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Boo REVIEWS Please (nm)

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Well me and my friends got there around 2 and they weren't letting anyone in because someone got stabbed down the block! So we waited around for about an hour an a half w/ a bunch of other people, tried different routes and everything, but never got in. I bought those tixx in advance too, I better get my $ back.

But as for the people that were inside passing us on their way out, they said it was good and packed.

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I got there around 8:30, took 5 minutes to get inside. Place started to fill up pretty well, decent crowd, good music, random people getting tossed for moshing to Rob Gee, Donald Glaude dropped fucking Satisfaction, Feelgood destroyed shit, Spacegirl destroyed it, the locals room was fun, just a good time. . . place was getting ghost by 4 tho, no energy left in the room, ended up leaving at 5:15. Pissed they closed the basement room before Frankie Bones, and when I left Scott Henry and Paul Johnson still hadn't gone on, dunno if they were going to go on.

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Originally posted by ckord

:( those are the 2 I wanted to see most

Feelgood was walking around afterwards in the main room, I talked to him for a few minutes, I've seen him upwards of 40 times in Balto and DC.

Funniest thing was how many people were swearing that Feelgood was spinning in the main room when Donald Glaude was on, the "all black people with dreadlocks look alike" jokes were flying.

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I had a great time....music was excellent in the main room....I got there like 10ish....and it only took about 5 minutes to get in...

Security was very friendly...

...I personally thought it had more of a "club" vibe instead of rave...

there were definetely too many men....there was like 40 guys to one girl... :blank:

Glaude and feelgood were excellent...the music was VERY VERY LOUD...my ears are still ringing....reminded me of the Tunnel...

...someone sprayed mase on the main floor....it smelled soooo bad...

....the drinks were very good...

...people need to WEAR DEODORANT!

...it was packed, but not TOO packed...there was always enough room to dance :)

...overall vibe was a 6 out of 10...

It just sux that there will be NO MORE BOO parties....very sad :( :( :(

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hahhaha yes there were WAY too many smelly people!!!!

the vibe was a little off....i donno but i still had a GREAT time danced my ass off

spacegirl ruled, probably the best i've seen her..ahhh dream your dreams :D

glaude needs no explaining that man is the BEST

and of course, Funk played a banging set as always!!! i made sure to save some energy for it! heheh

all in all a great night :D

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