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My Travel Hell


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12:00 AM - Go to sleep

3:30 AM - Wake up and get ready to go to BWI

4:15 AM - Leave for BWI

4:16 AM - Holy fucking christ it's pouring out and the GW parkway is flooded. Thank god I drive a Jeep .

4:25 AM - Pump gas. Wow, did that suck. The horizontal rain got me soaked.

5:15 AM - Arrive BWI

5:30 AM - Get to my gate

5:45 AM - Board plane. Since it's a puddle jumper, you have to walk about 100 yards to the plane.

5:46 AM - Get soaked for the 2nd time today.

6:00 AM - Sit on the runway. Something's wrong.

7:00 AM - The plane needs a new starter, we're going back to the gate.

7:30 AM - Get off plane.

7:31 AM - Get soaked for 3rd time today.

7:35 AM - Stand in line at ticket counter to get on next flight.

8:30 AM - Finally get to talk to an agent at the American Airlines ticket counter. I'm on the 9:20 to Boston.

9:00 AM - Flight delayed because of bad weather (go figure). The plane won't even get there until 10AM.

10:00 AM - Board plane. Fall asleep. Wake up while landing.

11:30 AM - Get my bag and head to the taxi stand.

12:00 PM - Finally in the office and only 4 hours late for my meeting.


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Originally posted by silvershoes

i love warm weather and sun - i dont like hot DC weather with crazy humidity. Big difference ;)

Hmmm.... in Miami when its 88 degrees it will feel like its really 98 degrees w/ about 80% humity.

I don't really see much of a difference. However, I'd rather be in Miami where I can get to a beautiful beach quickly!

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Originally posted by silvershoes

hey, dont rain on my parade. I am excited to go to miami and there is nothing you can do to change that. so there. :tongue:

Yeah, it rains a lot there too but it doesn't matter cuz you're excited about it anyways... :tongue:

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Well, everything got a whole lot worse...

I left work at 8:30PM and went to the hotel. The hotel cancelled my reservation because they thought I was checking in on Monday night and not tonight.

The reason I'm in Boston is our entire sales force is here for training. The person at the hotel informs me that the person I was sharing a room with already has someone in their room, and that they'd have to find someone else for me to room with.

HUH??? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I'm all for cutting costs, and it'll be great for the stock when we're free cash flow positive, but give me a fucking break. They didn't even a) let me know, or B) give me a chance to pick who I was going to share a room with. Hell, I don't care about sharing a room, just lemme share one with one of my buddies, ok??

I promptly tell the hotel people to fuck off, and I call one of my friends to let him know I was going to crash at his place.

It's a good thing I used to live in this godforsaken place that is Boston.

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