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Whack ass DJs


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vsoto212-- expect mail from me tomorrow on it

ianjohn - shoot me an IM ( djliqid ) we need to talk abit, cool?

disk-ofreak- looks like i found our first VIP member LOL

dude i like your avatar sig, did anyone else see this?

L.I., aka. the land of fucking hip-hop, there is no EDM out here =(

HAHA nice

everyone everyone everyone!!!! more info reguarding a TRUE EDM style party for later this month

ALL CP members will be free but MUST RSVP

( cant have any "stary dogs" walkin off the street ya know"



we like it GULLY and REAL-


all eltronic

no muscle heads with bad attitudes

man this is SOOOOO HOOKED UP

whos on board?

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Definitely count on me to attend and advertise an event where some CP heads will be spinning. You have to make 1 rule though... they have to go by their screen name. That way if their mixing is whack, play boring tracks and can't hold a crowd, we don't have to listen to ...

a) how they're an expert on music, mixing, etc.

B) how every other dj sucks other than their favorites (even though they can't keep a beat)

c) how "so & so" tore it up/tears it up (even though you would have to pop a few pills to even begin to want dancing).

Thank you very much and have a nice day!




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I will be more then happy to step up to your challengs. I actually do have talent and good music. I will accept anybody challenge. TO give you an idea of where I have been:

New York City: Tunnel, Roxy, Estate @ Limelight, Exit, Downtime, Flamingo, Speed, Rare, B52

Long Island, NY: Zacherys, Diesel, Twilo, Blue Tequila, Don Juans, Poco Locos, The World, City Lounge

San Francisco, Ca: Sound Factory, Club X, City Nights, NV

Oakland, Ca: Bench and Bar

Sunnyvale, Ca: Forum

Mountain View, Ca: Limelight, Encounters I, Encounters II

San Jose, Ca: Cactus Club, Metropolis 2000

Pt. Richmond: Share The Love

State College, Pa: Lions Den

I have been DJing now for about 15 years.

Back in the day, there was only the mighty 1200, there were no such thing as CD DJs...All Hale the mighty 1200

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I dont know. In moy opinion NY is dead. Not only is the scene not what it used to be, it just isnt worth going to anymore.

I remember like 2 - 5 years ago if you wanted a job DJing you had to give your demo to who ever booked DJs and if you played good music, could program the musicright, and matched the beats good you stood a good chance of getting a DJ job. It didnt matter if you brought 1 person, 10 people, or 100 people, and ALL of your friends got in free.

Now: all you have to do to get a job DJing is bring pepople, but now your friends have to pay, and it is not about talent at all. Some promoters dont even ask for demos anymore. After all, "Sorry Ian, its not about tallent anymore, it's about bringing people."

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Originally posted by ianjohn

this thread is not going at all the way I would like it too.

So let me throw it around.

There are 3 maybe 4, different types of DJs out there.

1. The Superstar big name DJs like Van Dyk, Tiesto, Okenfold, Sasha, Vicious, Etc. These names will always pack a venue regardless of what venue they are in. This is good and bad. The venue makes money that 1 night, but the crowd that goes is loyal to the DJ, not the venue. NYC was better in the days of Twilo, when that was the exclusive venue for these DJs. Now every venue is trying to be like Twilo.

2. There there are the promoter DJs and CD DJs. These arent DJs at all. They dont know how.

3. Are the talanted No Name DJs that are getting screwed right now. Again, it comes to the question "Can you bring people" again, that is not my job. You bring the people, Ill keep them for week 2. One of my best friends, how is one of the bigger promoters in the scene once said "Sorry Ian, It's not about talant anymore, its about bringing people"

4. the fourth kind is the resident in house DJs that DJ at 1 venue 1 night a week, and thats it. The crowd is loyal to them, and the venue.

3 and 4 need to merge more!

Did you ever wonder how 12 promoters could pack a club, but 200 promoters could only bring 30 people other than themselves?

