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Space Closing Hit The Media


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it's extremely difficult to control drug use in clubs. the only way would be to give full body cavity searches as the punters enter the venue. i hope that space re-opens it's doors someday's and learns from any mistakes they may have made. as far as the media is concerned. they can suck on this nut-sack:blown:

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Originally posted by mrmovement33

it's extremely difficult to control drug use in clubs. the only way would be to give full body cavity searches as the punters enter the venue. i hope that space re-opens it's doors someday's and learns from any mistakes they may have made. as far as the media is concerned. they can suck on this nut-sack:blown:

wuddup abe...

all this stuff makes me doubt the media. Don't believe everything you hear. I don't even buy the weather reports anymore. Not like I ever did anyway... :rolleyes:

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What I find most interesting is the media's implication that nightclubs are in some way a part of the national drug abuse problem.....especially as relates to kids. First of all, we are talking about adults who can and will make their own decisions about using drugs. The other thing is that they would have you believe that just by walking to Space that you will be turned into a drug user. I have never been offered drugs in S34 or any other club in Miami. There are no pushers! People have always used drugs in one form or another. It is as old a story as the Bible. People who have made the choice to use drugs are going to do so even if all the clubs were closed tomorrow. The drug problems we as a society face are a product of bad parenting, bad public school systems, and a need to escape the problems of everyday life. To hold LP or any other club owner liable for theese social ills is nothing more than a society seeking a scapegoat for their problems because they're too afraid to look inward.

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The commercials are lying, I've never been offered drugs in a club before. I've been asked for drugs, but I've never been offered drugs before. Sometimes I blow these people off, but one time I've actually talked down someone who asked me for drugs inside of a club...probably an undercover, but I didn't care...I told him to go fuck himself, I wasn't going to let the scene which provides me with so much enjoyement be ruined by someone like him. I hope I hammered the point home with him...if it was a cop, I hope he remembered what I said, since maybe he would think twice about doing what he does.

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It's the drug-wanting few who wrongly lead the media to believe that they are representitive of the majority of clubbers.

The percentage of people who would test positive for drugs at Space 34 on a Saturday night is equivilant to that of the dorms at any major university...yet no one is looking to shut them down.

80% of drug users first tried drugs at school or with school friends.

Media and government anti-club rhetoric is pushed on the public under the pretense that they are trying to protect our children from drugs even though clubs do not allow children inside.

The current attacks and prosecutions of club owners and promoters is classic misdirection by a law enforcement community and Government, (with an upcoming election year), to appear in the eyes of "Joe Average" that they are, in fact, fighting and winning the war on drugs.

Drug prices for Heroine and Cocaine have fallen significantly in recent years due to the government's complete failure to stem the tide of importation.

But..........it really comes down to clubbers. All of you know what can happen to a club if they get busted. Everyone is outraged and shocked that Space 34 is closing but it was the few bad clubbers who caused it. Why are there always a few assholes who give good things bad names? The point is that you have complete responsibility for your own actions and your actions can cause someone to lose their business. I think Luis and the entire Space staff who are being harmed by this should get 30 minutes in a room with the few assholes who really caused this problem.

The media are just doing what they have always done...pander to the popular, safe, political, finger pointing, politicians who have failed us at every turn and must shift the blame for their failures to an easy target. Right now they can't find Sadaam...they can't find Osama...they can't stop American kids from getting killed in Iraq...they can't fix the economy...they can't imprison the corporate scum who have ruined so many lives because they are the biggest campaign contributers.....so they go after the clubs.

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It's all interconnected, I swear sometimes I think this country is ruled by George W. "Der Führer" Bush, and John "Goebbels" Ashcroft, and AOL-TimeWarner might as well be the Ministry of Propaganda...i.e. the country is being run by people who are seeking to impose an outmoded morality structure on us all.

It may be funny today, but this photo makes ya think. ahnold-swastika.jpg

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Originally posted by ogmiami

It's the drug-wanting few who wrongly lead the media to believe that they are representitive of the majority of clubbers.

