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Go NY, Go NY, Go NY.......................


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Originally posted by skince55

Yes, the girls are hot here, and as unoriginal as we may be, the girls are still hot and we still have sex with them, and that is more than enough for me. Oh, and the fact that the Yankees beat Boston every year makes me feel good too.

this post makes me want to move to Arkansas... OMG

I think I just gave myself an aneurysm reading this.

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Originally posted by xlr8ted

Uh Oh.....

not that im interested or nuttin..

I was just wondering if you had that as an afterhours You'd definately have midget tossing and that would be soemthing I'd be interested in.

Possibly fill up a large pool with donut life rafts and fling midgets with swimmies on off of the deck.

Ok.. Im stopping now

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Originally posted by deeelite1

not that im interested or nuttin..

I was just wondering if you had that as an afterhours You'd definately have midget tossing and that would be soemthing I'd be interested in.

Possibly fill up a large pool with donut life rafts and fling midgets with swimmies on off of the deck.

Ok.. Im stopping now

No keep going please..

Should we kill the midgets when were done and make Midget-ka-bobs outta them? Very sexy, I know.

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Originally posted by deeelite1

I'm still confused.


Please elaborate.. unless you cleared it with Captain Stardo and I was never notified.

besides, you'd miss Wifey Kell too much. Was she supposed to go also?

I know wifey always has plans............ I am going to Atlantic City tonight for Bobby B-day

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