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BT@Avalon review...


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hmmm, where to start....

ok, so we we ended up driving around the city for no less than one hour trying to find legal parking that would cost us less than $40. Thats what all the parking garages were charging. Said fuck it after an hour of looking and just parked at a bustop, which turned out to be ok. We got on a pretty mild line around 12:30, make our way to the front, and 5 guys get told to go home because they weren't with girls. So, me and my friend momentarily freak out, until we spot 5 ugly girls right behind us with no chance of ever finding guys to take them to clubs. So, we used them as 'dates' to get in. Line time was approx 25 minutes, which could have been a lot worse. We get in, and security very very slightly pats me down, and tells me to have a good night. Always nice. paid the $25 cover, and headed on in. Place was packed, but not too uncomfortable. The setup is exactly the same as Estate was. Beautiful. Too nice looking actually. Tons of secret staircases and hallways, I think 5 VIP areas roped off, which was annoying.

I immediately noticed the sound. I thought it was awesome. Crisp and clear. The lighting was awesome. Personally, I wasn't a fan of the crowd at all. It seemed very old to me. I felt like the youngest kid in there by far, and I'm 22. Lot's of touristy types looking to check out a once legendary club, lot's of foreigners. I've never been to Webster hall, but I believe the people who said that the crowd reminded them of WH's. LOT's of hot girls though.

I didn't pay too much attention to the opener, I was just walking around, checking the place out during his set. But I liked BT a lot. I was surprised actually. Kind of live PA-ish performance. He had everyone dancing. I wanted to stay for Astro anfd Glyde, but I was dead sober, tired as hell, and my bed was calling me from across the river. IDK, it was an ok night. I really hope they loosen the fuck up at the door before Ferry comes to town, cause if they don't, none of his real fans are gonna get in which is a shame. Maybe when the hype dies down a little the music heads will takeoever. Until then, it's gonna take some nasty fucking DJs to get me back in there. Not that i didn't have a good time. I definitely did. But I was expecting a lot more.

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me and my boys, tweety glo, and paul got in for comp, at 2:00am. no line for us :) Music was better than Friday night, thats for damn sure! The place was too packed. Couldnt move until like 3:00 am. Then we started to enjoy the music. It brings back a lot of memories, but it wasn't the same as the old limelight. I think security trying to regulate the hip-pop room was whacked. I think the flow would have gone better without them trying to control the flow.

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Originally posted by zeeker

Lot's of touristy types looking to check out a once legendary club, lot's of foreigners. I've never been to Webster hall, but I believe the people who said that the crowd reminded them of WH's. Until then, it's gonna take some nasty fucking DJs to get me back in there. Not that i didn't have a good time. I definitely did. But I was expecting a lot more.

Yeah... once the hype dies down and a "true clubber" crowd takes a hold of that spot (and they get a resident dj who will take you on a journey week in & week out) it will definitely be the place to be.




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hats off to limelight once again for a sick sick night....heres 2 things they have to work on

1. the club is smaller now....u cant have all these VIP areas....the whole back room was shut off even though i managed to get in...the whole top portion was shut off...the stage was shut (which i managed to get in as well) leaving the only place to be was the main dance floor

2. fuck the door policies...no guys without girls?...this is a club to dance in and hear sick music...by the looks of things last night there were more girls than guys and hot ones at that

BT was a surprise...an amazing set...Astro and Glyde were amazing to

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Originally posted by zeeker

hmmm, where to start....

I immediately noticed the sound. I thought it was awesome. Crisp and clear. The lighting was awesome. Personally, I wasn't a fan of the crowd at all. It seemed very old to me. I felt like the youngest kid in there by far, and I'm 22. Lot's of touristy types looking to check out a once legendary club, lot's of foreigners. I've never been to Webster hall, but I believe the people who said that the crowd reminded them of WH's.

How the heck do you know who the are touristy-types are or not? :laugh: So if you look foreign or don't dress/look like you, that makes you a tourist and an avid Webster Hall freak? So does that mean that if you go visit the Miami, LA, DC, London clubs...you are instantly unacceptable because you're a tourist-type?

Shoot, I might be inviting tons of angry comments from people now, but I don't care how old you are, what color your skin is...you could be a 12 year old alien from Mars, but as long as you're DANCING your butt off, ENJOYING the music, and NOT causing any trouble/acting stupid in the club, that would be fine with me.

I just find it hilarious when people start stereotyping crowds of people from a specific club or start calling people touristy types just by looking at them...you go to a club in one of the most diverse cities in the country/world where tons of people visit annually and you want to complain about it... :laugh:

not trying to offend anyone or pick on you, but that was just my 2 cents! damn, maybe i'm just thinking too hard.... anyway, i hope you find a place that makes you happier :D

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Originally posted by kutekimee

How the heck do you know who the are touristy-types are or not? :laugh: So if you look foreign or don't dress/look like you, that makes you a tourist and an avid Webster Hall freak? So does that mean that if you go visit the Miami, LA, DC, London clubs...you are instantly unacceptable because you're a tourist-type?

Shoot, I might be inviting tons of angry comments from people now, but I don't care how old you are, what color your skin is...you could be a 12 year old alien from Mars, but as long as you're DANCING your butt off, ENJOYING the music, and NOT causing any trouble/acting stupid in the club, that would be fine with me.