Now you mentioned Avalon, did anyone see the backroom setup. Where the DJ had 2 cheesy Numark CD players and a cheesy Numark mixer?

When I started DJing there were no such thing as CD players with pitch control. It was only vinyl. ALL HALE THE MIGHTY 1200!!!

I couldn't agree more!

This city is on hold right now..as far as I am concerned...where is the love of the music??

Where is the "realness"?

What has happened to NYC????

I can't believe I live in a city that is merely contented with who looks good..I mean..is that enough???

The whole scene is dying here...

I go to Avalon to check out BT..and I am in shock at the crowd,,WTF is going on with these damn promoters anyways???

Is this a fashion show..or is this to see BT????

With the way things are going..this city will fall HARD!!!

That's not a belief...that's a fact!!

This city needs a quick jumpstart!!

I don't know...

Perhaps I feed too much energy in this..but..it truly disturbs me to see a city that is supposed to be on the forefront and cutting edge of things...and we have failed!

As far as I am concerned..if this city doesn't open their eyes to the here and now...and if this city is too afraid to take some risks..

then I am afraid..there will be a hard crash!

Open you eyes everyone...and stop following the masses...before,,it's too late!

You want a change..LET"S CREATE CHANGE!!!!!!

Rally on!!!!!

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GO YOU!!! Finally score 1 for my team. Another thing, whats this I hear about clubs having a 4 girl cover, I mean...NOt letting you in unless you have girls with you. Im a single guy, and I have one philosophy, (no offense girls, and you should do the same) you dont bring sand to the beach!!!

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y doesit seem on theonly one supporting the need for the djs?

i swear i dont know what the hell everyone else is doing but i know i must be doing it right

( yes im patting myself on te back)

and well deserved too~

i dont care how many people the djs bring

is that because i spinn as know well enough to tell the same thing to the promoters?

DJ = person in teh dj booth with the mixiong ability to have to crowd move and elevate physical feelings to the sounds emulationg throughout the steroe system

Promoter = person who brongs the people

this thrread shold be called WACK ASS PROMOTERS

and we should post a list and add to it of all the BUSTED - shady- no talent- no connection - no skill- non selfmarketing

fuked ass djs

im game!! whos first on the list?

IAN - FIER - i like what both of you said

AIN - im away right now - we will get up in discussion in the comming week ( after holiday)

Fier- we should stay in touch as well

it s time to start a movement=- to bing the " scene " back the some of its original roots-

it doesnt matter how SMALL and area you cover or how litttle ofpeople you do this with , what matters is that you dont stop

--cause its infectius-

i already have 12 promotional companies on my side with this

as welll as GOD LNOWS how many djs to join in ---

at this point

im actually turning away and / or postponing some of my bookings so ill be passing the events onto another dj-

he dont need promoters-

they are already doing THIER jobs

We are the djs

have have our own things to do

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Originally posted by ianjohn

Well, I feel like I have gone as high as I can go as a DJ. Now I am producing. I made 2 tracks from scratch in the past 3 days. Its a shame, I mean, Its not about talant anymore, its about bringing people.

lol, dude, STFU. In everone of your posts you end up blabbing about yourself. No one cares about what songs YOU used to play, and YOUR new mix cds, about YOUR new songs, and what clubs YOU used to DJ at. You sound a little upset cause maybe you're glory days are over. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

y doesit seem on theonly one supporting the need for the djs?

i swear i dont know what the hell everyone else is doing but i know i must be doing it right

( yes im patting myself on te back)

and well deserved too~

i dont care how many people the djs bring

is that because i spinn as know well enough to tell the same thing to the promoters?

DJ = person in teh dj booth with the mixiong ability to have to crowd move and elevate physical feelings to the sounds emulationg throughout the steroe system

Promoter = person who brongs the people

this thrread shold be called WACK ASS PROMOTERS

and we should post a list and add to it of all the BUSTED - shady- no talent- no connection - no skill- non selfmarketing

fuked ass djs

im game!! whos first on the list?

