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Guys who stalk girls to club bathrooms..


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& then they wait outside in a line of guys and there is usually an assing grabbing incident involved. assholes. once when this dude reached out and grabbed my ass so big time his fingers touched my crotch, i turned around and threw my tequila sunrise all over his sweeky clean white guavera! maybe he'll think twice before he tries that again.

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This happens to me & my gf a lot. Just the other night this guy was coming on to her pretty hard. So she goes to the bathroom and this fucking guys comes up to me points they other way and says "Hey that dude over there wants you" so I turn around for a sec and there he goes following her to bathroom. So I get over there and this guy is standing right outside the bathroom door, I mean he was almost in the ladies bathroom, WTF!!!

Now I deal with this sometimes when we go to clubs and I am pretty cool about it because I can't really blame a guy for trying. It does bother me though when they Know we're together and they keep trying right in front of me and then they try and pull some stupid shit that. Usally I just laugh when she tells them off but that guy pissed me off.

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Originally posted by tranzwhore

or bounced outta the club on to his head!

yup. seriously, i'm a complete bitch when a guy with no tact attempts to get my attention. And if he keeps on the with tactless attempts, off to the closest bouncer I see.

I've done it before, and i'll do it again.

....but, if you at least have a good line....then it's ok. The other night while i was on my way out...these guys passing in a car stopped at a light. The guy in the back....a pretty innocent looking pudgy baby faced type looked at me and said...."hi sweety where are you off to tonite." I continued to walk....he looks right at me and is like "am i not you're type?" . . . of course he was joking...i laughed, he wished me a good nite . . . and we both went our ways.

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:laugh: What a shame some people will go through!!

One time my friends and I were out....This guy kept on coming over by our little circle of friends....he was a bit dorky but whatever..We weren't mean nor did we pay him any mind....A few min. later he started getting a little too close to one of my friends...He wouldn't stop so she said she "had to pee"......She left & not 1 min. later the guy walks away.....I went to see if my friend was done but all I found was this loser danicing in the little area outside the bathrooms.....I started screaming at him telling him he looks pathetic doing shit like this.....He put his head down & made a beeline right for the door...That was the last we saw of him that night

I have no pity for people who act all creepy & stalkerish

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