The percentage of people who would test positive for drugs at Space 34 on a Saturday night is equivilant to that of the dorms at any major university...yet no one is looking to shut them down.

80% of drug users first tried drugs at school or with school friends.

Media and government anti-club rhetoric is pushed on the public under the pretense that they are trying to protect our children from drugs even though clubs do not allow children inside.

The current attacks and prosecutions of club owners and promoters is classic misdirection by a law enforcement community and Government, (with an upcoming election year), to appear in the eyes of "Joe Average" that they are, in fact, fighting and winning the war on drugs.

Drug prices for Heroine and Cocaine have fallen significantly in recent years due to the government's complete failure to stem the tide of importation.

But..........it really comes down to clubbers. All of you know what can happen to a club if they get busted. Everyone is outraged and shocked that Space 34 is closing but it was the few bad clubbers who caused it. Why are there always a few assholes who give good things bad names? The point is that you have complete responsibility for your own actions and your actions can cause someone to lose their business. I think Luis and the entire Space staff who are being harmed by this should get 30 minutes in a room with the few assholes who really caused this problem.

The media are just doing what they have always done...pander to the popular, safe, political, finger pointing, politicians who have failed us at every turn and must shift the blame for their failures to an easy target. Right now they can't find Sadaam...they can't find Osama...they can't stop American kids from getting killed in Iraq...they can't fix the economy...they can't imprison the corporate scum who have ruined so many lives because they are the biggest campaign contributers.....so they go after the clubs.

Media sucks big time in this city ...

What New Times did a few weeks back with the award to Space went beyond any sensibility ... complete losers IMHO ...

When people raise their voice to protest ... a few clowns call them tree huggers ... only to find themselves as tree huggers also in situations like this one ...

Now Dade ... we all know what the Rave Act is ... and the implications it could have ... the closing of Space 34 used an investigation that went two years back ... way before the Rave Act was enacted ... they have used the same elements that Giuliani used with Twilo in NYC ... only difference is that now they've got a big stick ... illegal or not ... under their arm ... the Rave Act ...

I wonder ... why don't people like yourself ... LP ... Kenny ... etc get together and raise your voice in an energetic way? ... why don't you guys rally with the Avalons ... the Spundaes ... and the rest against a law that is unconstitutional? ...

Obviously LP hasn't used his case for this because the penalties being sought were closer to Twilo than to anything else ...

When the coherent voice of an industry is raised ... the manipulation of the media can't be that evident ... Space has been singled out ... yet officially and publicly it was left standing alone ...

Why not organize a date ... on a given day ... all across the biggest clubs in America and raise the protest? ... the Rave Act will eventually kill the electronic dance scene if the industry doesn't stand together ...

Message boards are great to express ideas and reach out to the clubbers ... you guys need to reach out to the masses ... for this you need print ... you need radio and you need TV ... they don't need to agree with you guys ... but when the voice is big ... they've got to cover it ...

Just to end ... a BIG ... FUCK YOU to the Miami Herald and the New Times ... misleading information will backfire in the long run ...

I'm really pissed ...

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I tell ya, today I'm glad I'm a contributor to Street, and not the New Times or the Herald...yeah I know the Herald owns the Street, but the Street tends to do what it wants...I'd do a Letter to the Editor, but I cannot due to my involvement with The Street.

But Marco hit the nail on the head, I think that all the major clubs (and minor, this involves everyone) should organize some sort of mass protest of sorts...before we get to the point of "voting from the rooftops"...

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Guest saleen351

give me a breatk twilo had such a drug issue, they hired a private company to drive oding people to the hospital....

Twilo got what it derserved and so did space.. This whole big brother spin is bullshit...

me and dade disagree, but club music and clubs is based on drug use...

When X became a felony the scene tanked!!!! hmmmmmm

ibiza only exsits since they bust no one for drugs. it's the drug capital of the world for middle class folks...

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Saleen, our government is borderline fascist and you know it. They're desecrating the memories of those who died on 9/11 to further their own agendas...everything now falls under a "threat to national security..."

