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for those not from vegas


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On a serious note, would you move to Vegas given the opportunity?

I've got the opportunity to work in the Spa at three different places (Mandalay Bay, Bellagio, Venetian) and am seriously considering relocating. Each time I go to Vegas, I like it more and more, and each time I retun to the east coast, I realize how more aggravated I become.

My friends have encouraged me to move, and some may follow. However, there's something holding me back, I don't know what. What would you do?

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Originally posted by trueqwest

On a serious note, would you move to Vegas given the opportunity?

I've got the opportunity to work in the Spa at three different places (Mandalay Bay, Bellagio, Venetian) and am seriously considering relocating. Each time I go to Vegas, I like it more and more, and each time I retun to the east coast, I realize how more aggravated I become.

My friends have encouraged me to move, and some may follow. However, there's something holding me back, I don't know what. What would you do?

Sometimes you gotta say "WHAT THE FUCK" and take some chances :cool:

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Originally posted by trueqwest

On a serious note, would you move to Vegas given the opportunity?

I've got the opportunity to work in the Spa at three different places (Mandalay Bay, Bellagio, Venetian) and am seriously considering relocating. Each time I go to Vegas, I like it more and more, and each time I retun to the east coast, I realize how more aggravated I become.

My friends have encouraged me to move, and some may follow. However, there's something holding me back, I don't know what. What would you do?

ive thought about this a lot as well...but in my mind "if i moved to vegas how long will the charm and sparkle last...if u live in vegas everywhere else in the US will look like shit..."

but then again u could move there, have your fun and move again...

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If you were on vacation 24/7 would you love vacations?

If you loved french fries and got the chance to eat them everyday, would you still LOVE to eat them all the time?

Some dumb analogies but that's the way I think about it. Plus is this in line with your career goals? Would this be just short term, for a year let's say?

Didn't think it would be smart to tell you what to do, but hopefully this will provoke some thought, on a decision only you can make.

One final thought....I love Vegas....but (in my opinion)....NYC is still the city to be at.

Good luck!!


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thanks for all your input guys...I also am sick and tired of cold weather. As much as I love living near NYC, there's just too much aggravating me, and as I just turned 30, I'm not getting any younger or more patient.

I've applied for positions at Bellagio, Venetian, and Mandalay Bay, in the Spa/Fitness centers. If I decide to do the move, it'll be for one year, and I'll do it around Sept/Oct '04...that way I'll have finished the personal training busy season and it won't be to hot to carry futriture out of a moving van...

But if things work out, and I do go, you'll all get passes to whatever spa I'll be working for. :D

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im a born and raised new yorker and there is no way that i can ever move out of the nyc area (jersey, conn, li). no other place in america has as much culture as nyc.

vegas, nice place to visit but no way would i ever live there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

as much as i love vegas ..i could never move out there id be broke or dead or both in under 6 months....the place is fucking great theres nothing like it..but theres deffinetly nothing like NYC..so im pretty sure ill never leave here..but if i got paid alil more or actually the same ..id go...cuz after all vegas is a great place to die :D

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If the right opportunity presented itself and i didnt have too many obligations and things tying my down at home, i would definitely move out to vegas. I'm a bit younger than you so maybe that would influence my decision to just say, "fuck it, might as well take a chance..." I just wouldnt wanna look back and regret anything ya know. Whatever you decide, good luck with everything.

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I'd say go for it. Get away from the city. Just think, sooner or later they are going to attack us again, why be in the "shit" of it?

The weather in Vegas is awesome if you like the sun. I personally can't wait to get the hell out of here. As long as I never see snow again and feel the chill, I'll be happy anywhere else.

What's the worst that can happen, you lose money in moving expenses? Besides, think of all those beautiful women there for one reason. Need I say more?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I say go for it too. It may just be the kind of thing that you'll regret not doing 20 years from now. New York is great but a change is nice too. Sometimes you just have to say fuck it and just go. PS- what certification do you have? I've been training people for a year or so now but I'm not certified. I'm looking into a few different ones but I want to get some input from other trainers.

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I love Vegas, great weather, awesome chix, etc...as soon as i get back east, i want to go back

NYC/Jersey is cool, but I too am sick of this cold weather/snow. I still have no idea why my ancestors settled here. It's time to break the cycle and move west...try it out for a year, if you're not happy move back...you have nothing to lose.

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