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So I just Broke up with my lady...


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We were only together about 2 months... So no loss here really. Except for the fact that I thought she was a good match for me. Sexually and socially... Well things kinda started getting a little wierd about 2 1/2 weeks ago and I started questioning things... She almost had me convinced that I was nuts for thinking half the shit that I did... But you all know when you have that gut feeling. You cannot help it. You know that the feeling is right...

Well anyway tonight I am at work and I try to call her. She is not home... No big deal...

I call her on her cell phone. I get her on the phone and she tells me that she was going out to eat with a girlfriend of hers... So I am like ok... Fine no biggy... I get off the phone with her until I leave work.

On my travels home she calls me. We get into half a conversation and I am like where did you guys wind up going out to eat... This is the funny part... She mentions the name of the restaurant that she is " AT " and funny thing is. I guess she forgets that it is on my way home from work. No guys I did not stop in to see her... But as I am driving by the place I see no lights on... No one in the place. So I pull into the parking lot and go up near the door where I notice a big sign...

" Sorry So and So is Closed Tuesday nights "

So here I am laughing... And I wanted to call her in the worst way... But I kept getting her voice mail... Over and over and over and over again... In any circumstance I would not call that much... But I just wanted to see her reaction when I asked her where she had dinner. And let her tell me again. So that I can just turn around and ask her if she saw the closed sign on the door before she walked into the restaurant... :rolleyes:

Anyway I have come to realize that once again. It really sucks being a nice guy. It seems like we attract all the assholes. Or the nicer girls are so used to being abused they are affraid when they meet the nice guy cause they figure he is only going to fuck with her in the long run...

Sorry it was so long... But it is late. All my people are sleeping and I just needed to let it out to someone. Even if it is a computer... It felt better to type it out...


Anyone down for a sypathy sex call???


I have a wedding to go to on Friday and now I do not have a date. I hate going to these fucking things alone!!!

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Girls are bitchs and cunts who can't make up their mind about anything or anyone!

I hate being a girl sometimes, I wish I could just block out emotions and feelings and just say fuck it and go on

but nooooooooooo we have to deal with this shit!

Tell the bitch to fuck off!

End of story

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Girls are bitchs and cunts who can't make up their mind about anything or anyone!

I hate being a girl sometimes, I wish I could just block out emotions and feelings and just say fuck it and go on

but nooooooooooo we have to deal with this shit!

Tell the bitch to fuck off!

End of story

wow............this coming from the same person that posted all those male bashing threads too????


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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Girls are bitchs and cunts who can't make up their mind about anything or anyone!

I hate being a girl sometimes, I wish I could just block out emotions and feelings and just say fuck it and go on

but nooooooooooo we have to deal with this shit!

Tell the bitch to fuck off!

End of story

:eek: whoaaaaaaa
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Originally posted by ou812

wow............this coming from the same person that posted all those male bashing threads too????


The male bashing things were just jokes, but it's like sometimes I feel that a girl always makes the decisions in a relationship. Sometimes more than the guy. In either breaking up, being together, cheating, making the other person cheat, spying, not trusting all that shit

Why can't things just go smoothe? EVER!

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Ok... So I just got off the phone with her...

Now... Keep in mind that there are 3 Cafes within the same area... We are talkin and she is like we were at the one on the corner with the chairs outside in front of the place... I thought it was Luna... Maybe it wasn't... And then was like what did you do call to find out where I was... I was like hun it has only been 2 months. No one can make me that crazy in 2 months... And stated that she should know my way home from work. And that either of the 3 places that she could have been at are on my way home from work... 2 of the 3 have an out door eating area...

Ok... Now. Here is what confuses me... She did talk on the phone with me while she was in the place... She did pick up 2 times when I called her without hesitation... Obviously either she did not try to hide me from anyone. Or that person knows I exsist and was just keeping quiet. Or she just got the places confused and I am out of line and she really was with her girlfriend and again got the name of the place wrong...

People what do you think...

Either way I told her I did not want to make a big deal out of anything. And I just would rather walk away without any hard feelings... And that I am tired of feeling what I feel lately... So she is like I don't understand why it has to be nothing at all... What is not talking going to accomplish...

To me it is going to accomplish a clear mind and let me move on. I am not the type to date more than one person at a time even if things are not that serious... I was just never into that type of game. Call me wierd... But that is how I am. So here I am thinking I am wasting my time on her... While I could be out with someone else... For some reason I just do not sit easy with her and I do not know why... Some things just do not add up and I cannot figure them out... I do have alot of feelings for her. I knew her before we started dating. Not well. But I knew her through some friends who actually had a problem with us being in a relationship because they knew how I was. And they knew some things about her. But I dismissed all of that and went ahead with it anyway... Now I am thinking I should have listened... :rolleyes:

Sometimes I think I gave to much of myself to her being the person that I am. And by doing that it is making me feel very uncomfortable because she is not ready to give me the same... Which again is fine... But let me walk away without making either of us feel bad for one another. It would be alot easier...

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by sexxybabyd


ummmm this doesnt sound good for whoever ur man is.

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i think you're taking the right approach... if someone you're in a relationship doesn't respect you or doesn't put in as much effort as you do, what's the point in getting all fussy and uptight about it? just let it go and move on to better things... life isn't as short as we think it is, and as cliche as it is... there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

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