There's no one real source of the drug problem in this country, and I see most reputable clubs, including Space 34, doing everything within reason to curb the influx of drugs into their venues.

Sure, I might sound like a member of the tin-foil hat/black helicopter brigade, but somebody's gotta sound the alarm around here. Our civil liberties are under assault like never before...just check out the ACLU website (www.aclu.org), for a whole list of bullshit that the government is trying to pull on us. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the government only governs with the consent of the governed, and I'm about to withdraw my consent. If it takes a revolution to get our civil rights back in a few years when they don't exist anymore, George Bush and Ashcroft are the first up against the wall.

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Yep ... you might be right Saleen ... the context of my post goes beyond the specific issue ... is draining energy to fight back mistakes ... because the light at the end of the tunnel has been shut ... and that is the freaking Rave Act ... it is a hostile environment for the industry ... and I'm not trying to convince you bro ... I know so ...

Btw ... people like Ivan Bosky or Michael Milken are allowed to keep working ... even thou they did wrongs ... what is the f***ing difference? ...

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Unfortunately, here's how it will go down.........

Some club some where some man will actually be the first club owner charged under the Rave Act II.....

They will force him to hire the best lawyers and he will lose at trial level. At that level, the trial court is supposed to uphold the law as written not determine its constitutional merit.

So he will lose his business or at least be forced to sell it for nothing. He will file appeal after appeal, going up the ladder of the court system...the whole time going broke. IF HE EVER GETS TO THE SUPREME COURT he will face a very conservative panel and try against all odds to convince them that this is an unfair law.

Even if he wins and we celebrate a great victory of democracy....he will most likely have lost everything.

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Originally posted by ogmiami

Unfortunately, here's how it will go down.........

Some club some where some man will actually be the first club owner charged under the Rave Act II.....

They will force him to hire the best lawyers and he will lose at trial level. At that level, the trial court is supposed to uphold the law as written not determine its constitutional merit.

So he will lose his business or at least be forced to sell it for nothing. He will file appeal after appeal, going up the ladder of the court system...the whole time going broke. IF HE EVER GETS TO THE SUPREME COURT he will face a very conservative panel and try against all odds to convince them that this is an unfair law.

Even if he wins and we celebrate a great victory of democracy....he will most likely have lost everything.

First ... the industry needs a unified voice ... it is time for it ...

Second ... that unified voice needs Civil Liberty Organizations to support our right to dance ...

Rallying the bigger players will drag media coverage and with it national attention ...

Why wait til someone is charged with it? ... the best defense is attack ...

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I remember when I read in the New Times "Best place . . etc.)

I felt The New Times stepped so out of bounds. Out of line. For some writers to have that much power and be "cute", moreso vindictive, while peoples dreams and jobs are being hurt, whether they meant it or not, IS UNACCEPTABLE.

Straight up New Times blew it on that one.

On the positive, if I could start all over again, instead of being the club owner or promoter I'd rather have been a club Landlord.

Way too much head ache. Luis made the right choice. Good he didn't spend all his money fighting in the courts.

I think the question is

What will Luis do next?

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Originally posted by ogmiami

But..........it really comes down to clubbers. All of you know what can happen to a club if they get busted. Everyone is outraged and shocked that Space 34 is closing but it was the few bad clubbers who caused it.

Sorry Dade, but you're wrong. Drug possession and drug sales happen everywhere. This is not what caused Space's problems. They were caused by an overzealous government trying to legislate where where we can go and what we can do.

I remember so many cases coming across my desk in NYC of drug busts in Penn Station and the Port authority bus terminal. Some were large, some were small. Fact is, under the government's theory for shutting down the clubs, both of these places should be shut down as well. Despite being heavily staffed with police, the Port Authority is a major connection point for the transport of drugs to and from New York City. The government knows this. Of course it's absurd to argue that it be shut down, but the same reasoning used on the clubs would support such an argument. In fact, if the transportation avenues were cut off, the drugs might never get to the clubs. :D I'm getting a little bit away from my point, but can you see how the government is passing laws and applying them to meet their own ends? They are not applying it evenly, and that is where the argument for unconstitutionality comes in.