I just find it hilarious when people start stereotyping crowds of people from a specific club or start calling people touristy types just by looking at them...you go to a club in one of the most diverse cities in the country/world where tons of people visit annually and you want to complain about it... :laugh:

not trying to offend anyone or pick on you, but that was just my 2 cents! damn, maybe i'm just thinking too hard.... anyway, i hope you find a place that makes you happier :D

whoa, take a deep breath there son. No one is stereotyping crowds, or even being negative really. Touristy types, as in people who don't normally go clubbing. People who heard that 'Limelight" is open again, and are there just to be there. Hey, if that's how the place is gonna be, fine by me. I'm not passing any judgements. I just don't want to go. I was expecting more of a clubber crowd there for the music. But, the people there seemed to be having fun, and the vibe was decent. Again, not really complaining. I was just expecting a lot more.

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I guess the real club crowd is the 21 and 22 year olds that know their House music oh so well going all the way back to the classics of the Summer of 2001?

The worst type of crowd IS WHEN the majority of the clubbers are under 25. Too many kids in UFOs' and FUBUs. Got to love a nice looking, sophistcated and well rounded crowd!

22 - At that age they know it all.. hehe...

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My review....

Got in pretty nicely..except,,fuck the Bitch at the door who tells the guy behind me he's a little too casual??? WTF??

Is this fashion week at Bryant Park or BT live at Avalon????

Crowd was scary...have to be honest...had to recheck my eyes to make sure I wasn't in Exit....

Place was packed!!

Sound system slamming!!!

I think I damaged a vocal cord or two from all the screaming I did....


Wow...I am Stunned!!! This man is phenomenal!!! Most of the night I was on the balcony face to face with this brilliance of an entity..let him be an inspiration to all...

Brilliant with the effects machine he was using..talk about wave of the future...all he did was put his hand over it...Incredible!

Flaming June ended it..I think...I'm pretty sold on his new album...

I give MUCH and MAD respect to this man..he is a true mastermind at his art..and very talented..He does everything himself!!!

It's about time he started getting some true,well-deserved recognition!!

I left after BT left..what was really the point of staying..didn't want to chance my night being ruined...

All in all...great night..great sounds..great vibes....

I'll Be Back!!!!!!!

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Who was the DJ that came on after BT?

He was dropping some sick beats, kinda dark tribal. Definitely had me going.

My review, well, it was a good nite. Havent been clubbing in a while (say Exit 99-00 days), I had alot of fun. Loved the atmosphere, not drug induced, just people having a fun time dancing. Hung out in the VIP area right above the DJ booth for a while (wasnt even on the list, just got in;-)

BT surprised me quite a bit. I always understood him to be a progressive producer, but was actually surprised of his set, really covered the spectrum of dance from breaks, house, progressive house, tech trance to some, not much, melodic trance. And the thing about it, he wasnt even spinnin vinyl! Still good.

The crowd, who gives a shit. Its alot about hanging out with your boys or ladies if u have them and enjoying the vibe and muzik. I dont pay to get into a club to judge the crowd. Im too busy trying to enjoy myself and with others around me.

I like the guest DJs IMO. It creates a surprise everytime you go in. U dont know what to expect. yeah, still have a resident dj(s), but keep bringin in some new acts.

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Originally posted by joctane

Who was the DJ that came on after BT?

He was dropping some sick beats, kinda dark tribal. Definitely had me going.

Thats Astro&Glyde (James Bem & Gaby Dershin) -

They're managed by myself and Andy (Aztec) aka Urban.

Some parties they've DJ'ed this summer: Carl Cox at Centro-Fly, Seb Fontaine & Astro&Glyde at Centro-Fly, Lee Burridge & AG at Splashlight, BT & AG at Avalon, once a month jam sessions at Abaya (First friday of every month), Sunday night residents at Le Souk (underground and ultra hip nyc party)

Production wise: To date their most famous release was a mash up of 'Pump Up The Jam' that came out a few years ago on Fire 999 - Everyone played this around the world (Sasha, Digweed, Lawler, etc) -

Another track just got released called Kinky on Inevitable Records out of Madrid - They have an upcoming full length vocal thats being perfected and almost definitely released on a major electronic music label.

So basically, thats Astro&Glyde :)

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incredible incredible - it doesn't get any better than that - he was just unbelievable and the BT fans - well we rock out totally

and those 4 dancers - yum yum they were beautiful

what was that 3 costume changes -

i am looking forward to more nite in disco heaven at Avalon

bring it on baby!!! top talent - awesome sound system - they could do more decorating - lights and def put lots of couches and benches in - more places to sit..

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This is a DANCE club, not a longe! I think Adrenaline said it best... "All you people sitting around talking, Shut the Fuck up and Dance!!!" (tommy boy records)

I think they need less seats, and more dance area. If you want to sit down then go to a lounge!

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Originally posted by zeeker

whoa, take a deep breath there son. No one is stereotyping crowds, or even being negative really. Touristy types, as in people who don't normally go clubbing. People who heard that 'Limelight" is open again, and are there just to be there. Hey, if that's how the place is gonna be, fine by me. I'm not passing any judgements. I just don't want to go. I was expecting more of a clubber crowd there for the music. But, the people there seemed to be having fun, and the vibe was decent. Again, not really complaining. I was just expecting a lot more.

no big deal...i was just reacting to a conglomeration of postings where people generalize crowds: teeny boppers/under 21ers/geezers, foreigners, asians, latinos, Webster Hallers, people who go to Exit, Copa, SF, etc.... it was just getting ridiculous....and amusing.

until the next weekend we dance our heart out :cool:

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