am sorry that my profanity has offended you, and it many not be very lady like, but I was using it to make a point. If you are willing to post on this board than except the consequence that everyone on this board has a right to voice thier opinion, and that was mine. If I have bashed anyones level of intelligence, I apologize. Oh, one more thing...a "humble" man does not brag about how women drop at thier feet, the designer clothes they wear or how great they are. You might want to be careful not to contrdict yourself in the future.

I live in Morris County also. What town??

I admit that I have contradicted myself one time in my posts. I find it hard to keep in control when I write. Pretty soon I will fine tune my skills. I admit my mistake.

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Listen Cyphead you arrogent Fuck.. I have seen you in your blue headbands and your and matching outfits and you are not all you think you are cracked out to be... you look like you are having an epileptic fit when you dance..so pipe down budy.. see you at the bachelor party......

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Midnightangel, to call you ignorant would be an insult to ignorant people. I generally do not respond to inane questions such as yours because it tends to legitimize stupidity. As for your complement that my mother must be an english teacher, i will take to mean that you found my prose stimulating and engaging. I can see how incomprehensible it may be to you that a person can be so eloquent and yet still enjoy going to temps and defining his physique, or why a person with so much insight and depth would actually take time to enlighten the viewers of this board. I don't hold it against you, you may have never come in contact with person such as myself. It is often the reaction of common people to fear and detest the unkonwn and the awe inspiring. I believe that you like most women have never had a real man, but rather you have given your time, and the intimacy of your body to near approximations of the masculine gender. What you have done in trying to insult me is reveal how you truly wish that I could be tamed by your feminine perspective. You see in me all the potential for the perfect mate, but I need to be subjugated to your will -- is that it? What kind of dreams have you left unresolved, do you wish for that one man to take you away from all that boredom, to sweep you off your feet and show you each day all the hidden beauty that the world jealously hides away. Do you still wish for a man who will provide every luxury, and pamper your body in every way and yet be strong enough to defend you in the darkest of alleys and from the seediest of suitors. Or have you given up. You revealed so clearly that you desire me, but you like so many people are afraid to yeild to your own heart. I pity you.

As for nabuc, I can only give you one piece of advice, If you wouldn't spend so much time trying to let the people on this board know what you stand for and what you're about, then maybe your son would know you a little better. Otherwise youngbuc is going to have to learn how to type pretty soon if he wants to spend time with his dad!

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Originally posted by Silverback

Midnightangel, to call you ignorant would be an insult to ignorant people. I generally do not respond to inane questions such as yours because it tends to legitimize stupidity. As for your complement that my mother must be an english teacher, i will take to mean that you found my prose stimulating and engaging. I can see how incomprehensible it may be to you that a person can be so eloquent and yet still enjoy going to temps and defining his physique, or why a person with so much insight and depth would actually take time to enlighten the viewers of this board. I don't hold it against you, you may have never come in contact with person such as myself. It is often the reaction of common people to fear and detest the unkonwn and the awe inspiring. I believe that you like most women have never had a real man, but rather you have given your time, and the intimacy of your body to near approximations of the masculine gender. What you have done in trying to insult me is reveal how you truly wish that I could be tamed by your feminine perspective. You see in me all the potential for the perfect mate, but I need to be subjugated to your will -- is that it? What kind of dreams have you left unresolved, do you wish for that one man to take you away from all that boredom, to sweep you off your feet and show you each day all the hidden beauty that the world jealously hides away. Do you still wish for a man who will provide every luxury, and pamper your body in every way and yet be strong enough to defend you in the darkest of alleys and from the seediest of suitors. Or have you given up. You revealed so clearly that you desire me, but you like so many people are afraid to yeild to your own heart. I pity you.