So you need to redirect the blame to those that deserve it.

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Originally posted by saleen351

When X became a felony the scene tanked!!!! hmmmmmm

Interesting. You may be right. Don't have all the facts on that. If I remember, ecstasy was criminalized in 1997 or 98 on the federal level, and I believe in New York State at the same time. I know I never saw a buy-and-bust for MDMA until then. Most cases for ecstasy came from Twilo and Tunnel, and from Port Authority and JFK. The cases at the clubs were always undercover buy-and-busts. While those two places eventually closed, I'm not sure the scene tanked because of it.

MDMA was criminalized in many European countries long before the US made it illegal, but the clubbing scene remained strong for the most part throughout the '90s.

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Originally posted by ogmiami

Unfortunately, here's how it will go down.........

Some club some where some man will actually be the first club owner charged under the Rave Act II.....

They will force him to hire the best lawyers and he will lose at trial level. At that level, the trial court is supposed to uphold the law as written not determine its constitutional merit.

So he will lose his business or at least be forced to sell it for nothing. He will file appeal after appeal, going up the ladder of the court system...the whole time going broke. IF HE EVER GETS TO THE SUPREME COURT he will face a very conservative panel and try against all odds to convince them that this is an unfair law.

Even if he wins and we celebrate a great victory of democracy....he will most likely have lost everything.

Dade, I will agree that it will cost the owner a lot of money in legal expenses. But read my post here in this thread:


Fact is, someone needs to step up to the plate and I happen to think that King Louis is the man to do that. The law is unconstitutional as written and will be unconstitutional as applied in any matter. For pete's sake, go on the damn offensive!!!

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Guest saleen351

lol, guys i'm gonna find the exact quote, but there is such a great quote about america and deomcracy it puts all this into perspective...

but the quote goes something like this:

in a democracy, nothing is set in stone, it can be changed at any time by the will of the people....

get a clue and shoot a trance dj... it's all good baby babyyyyyyy

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- Too much talking, and little action... go out and VOTE on 2004, and to the cubans ( nothing personal but I have to say it ) .. stop with that Elian Gonzalez revenge against the democrats.. because of that revenge, we have Bush as leader... of course, this doesnt apply to all, but I guess that a great majority of them did that for revenge..

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Hey guys, I dont know much about what all you believe but i know a lot about what all the major political parties have done to stop the rave act: Most, including Democrats and especially republicans have done nothing, but I know one party that organized a mass emailing and phonecalling to congressman to protest the rave act, and those were the libertarians. A lot of people think that they are crazy anarchists but it aint so, all they stand for is letting you do want you want as long as you dont hurt anyone else. Maybe some of you who are fed up with the normal political parties should check them out, they welcome people of all kinds, especially young people. Some views they have are legalized drugs, prochoice, legalized gay marriage, cutting taxes, staying the hell out of other countries business...basically for individual liberty and personal responsibility, free markets, and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace and free trade...In my view they take the good policies of Democrats and Republicans and combine them...but im not trying to push anything here, just see a lot of people pissed off at both major parties, who dont realize that they may have another option to try and make a difference...

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More and more, I begin to think that voting doesn't accomplish much in our so-called democracy. For every law that is voted in, there's a loophole that can be exploited...whether it be a minor tax law, or a major criminal law, there's a loophole, it works to an advantage and a disadvantage...unconstituional laws are struck down by smart lawyers working for the ACLU, and conversely idiotic laws are upheld by smart lawyers on the payroll of the extreme right.

I'm not gonna stop voting, but I think it is going to take more than a vote to stop the fascists from taking over our country

*vote from the rooftops!!!!!*

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great post, i dunno the media is just bullshit now, it's reached a point where only fear sells..and it sells good

you tell people that space brings some of the most talented ddj's week in and week out, and that their residents know how to rock a party, no one will be interested....but if you tell people that you walk into space and your going to see everything thats wrong with this country, youve just caught ur readers attention, and thats horrible...people in this country are raised and controled by fear...anyways i'll finish this later i have togoto work doh!


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