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wow what a lineup!!!


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wow... i have no idea how my night is going to be able to survive with a lineup like that. i am, however, happy that techno is rearing her head around these parts. but it seems like the powers that be are against me here in miami...but, please go out and support techno and privilege...they seem to know what's up.

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well we'll see how the cookie crumbles, you never know, they are certainly ambitious, and booking great talent, but will they actually get anybody to go there, that's the real question :confused: I wish them the best of luck and I'll be supporting both nights :)

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Originally posted by stryke303

but it seems like the powers that be are against me here in miami...but, please go out and support techno and privilege...they seem to know what's up.

Definitely a killer line-up MINUS one local techno resident that would be icing on the cake... :confused:

It's like a starting a tabloid without having something about Demi & Ashton, Pamela Anderson OR Space Alien abductions!

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The sad truth is that this is a town that responds to hype rather than talent. It's also tough to fill a room for techno for some reason. I really hope they do well and that people start expanding their tastes. It doesn't have to say Tiesto or Tenaglia on the flyer to be good.

Does anyone know if they're associated with Privelege in the UK or if they just borrowed the name?

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by ogmiami

The sad truth is that this is a town that responds to hype rather than talent. It's also tough to fill a room for techno for some reason. I really hope they do well and that people start expanding their tastes. It doesn't have to say Tiesto or Tenaglia on the flyer to be good.

Does anyone know if they're associated with Privelege in the UK or if they just borrowed the name?

i think it will bomb, but hey, at least i get to see MB... after that it will close. Techno is just too hard to market in miami.

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Originally posted by ogmiami

The sad truth is that this is a town that responds to hype rather than talent. It's also tough to fill a room for techno for some reason. I really hope they do well and that people start expanding their tastes. It doesn't have to say Tiesto or Tenaglia on the flyer to be good.

I agree.. they have an absolutely sick lineup. a little diversity is the shot of adrenaline our scene needs. let's hope people get out and support. :)
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Originally posted by ogmiami

The sad truth is that this is a town that responds to hype rather than talent. It's also tough to fill a room for techno for some reason. I really hope they do well and that people start expanding their tastes. It doesn't have to say Tiesto or Tenaglia on the flyer to be good.

Does anyone know if they're associated with Privelege in the UK or if they just borrowed the name?

So true Dade!!! That is my only complaint(well not only) about S. Florida in general... Lacking in soul... I've watched people on this board post one thing about a certain type of music and a few months later, Big DJ So-and-So is playing somewhere and they jump on the hype bandwagon! It would be great if people would drop the cool and just go with it... Burn your Von Dutch hats and be yourselves!!! :laugh:

And Saleen is right... Techno is a tough sell, but I really hope people at least give it a shot before writing it off!

And Dade... Do people borrow club names down here??? :D

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I was thinking the same thing Vaughan. Im surprised Greg wasnt reached regarding this beforehand.

Techno def is a tough sale here.. I wish them the best of luck. Mistress Barbara should be the bomb. I missed her @ conference and Im still kicking myself for that

Dade, not sure if it's associated with Priviledge in Ibiza.. if they were, why they'd pick that venue? looks kinda dodgy

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man i swear man, if i were fuking 21 i would be ther everyday man. FUUUKfjjdsafkljdsfkljdsfkljdsfkljdsfkljdsfkljdsjfdsajflkj

DAmmit I think this just might work. I've been noticing people getting into techno. I love it. fauk can anybody hook a fellow electronic head up? lol DAmmit!!!! FAUK! I think this should help the scene a little.....I hope

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yea these guys sure do have the booking power and good credit in the techno scene.

but they are new to miami and i think thier approch may have been wrong.

but i know for sure that they have some amazing djs they work with.

like if anyone brings hawtin and carola it will be these guys:tongue:

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actually, they have contacted me through armando and jorge at grooveman to come and play as a guest, which i'll be happy to do! these guys have my support. of course, i'm just looking to do my thing too. i wish i had the budget to bring all the techno guys down every week, but i gotta eat too ;) i am happy to see more techno events here.

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Originally posted by stryke303

actually, they have contacted me through armando and jorge at grooveman to come and play as a guest, which i'll be happy to do! these guys have my support. of course, i'm just looking to do my thing too. i wish i had the budget to bring all the techno guys down every week, but i gotta eat too ;) i am happy to see more techno events here.

lets go ___SIGNAL SESSIONS____!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wooooo hooooo!!!!!

see ya tonite Greg...

i hope they remodled union lounge... that place had MADD miles on it!!!!!

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