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staten island ferry accident: 10+ killed

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

my parents just called me. they heard on 1010wins that a ferry crashed into the st. george terminal about an hour ago. people are still stuck between the ferry and the dock


ps: ny1.com doesnt seem to be working for me. is it down for anyone else?

dayam...looks like the xpress buses are gunna be a mess....

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One Killed, At Least 10 Severely Injured In S.I. Ferry Crash

OCTOBER 15TH, 2003

At least one person has been killed and at least 10 people have been severely injured following an accident involving a Staten Island Ferry Wednesday afternoon in St. George.

FDNY officials say a S.I. Ferry returning from Manhattan crashed into the ferry slip in Staten Island as it tried to dock shortly before 3:30 p.m.

Eyewitnesses say the three-level ferry struck the wooden pilings that lead into the slip on its right side, causing a tear in the hull of the ship’s lowest level. City officials have offered no cause for the accident, but there is speculation today’s high winds may have played a role in the crash.

There is no word on the number of injuries, but the FDNY says that some victims lost limbs in the accident. The victims were taken to Staten Island University Hospital and St. Vincent's Hospital, but their condition is unknown.

Coast guard and FDNY emergency crews are also on the scene of the accident conducting searches for any victims who may have fallen into the water.

Bob Carroll, a passenger on the boat, described the accident in a telephone interview with NY1: “I was sitting on the lower level on the left hand side when all of a sudden on the right hand side we hit the pilings. Everybody's screaming. The pilings protruded through the right hand side of the boat. Everybody jumped for their lives. The people on the right side of the boat, people were piling up, scrambling over each other. The whole side of the boat looked like a can opener opened. If I had been sitting on the right side of the boat, I'd have been dead. You could see some people were not going to make it. Some people clearly were not going to make it."

"We were close to the dock. All of a sudden I just heard a big, loud crash,†said Paul Weidemann, another passenger on the ferry. “Originally I thought it was a bomb because I heard the explosion and then I saw the pieces of the boat. I went back to get life preservers - we were afraid the boat was going to sink if we waited. I saw two or three people on the inside of the boat, I saw that they were stuck."

The S.I. Ferry carries 70,000 people per day between Staten Island and Manhattan. All boats are suspended because of the accident, and there is no word on when they will be running again.

NY1 will have more information on this breaking story as soon as it becomes available.

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from the Metro Traffic wire if you need to get to SI


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At least 12 dead in S.I. ferry crash


Associated Press Writer

A Staten Island ferry crashed Wednesday as it was docking, leaving at least a dozen people dead as passengers jumped for their lives from the shattered vessel, two sources told The Associated Press.

Some victims lost limbs as the accident ended an otherwise routine trip from lower Manhattan, with metal girders on the ferry ripped apart. Other commuters were trapped in piles of debris aboard the 22-year-old ferry.

Victims screamed and dove for cover and the right side of the ship was fractured as the ferry slammed into the huge wooden pilings that line the dock.

"There were numerous injuries like fractures and lacerations," said Fire Department spokeswoman Maria Lamberti. "There were a couple of people with amputations — legs and arms."

The victims were taken to Staten Island University Hospital and St. Vincent’s Hospital following the accident around 3:20 p.m. Firefighters aboard the damaged ferry sifted through the rubble looking for victims, finding more than 20, some of them critically injured, said another fire spokesman, David Billig.

"Everyone just jumped for their lives," rider Bob Carroll told television station NY1. "It was like an absolute horror. ... The whole side of the boat looked like an opener on a can."

The accident occurred as the ship, the Andrew J. Barberi, arrived on the Staten Island end of its run across New York Harbor, said Mike Loughran, a fire department spokesman.

Justin Girard, a witness to the accident, told NY1 that he saw smoke and heard screams after the ferry crashed at the St. George Terminal. The front end of the ferry suffered extensive damage to the right side of its hull.

A debris field of about 400 yards surrounded the damaged boat, said Coast Guard Chief Dave French.

The ferry, which has three levels, has a capacity of 6,000, but it is unclear how many people were aboard at the time of the accident. Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who was attending the New York Yankees-Boston Red Sox game, left Yankee Stadium to head to the scene.

The ship sustained a huge hole on its side, the official said, and debris may have fallen on some passengers.

The Department of Transportation confirmed the accident, but could provide nothing further.

The ferry carries 70,000 commuters per day on the 25-minute free ride between Staten Island and lower Manhattan. Five boats make 104 daily trips between the two boroughs.

The accident temporarily suspended service on the ferry, and closed down traffic on the lower level of the nearby Verrazano Bridge.

On Sept. 19, 1997, a car plunged off the Andrew J. Barberi as it was docking in Staten Island, causing minor injuries to the driver and a deckhand who was knocked overboard by the car.

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MSNBC TV’s Jerry Nachman, quoting a high-ranking police official, reported that one of the the ferry’s two captains jumped ship after the crash and tried to kill himself at his home on Staten Island, which was surrounded by police tape and was being investigated as a crime scene. The official told Nachman that the officer slit his wrists and shot himself with a pellet gun.
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Originally posted by bbbooom

cause he probably did something reallly wrong


Leave it to you.....

Originally posted by j303j

they think he fell asleep.

I heard that from someone today as well...

That poor man, the guilt of so many peoples deaths


I always knew those fucking boats were unsafe since that car incident happend in 97 I think it was


Im so sorry to whoever lost someone

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Anyone ever think it could have been a freak accident... Maybe he passed out or something. They brought up something about blood pressure medicine... Instead of jumping to conclusions and talking about drinkin or negative things. Wait and see what comes up with the investigations...

As far as him trying to kill himself... I personally would think it would be hard to live with myself knowing that many people died on my clock while I was at control and knowing that other people who lost limbs and what ever will lead a completely different life because of what ever actions I had taken...

God Bless NYC one more time...

If you ask me. There should be more than one person at the front controls at all times just like an airplane I mean you are controlling a vessel that carries many more times the amount of passengers than in a plane... But I think the budget cuts lowered the number of crew on the boats... I know there is someone in the rear quarters... But normally only one person now in the front quarters...

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