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Lee Burridge -@ Nerve Review ...


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UNBELIEVABLE NIGHT.... it's been a while since I’ve enjoyed so much a set as the one I heard yesterday!!!

Lee burridge should have started his set earlier though, Jon Cowan and Ariel almost made me fall asleep... no disrespect, but if you are going to open for such a high caliber DJ, make sure you play the right tracks in the right order for the warm up set. Terrible!!!!!! Probably the worst prog set I’ve ever heard. I hope next weekend the people at nerve look for someone else to open for Zabiela!!!!

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Originally posted by b612

UNBELIEVABLE NIGHT.... it's been a while since I’ve enjoyed so much a set as the one I heard yesterday!!!

Lee burridge should have started his set earlier though, Jon Cowan and Ariel almost made me fall asleep... no disrespect, but if you are going to open for such a high caliber DJ, make sure you play the right tracks in the right order for the warm up set. Terrible!!!!!! Probably the worst prog set I’ve ever heard. I hope next weekend the people at nerve look for someone else to open for Zabiela!!!!

who would say such a (treble) thing

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Thanks to the Nerve family, Jon Cowan, Ariel Baund and that guy with the 30%...it was definitively a night to remember...of course the star of the night was THE MUSIC!

I've heard different oppinions since Friday, personally, I think Cowan threw some really good tracks and built up the situation nicely for Lee...nice job Jon!

Lee Burridge is from another planet, what talent! I don't know what the hell he was doing up there, but it was bomb after bomb...the mood was rising level by level with each transition and each break...ahhhh...the breaks...surgeon style...damn! I'm not worthy of giving a proper review on this guy...it'd pompous to try...all I say is Lee Burridge was amazing.

Thanks again to everyone that made this happen, everyone. ;)

peace and chicken grease


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Originally posted by funketeer

Thanks to the Nerve family, Jon Cowan, Ariel Baund and that guy with the 30%...it was definitively a night to remember...of course the star of the night was THE MUSIC!

I've heard different oppinions since Friday, personally, I think Cowan threw some really good tracks and built up the situation nicely for Lee...nice job Jon!

Lee Burridge is from another planet, what talent! I don't know what the hell he was doing up there, but it was bomb after bomb...the mood was rising level by level with each transition and each break...ahhhh...the breaks...surgeon style...damn! I'm not worthy of giving a proper review on this guy...it'd pompous to try...all I say is Lee Burridge was amazing.

Thanks again to everyone that made this happen, everyone. ;)

peace and chicken grease


thankyou my friend - you are the man and welcome in my venue anytime.... much respect! all I can say is LEE FUCKING BURRIDGE!

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jon, i would have to say that this was one of your best performances to date. you were throwing it down. you mixed up with from some proggy stuff, to some techy stuff, and even that monica "so gone" (scumfrog remix) that i love so much. another highlight for me was when you threw down switch "get ya dub on" (john ciafone mix) jon was that from the cdr that i gave you? if it was thank you my brotha, u r the man jon cowan. thank you for bringing life back 2 da beach.:D:cool:


p.s. what a great "hot" lol night

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Originally posted by digital7

the thread was split and moved to keep the integrity of the original theme.. a review of the night



once again you guys are a bunch of girls...........that's right keep moving everything to the drama thread, are the moderators afraid their not going to get their drink tickets this weekend?..............poo poo poo poo Jon can't handle the criticism of his performance??????..........maybe you should move the DJ booth to the drama section and create a safe haven for all these guys, it will be a beautiful place, a place of harmony,.............a place where all mates can gather and kiss each others ass and tell each other how they are improving the dance music scene

Several people "REVIEWED" Jon's PERFORMANCE SUCH AS (SEE BELOW) and they were moved to the drama section - just wondering why? Is it because the moderators don't agree with the review? Or are they looking out for Jon's fragile feelings or are they afraid they wont get in for free (to one of the few clubs they have it like that at) if they don't move the posts? Just curious!



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Wow...do u two guys not like each other?

Seems like a lot of animosity between the two of you.

Anyway, I thought lee burridge was kind of wack and the opening guy, who im assuming was this Jon cowan guy who I had never heard of was a bit boring for my taste...

Just my opinion.

Sound system sounds very good though.


WHY WAS THIS POST MOVED? ITS SOUNDS LIKE A REVIEW TO ME?.............. this is a public chat room where people should be able to express themselves, and real issues, reviews, or comments SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO BE POSTED REGUARDLESS IF YOU AGREE OR NOT. These club topics are replaced with CLUB TOPICS SUCH AS "love seats" for sale threads or football scores, SO CATCH YOURSELF WHEN YOU SPEAK OF INTEGRITY, THERE IS NOT A THREAD ON THIS ENTIRE SITE THAT DOES NOT HAVE EITHER WHAT YOU REFER TO AS "DRAMA" OR THAT IS EVEN REMOTLEY INTELLEGENT.............90% OF THESE THREADS ARE FOR ENTERTAINEMNT PURPOSES ONLY ..............



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Originally posted by digital7

dude.. take your crying somewhere else. If you dont like it.. get the fuck out


NO PROBLEM BRO, DUDE, MATE,...............great answer to a good post with a lot of valid questions................