IAN - FIER - i like what both of you said

AIN - im away right now - we will get up in discussion in the comming week ( after holiday)

Fier- we should stay in touch as well

it s time to start a movement=- to bing the " scene " back the some of its original roots-

it doesnt matter how SMALL and area you cover or how litttle ofpeople you do this with , what matters is that you dont stop

--cause its infectius-

i already have 12 promotional companies on my side with this

as welll as GOD LNOWS how many djs to join in ---

at this point

im actually turning away and / or postponing some of my bookings so ill be passing the events onto another dj-

he dont need promoters-

they are already doing THIER jobs

We are the djs

have have our own things to do

Guess who?????

:D :D :D

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Originally posted by fierciaroxx

Guess who?????

:D :D :D

HHHAAHAHA ya freak

ill send you my new email adddress when i get back to NJ

IAN thats the same for you cause im doing some MAJOR thing out here and my webaddress will be changing-

did you send me the "goods" i asked about to LIquid LIght Records?

just reply here with the yes/ no

later all

ill beback in a few days

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Originally posted by ianjohn

Thats ur problem. You go to the same venue for over 4 years and you become loyal to that venue. Y dont you go out and experience the rest of the world. Or let me guess...You sit at home all say and listen to WKTU and you think that that is good music. HA HA HA The music industry in the US is pathetic. We gonna open our eyes and take off the blinders people. The rest of the world is out there.

Damn..you must be me in a man's body!!

I mean....you say Exactly what I have been trying to say to this city!!

Guess we're not shouting loud enough...

I don't post very often..but when I do..I let it be known...

This is something I can and will not let go by....

Means too much to me...

People are walking around with blinders on..and half of this city is like the Walking Dead...

Wake up NYC!!!!

This is 2004.....!!!

I am proud to live in this country...but,,as far as electronically and musically..it's just not cutting it!

There is so many TALENTED DJ's out there....

such a shame that they aren't recognized...

However,I am working on that...

Times will change very soon....

I've had enough!!

BTW...do u DJ and what style????

Hit me back...


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Originally posted by zeeker

lol, dude, STFU. No one cares about what songs .... YOUR new mix cds, .....about ......what clubs YOU used to DJ at...

and you really think you speak for everyone on this matter?

keep in mind the man you piss off today

can be the same man you goto fora job tomorrow;)

Zeeker- before you seemed reallly cool

funny on the boards

nice things to say at the right moments

and compationate to those in need of it

...keep me out of the generaization when you say something like this please? ok with that said - there are more people that like to know this information on the boards then you obviously see

- but i would not expect you to automaically know that

however- i would expect you to forsee it

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

and you really think you speak for everyone on this matter?

keep in mind the man you piss off today

can be the same man you goto fora job tomorrow;)

Zeeker- before you seemed reallly cool

funny on the boards

nice things to say at the right moments

and compationate to those in need of it

...keep me out of the generaization when you say something like this please? ok with that said - there are more people that like to know this information on the boards then you obviously see

- but i would not expect you to automaically know that

however- i would expect you to forsee it

nah, read through all his posts. Every single one is a rant, and then him talking about himself. Like, 'djs suck now....but I'm really good and used to spin here and I have demos and I will challenge you blah blah blah.' I'm not speaking for anyone but myself. 'No one' just sounds better. The kid had an interestign thing to say, until he started blabbing on about himself.

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

HHHAAHAHA ya freak

ill send you my new email adddress when i get back to NJ

IAN thats the same for you cause im doing some MAJOR thing out here and my webaddress will be changing-

did you send me the "goods" i asked about to LIquid LIght Records?

just reply here with the yes/ no

later all

ill beback in a few days


Where you at yo????

