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jon i hear ya. It's why i almost never go to the city anymore.

the parties just aren't worth it. It's the same old weekly grind, the same lackluster crowd most places, and if you hit up a smaller party elsewhere all the regulars are going to treat you like the new kid forever. NYC and its snobby attitude are what ruined parties for me.

walk into vinyl years ago and it doesnt matter if it was your first night there. after a few hours it felt like you'd been going there all your life.

that magic is gone, so i'm gone too.

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Believe it or not, there are some truly amazing parties going on in the city. They are just harder to find and are usually not in big clubs.

I have been to some of the best parties this summer all in the city, all in small venues filled with hot women, great vibe, incredible music, and smiling faces everywhere. You just have to be open to trying out new places in order to discover the really great stuff going on out there.

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Originally posted by roha3000

Jon, come to my party next Friday and I guarantee you your attitude will change.

Here's the info:


no doubt bro.....Dirty Gringos had the song that rocked WMC!!!!!

about the whole snobby New Yorker thingy......I only see them seeming snobby to bandanna wearing tools cause would any chick want to talk to someone with that played out look?

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

about the whole snobby New Yorker thingy......I only see them seeming snobby to bandanna wearing tools cause would any chick want to talk to someone with that played out look?

then why did you make this post? :confused: you seem to be the one bothered by snobbyness

and believe me..i wouldnt want to be with any "chick" intimidated by my bandana :aright:

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Originally posted by smokesum

- Smoking kills you

- Cops protect us

-That stubbly Jersey fag is saying the same thing about some thumb ringed greek fairy

- If you need the drugs..then you shouldnt be there in the first place ----- maybe thats why the music isnt decent anymore??

- If you cant afford the $30..make new friends and work your way into getting comps (idk but Avalon was $15 on the guestlist -- pretty cheap and a good party)

- Decent crowd??? SHouldnt matter --- who are you to judge the crowd

- Make new friends "in the scene"

I dont know but NYC seems to be moving out of its rut....its people like you that prolong that from happening

:laugh: :laugh: just saw this now. Nice refrence to the thumb ring :laugh:

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Originally posted by roha3000

Believe it or not, there are some truly amazing parties going on in the city. They are just harder to find and are usually not in big clubs.

I have been to some of the best parties this summer all in the city, all in small venues filled with hot women, great vibe, incredible music, and smiling faces everywhere. You just have to be open to trying out new places in order to discover the really great stuff going on out there.

That Burridge party at Splashlight was great! Hello Roha:D

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Originally posted by cintron

jon i hear ya. It's why i almost never go to the city anymore.

the parties just aren't worth it. It's the same old weekly grind, the same lackluster crowd most places, and if you hit up a smaller party elsewhere all the regulars are going to treat you like the new kid forever. NYC and its snobby attitude are what ruined parties for me.

walk into vinyl years ago and it doesnt matter if it was your first night there. after a few hours it felt like you'd been going there all your life.

that magic is gone, so i'm gone too.

I'm with ya on this... i haven't been to a good "big club" night in ages...

Originally posted by smokesum

then why did you make this post? :confused: you seem to be the one bothered by snobbyness

stop trying to be witty and pretend like you're pointing out a contradiction in jon's post, that bandana is pretty faggy ;)

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Originally posted by prplhz

That Burridge party at Splashlight was great! Hello Roha:D

Wassup girl? I saw one of your friends at Howells last weekend but I couldnt find you. :(

By the way, if you are coming to the city next weekend, stop by my party on Friday. Its gonna be a lot of fun. ;)

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Originally posted by infinite

This whole thing about the how clubs suck now just seems to be a bang wagon people are hopping on. It's the cool thing to do these days if you've been clubbin for a long time....No?

wassup kidz? this is actually the first funny thing i've seen here in a while :aright:

u'r all youngins going through your first club downcycle is all...there have been others and the scenes changed crowdwise so many times i stopped counting. there's still plenty of fun to be had just stop trying to relive the precise experience of last year or whenever it is you're nostalgic for.

eventually a new party / place will pop up and get you going again. personally i'm looking forward to checking out avalon - just been otherwised occupied so far.

thank god i'm not stuck in my old late 80's batcave world anymore though it was fun at the time.

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Originally posted by barvybe

wassup kidz? this is actually the first funny thing i've seen here in a while :aright:

u'r all youngins going through your first club downcycle is all...there have been others and the scenes changed crowdwise so many times i stopped counting. there's still plenty of fun to be had just stop trying to relive the precise experience of last year or whenever it is you're nostalgic for.

eventually a new party / place will pop up and get you going again. personally i'm looking forward to checking out avalon - just been otherwised occupied so far.

thank god i'm not stuck in my old late 80's batcave world anymore though it was fun at the time.

Well will you look what the cat dragged in! :spin2:

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Originally posted by barvybe

wassup kidz? this is actually the first funny thing i've seen here in a while :aright:

u'r all youngins going through your first club downcycle is all...there have been others and the scenes changed crowdwise so many times i stopped counting. there's still plenty of fun to be had just stop trying to relive the precise experience of last year or whenever it is you're nostalgic for.

eventually a new party / place will pop up and get you going again. personally i'm looking forward to checking out avalon - just been otherwised occupied so far.

thank god i'm not stuck in my old late 80's batcave world anymore though it was fun at the time.

lol.....I awoke the the dormant barvybe

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Originally posted by barvybe

wassup kidz? this is actually the first funny thing i've seen here in a while :aright:

u'r all youngins going through your first club downcycle is all...there have been others and the scenes changed crowdwise so many times i stopped counting. there's still plenty of fun to be had just stop trying to relive the precise experience of last year or whenever it is you're nostalgic for.

eventually a new party / place will pop up and get you going again. personally i'm looking forward to checking out avalon - just been otherwised occupied so far.

thank god i'm not stuck in my old late 80's batcave world anymore though it was fun at the time.

Sup bro...good to see the other "old man" around!! :cool:

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