...thanks so much for you insightful, intelligent input

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Originally posted by stormentgroup


NO PROBLEM BRO, DUDE, MATE,...............great answer to a good post with a lot of valid questions................

...thanks so much for you insightful, intelligent input

yeah. ok.

like you've added anything worthwhile to this board..

carry on

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I also wanna add that I wasn't feeling Jon's set too much either but that's just me... I also thought it was a little boring but gotta admit that lots of people were having a good time and dancing their asses off. :hat: ...then Lee came on made us forget the excessive heat and fucked up bathrooms with all the good music he played. :)

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DJs don't have perfect sets every time..People on here are honest about what they feel, and are not "rewarded" with drink tickets because they have connections or gave a nice review. Do you really think Jon gives two fucks what ppl on CP think of him? Jon was DJing and Promoting LONG before CP, and long before Nerve came into the picture. Jon has something you can never buy: integrity. --and for a scene you probably couldn't care less about.

Regardless, stormentgroup is the one causing the needless drama. We all know where drama comes from..jealousy. If you do not have anything contructive to say, then don't pollute threads with your negative comments and stupidity. I think I can speak on everyone's behalf in saying we've really had enough of your immaturity. You call yourself a business man and act like a spoiled child. I certainly would never do business with the likes of you.

NOW SCRAM!! :mad:

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Originally posted by diabolique007

DJs don't have perfect sets every time..People on here are honest about what they feel, and are not "rewarded" with drink tickets because they have connections or gave a nice review. Do you really think Jon gives two fucks what ppl on CP think of him? Jon was DJing and Promoting LONG before CP, and long before Nerve came into the picture. Jon has something you can never buy: integrity. --and for a scene you probably couldn't care less about.

Regardless, stormentgroup is the one causing the needless drama. We all know where drama comes from..jealousy. If you do not have anything contructive to say, then don't pollute threads with your negative comments and stupidity. I think I can speak on everyone's behalf in saying we've really had enough of your immaturity. You call yourself a business man and act like a spoiled child. I certainly would never do business with the likes of you.

NOW SCRAM!! :mad:


#1 - obviously you don't know Jon if you don't think he cares about his reviews.......he is all about the ego like everyone else there that's why they work for free

#2 - negative reviews from independent people have been automatically moved to the drama board for no reason - people should be able to post what they feel, either good or bad

#3 - I'm not that stupid because your boy Jon works for me at my club for free. So where does the jealously factor come in?.............his claim to fame is bliss and groove jet and where are they? ........BOTH ARE OUT OF BUSINESS!.......so yes i have lots of concerns that he is going to extend his track record into my business

#4 - last but not least I have every right in the world to comment since its my business he is ruining not yours, if I had a dollar for everytime I went to the club at 3:30 and saw it emptily I would be rich already, so please don't tell me about scenes and trends or anything else for that matter............

#5 - and as far a you speaking to me about DJ's and they all don't have perfect sets, you don't even have the right to comment, how are you going to have the balls to comment and talk shit against a person who has DJ in 100s of clubs for the last 20 years plus......you sound like a fool

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Originally posted by stormentgroup


#1 - obviously you don't know Jon if you don't think he cares about his reviews.......he is all about the ego like everyone else there that's why they work for free

#2 - negative reviews from independent people have been automatically moved to the drama board for no reason - people should be able to post what they feel, either good or bad

#3 - I'm not that stupid because your boy Jon works for me at my club for free. So where does the jealously factor come in?.............his claim to fame is bliss and groove jet and where are they? ........BOTH ARE OUT OF BUSINESS!.......so yes i have lots of concerns that he is going to extend his track record into my business

#4 - last but not least I have every right in the world to comment since its my business he is ruining not yours, if I had a dollar for everytime I went to the club at 3:30 and saw it emptily I would be rich already, so please don't tell me about scenes and trends or anything else for that matter............

#5 - and as far a you speaking to me about DJ's and they all don't have perfect sets, you don't even have the right to comment, how are you going to have the balls to comment and talk shit against a person who has DJ in 100s of clubs for the last 20 years plus......you sound like a fool


I know you are part owner of the club, and Jon is not "my boy". He is a longtime friend, who has brought many good evenings of dancing to me, and many others. I'm sure you have done the same, and I commend you. I just don't understand why you don't have anything nice to say at all about Jon's efforts at Nerve. HOw can you blame one person for the lack of business, that's a bit absolute, don't you think? I mean, why not offer some constructive critisism to make things work better? It can only help make things better, and put more money in your pocket. It's obvious you don't get along, and up until now I've ignored it, but enough is enough. I have the right to say whatever I want, and so do you. We are all entitled to our opionions, but at least speak with some tact and positive enforcment. Is that too much to ask? I am a clubgoer, and pay your bills, in a small way. I wasn't talking shit. I was saying that if you have nothing postive at all to offer, then don't post.

"balls to comment and talk shit against a person who has DJ in 100s of clubs for the last 20 years plus......"

it's not THAT big of a deal darling, hence my coments, sorry if I'm bit of a spitfire, but sometimes I get all worked up...

negativity, rudeness and crass is just so distastful to me

just be a little nicer, try it, you might like it.

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