Waiting impatiently!!!:mad:

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Originally posted by zeeker

nah, read through all his posts. Every single one is a rant, and then him talking about himself. Like, 'djs suck now....but I'm really good and used to spin here and I have demos and I will challenge you blah blah blah.' I'm not speaking for anyone but myself. 'No one' just sounds better. The kid had an interestign thing to say, until he started blabbing on about himself.


and yes i have seen this manner of selfexpression before


wouldnt it be in best for both your inetersts for you to come to him an say

"Hey man- looks like you got some drama goin on?, whats up?"

ever hear the expression

" you cant shake hands with a closed fist?

both of you guys like to be in the same places for hte same resons- so lend a hand

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Before you knock me I think you should listen to me. You have know idea of what I spin, how I spin, or how I program music. I will say this. I am a house / Trance head at heart. One time I went to a club, and I actually left when the house set started because he was horrible. But afterall, he did bring a bunch of his friends, so the fact that he could not DJ was OK.

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very rarely do i like to get involved, but i have to say something on this board.

first Ricky Corbo great guy and a great DJ. keep playing what makes your heart beat.

second to let all of you know that we didn't just wake up one morning and decide that we are going to be well known DJ's, it took a lot of self promotion and djing for 100-250 a night while holding a daytime job just like the rest of the upcoming DJ's, playing b-day parties and house parties for my friends in after high school just like you are now if your just starting to get gigs.

just because you have heard of us though massive promotions and residencies, doesn't mean that we haven't run around clubs for years sending in mix tapes and trying to get promoters to give us a break. everyone of us has stared somewhere,

and that's why i have two or three DJ's opening up for me. because they are hungry and they push, i could easily call a big name DJ and we can play along side one another all night long.

but i choose to help people that are just getting started, look at the opening DJ's at the roxy most of them are starting to remix, and produce music.

i didn't get well know in the DJ community till 94'-95'-thats when it all started. after DJ's started to play my first few records. and that's how many DJs make it big and their names get well known, and i have told DJ's many times if you want to make a name for yourself put out your own songs and press them up on vinyl, the rest of the world is still playing vinyl. it can have your name in very big letters and if a DJ is constantly playing your tracks you name will stick in thier heads, then you may get booked any where on the planet. IM not saying that you cant make it solely on your DJ abilities, but the best way get exposure is to express your feelings and what's in your heart onto vinyl. cause there was no greater feeling than to hear a dj/produer that inspired me to make the music play my music.such as: when i heard my first song played by junior at sound factory (27th St.), Tony Humphrey rocking my first vocal on the first ministry compilation, little Louie playing my tracks at sound factory bar. morales playing one of my records at a club in Italy while IM getting trashed at the bar.....and more recently Jonathan breaking my songs at factory.

Well, anyway you get the message.

anyone can make it you just have to work for it and be at all of the industry parties and events, get your name out there get CD's out there.. make tracks and give them to your favorite DJ's, send them to your favorite labels, or just press them up yourself. i wasn't promoted to the promoters my music, just like most of the other big DJ's-spoke for us, the promoters didnt care what we looked like, if we came to the gigs in our shorts or in a three piece suit, they just wanted our music and that turned into people dancing wanting to hear us.dont blame us if you don't make it, cause whoever you are you can make it. you just have to want it bad enoughand even starve for it.

I hope this inspires just one person and kicks another in the ass to get moving and put out records.

i also hope this clears thing up for people who don't know that we had to climb ladders and see eye to eye club owners and promoters.

promoters are very important now since the clubs are relying on them to bring people, but just like in any other business there is competition and back stabbing so watch out if you are promoting.you can see it happening on this messageboard i have found that a lot of new clubs are going back to the days of in house promotions. so get your CD's to the new clubs, but be sure to get them to promoters too because the are going to be the future of the promotions in house at the new clubs. promoters are very valuable and it is important to have them cause they bring people together and have made many memorable events.think about it if it wans for a promoter you wouldnt have shown up at a club one night and met some of your friends that you have.

anyway i gotta get to the studio ... good luck for every one in the business and i wish success to al the new clubs we need everything we can get in NYC to make this the center of dance music and a place where people want to come again to hear great music.

luv you all

johnny vicious

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