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Is it a turn off when a guy is shy?


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My one friend is so shy that when they mess his order up at a restaurant, he'll just say "its ok, I'll eat it anyway", knowing that he is unhappy about it but just too shy to say anything.

Are woman more drawn to a strong type, or does it have to compliment that type of personality the girl has?



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Originally posted by tommyarmani

My one friend is so shy that when they mess his order up at a restaurant, he'll just say "its ok, I'll eat it anyway", knowing that he is unhappy about it but just too shy to say anything.

Are woman more drawn to a strong type, or does it have to compliment that type of personality the girl has?



i think women want the guy to whip some a$$...:laugh:




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Originally posted by bklynzzfinest

That doesnt sound like shyness to me... It sounds more like lack of self asteem. Hes not willing to stand up for what he wants.

that is exactly what i was thinking. i think that is a huge turn off.

i love confidence. i want someone who will walk into a restaurant and say they want the best table and not feel stupid. sometimes you feel stupid asking for something but then when you get it, it is so very worth it!! you have to ask for what you want, soemtimes even demand it otherwise you will always get shit.

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Originally posted by bklynzzfinest

That sucks, one of my friends has like 0 self asteem. Hes not really a great looking kid, but If he just stood up straight, fixed himself up a little, and show some assertiveness im sure hes do ok with the woman. but i cant even remember the lastime he said he went out with somebody

it is really sad. sometimes i feel insecure. i used to feel so stupid to do anything, i would sometimes not do thigns because of it, but now i have gotten to the point where i just dont give a shit... i am comfortable with who i am and if people dont like it they can kiss my ass, besides i find that i like people who say/do what they feel & i think others appreciate upfront people rather than people who keep their feelings inside too. it is boring if someone never speaks their mind.
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Originally posted by bklynzzfinest

That sucks, one of my friends has like 0 self asteem. Hes not really a great looking kid, but If he just stood up straight, fixed himself up a little, and show some assertiveness im sure hes do ok with the woman. but i cant even remember the lastime he said he went out with somebody

I know exactly what you mean. People with thier lazy walk & poor posture just seem so unsure of themself.

Head up, chest out & walk........... :laugh:



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Originally posted by bklynzzfinest

That doesnt sound like shyness to me... It sounds more like lack of self asteem. Hes not willing to stand up for what he wants.

agreed... he doesn´t even have the guts to STATE what he wants. this isn´t really attractive... *to most women*. some will probably keep him as a puppy, let him pay and use him as emotional tampon, and if he´s very lucky give him some pussy, but only when *she* decides it.

i also predict (cause IME it goes along with the type) that the guy is one without any real opinion, or at least a very "moldable" opinion. meaning he has no backbone when he says something at all. he says things that he thinks will please other people and has no "real" personality that you can grasp but rather is very agreeable with eveything. it´s not that he´s lying, it is that he has no real sense of "self".

and to your first question, yes it is a turnoff for most women (with exceptions of course). the big big majority of women wants a man with confidence and backbone, someone who´s honest and has an own opinion even when it´s not always the same opinion as the woman has, someone who will stand up for his needs and wants (and therefor will stand up for "his" woman too if they should get together) and someone who doesn´t beat around the bush. someone that they think can make good decisions for the both of them, so if she´s in times of doubt, the woman can *count* on the man to make the right decision for the both of them (read: her).

if he doesn´t make any decisions at all, stands up for nothing, is flexible in his opinions like play dough and shows no confidence, attraction goes out the window for women (with a very very small exception of course, like dominant females (as tastyt pointed out) or females with strong maternal instincts (that will treat him like a child but take care of him))

hope that helped! cheers :)

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Originally posted by somebitch

it is really sad. sometimes i feel insecure.

I was insecure around girls till I was like 15 or 16 then I realized I had just hooked up with like 4 girls in like just over a week.. and I said fuck... I must have something going for me, and never looked back.

Im not saying im full of myself, or anything but when you have a + attitude you much more likely to get places. or in places if ya catch my drift :licker:

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:: too shy to answer this question::

No really, I hate a guy who is shy because, like someone else said, it is usually a sign of low or no self-esteem..Confidence is a very important factor in a person.. You usually view a person how they portray themselves..If they are shy and timid, we automatically view them as "weak". But if they present themselves with good or "worthy" opinion of themselves, they usually will recieve something of the same respect back.

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