First of all I was not looking for answers to my questions. It was merely sarcasm, humor. If you equate sarcasm with ignorance than that's your mistake. If you had read my second post you would have read; "If I have bashed anyone's level of intelligence I apologize". I realized that not everyone can undersatnd and appreciate my sarcasm, and that I am not the type of person to insult people unless they truly deserve it. It also had nothing to do with your gender at all. As far as your insults towards me, they are insignifigant. I am positive you have never encountered a woman like me in your life by reading your above statements. I don't think you are open enough to know and understand me, but you attempts are rather creative. You should know that true inspiration comes from deep with yourself, and I don't need you or anyone for that matter to inspire me. I don't need a man to complete me, for I am complete on my own. Because I am content as who I am, I don't need to search for the missing pieces that you seem to think you behold. Rather I long for a man who will compliment me, share my passions, share my beliefs and appreciate the greatness of love. Here's a thought for you; could it be that you are projecting you own wants, need,desires, and insecurities onto me? I must say I found your reply, and wild assumptions even more entertaining than your original post. I am so flattered that you took time out of your busy life to respond. :)

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Originally posted by fleximus

After establishing myself as one of the top emailers on clubplanet.com, I have decided to revisit my fans. Let is be known that chosenone has done nothing to impress me. I am like Caesar conquering all that stand in my path, I pillage villages and reap the reward. At temps I will make my presence known. I will command attention with my stunning looks and by the flocks of girls that will be following me around. I have been called an Adonis by many. I have the strength of 10 ordinary men and the intellect of Einstein. Chosen one, you have no idea who I am, I am a warrior and you cannot compete in the arena of gladiators. Your head is like temps in the winter.....empty....you know nothing but foul language and getting dissed by chicks. Your response to this will lack coherence because you do not posses the skill to retaliate. Your little icon symbolizes a moron who got burnt in the tanning bed. I on the other hand can't wait for Temps on Sat. Denny will be playing music to make me even better looking, wiser and more powerful. While you recover from this email, I will be sleeping with Pam Anderson and preparing for the night of Champions.

HEY MAXIMUS....GET OFF YOUR "HIGH" (no pun intended) HORSE!


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I dominate...I see that my good friends Silverback and Cyphead are holding down the fort in my absence...they have more than exceeded expectations...I have been on a hiatus as of late and will continue to be a mysterious wonder...work and vacation will leave little time for me to conversate on this board. And for any of you wondering, I will be signing autographs tomorrow in Belmar at 3:00 in front of Djais.

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Originally posted by Silverback

As for nabuc, I can only give you one piece of advice, If you wouldn't spend so much time trying to let the people on this board know what you stand for and what you're about, then maybe your son would know you a little better. Otherwise youngbuc is going to have to learn how to type pretty soon if he wants to spend time with his dad!

First of all I never asked for your advice. Secondly that post was never directed toward you. I spend time on this board when I am at work. Once my day is done so is my time on this board. My job is what keeps me here until ungodly hours not this board. I spend ever moment, outside of work, with my son. Anyone on this board, who knows me personally, will attest to that. I don't need advice from you or anybody on this board on how to raise my son. Nor do you have the right to voice you opinion on that subject. So unfortunitly you have just contradicted yourself, as you are now the arrogant ass. Who the FUCK gave you the right to make that comment. And if you are wondering, yes you hit a nerve. Not because I doubt my abilities as a father, but because I don't need some FAGGOT ASS JUICED UP FUCKING GUIDO who know dick squat about being a father or what that entails giving me tips on parenting. You can now take your time and make as many negative comment as you want about me. Be as creative or as vile as you wish I don't care, but never mention my son AGAIN!!! That is a topic you have no right to mention.


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Originally posted by nabuc1

First of all I never asked for your advice. Secondly that post was never directed toward you. I spend time on this board when I am at work. Once my day is done so is my time on this board. My job is what keeps me here until ungodly hours not this board. I don't need advice from you or anybody on this board on how to raise my son. Nor do you have the right to voice you opinion on that subject. So unfortunitly you have just contradicted yourself, as you are now the arrogant ass. You can make as many negative comment as you want about me, but never mantion anything about my son. That is a topic you have no right to mention.



I really think thats these are some of the funniest posts I have read in a long time. Nice work.

But you guys do sound like a bunch of homos.

BABY BLUE HEAD BANDS, thats funny and matching:laugh:

Jav you were right about these guys being a bunch JOHNNIES.

I'm still gonna get an autograph, maybe it will be worth blow job or something?


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