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Maybe My First Serious Question Ever...


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O.K., so here is the deal... You were going out with someone who you were completely in love with and still are for over three years. You broke up with that person about 10 months ago because of constant fighting and stuff.

You have tried to stay friends with that person by talking to them on the phone every so often but you have not seen them at all. You can tell that both of you are still in love and want to possibly meet and see what happens.

My questions are:

Is it at all possible to ever get back to that period in time when everything was perfect or are we just hanging on to something that isn't there anymore?

If we were to get back with each other, do you ever talk about experiences with other partners that we might have had while apart or do we just say we dont want to know?

Should we care about what our parents might think considering the fact that obviously they don't want to see us get hurt again?

Basically...can it work out the second time around after some time off or should we both just move on?

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Is it at all possible to ever get back to that period in time when everything was perfect or are we just hanging on to something that isn't there anymore?

You can never get back the past.. If you get back together, everything will be great for the first few months, but may start to turn back to the old ways.. Its entirely up to the people involved, and if they want something enough to change.

If we were to get back with each other, do you ever talk about experiences with other partners that we might have had while apart or do we just say we dont want to know

What happened when you were broken up didn't concern the other person, so why tell?

Should we care about what our parents might think considering the fact that obviously they don't want to see us get hurt again?

Def take their advice, outside parties usually see things you don't.

Basically...can it work out the second time around after some time off or should we both just move on?

I tried once, and it was worse the second time around, i'd just move on, but like I said, it all depends on the indivual person and how much they want it.

***Kaydup, stymie, groove :laugh:

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Originally posted by xlr8ted

I tried once, and it was worse the second time around, i'd just move on, but like I said, it all depends on the indivual person and how much they want it.

***Kaydup, stymie, groove :laugh:

That's what I am afraid of and I don't want us to waste any more of our lives and shit.

But I know that the only way I can ever completely move on is if we break apart from each others lives totally by not speaking or anything anymore. And that is tough because no matter what I still think of her as a great friend (yes I know how hard it is to remain friends with an ex)

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Originally posted by nomembername

O.K., so here is the deal... You were going out with someone who you were completely in love with and still are for over three years. You broke up with that person

that's as far as I need to read.

move on, don't look back and don't try to fall back on the past.

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Originally posted by nomembername

My questions are:

Is it at all possible to ever get back to that period in time when everything was perfect or are we just hanging on to something that isn't there anymore?

Yes, just don't harp on the past. Blaze a new path for the future.

If we were to get back with each other, do you ever talk about experiences with other partners that we might have had while apart or do we just say we dont want to know?

no, not unless they're reasons why it didn't work out, and why you want to be with your girl instead of them

Should we care about what our parents might think considering the fact that obviously they don't want to see us get hurt again?

My mother doesn't want to see me with the girl im with for that reason, BUT if the girl (or guy) changed/is changing for the future, then it should be better. Your parents only have in their memory the bad things and how the girl hurt you. remember , ONLY if your girl has changed, and you too, for the better. more maturely

Basically...can it work out the second time around after some time off or should we both just move on?

YES, and my case is working just like that.

we were together, we over saturated each other, got on each other's nerves, and split. a year later we got back together, doing new things, being a bit more mature about things, and so far so good.

You already know you connect with this person, so that's half the battle. Just try not to do the things that made it bad before, and things could work out :aright:

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Thank you Papa Smurf and everyone else...maybe I should start posting more serious stuff on here after all.

We'll see what happens; it is both of our birthdays next week, so I'm sure it is only a matter of time before we see each other. Hopefully we can get over the initial awkwardness quickly and take it from there. Either way, I think I would be more upset with my self down the road if I didn't atleast give it another try.

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i dont know, breaking up and getting back sometimes doesnt work. Ive been trying it now for friggen four years on and off with my bf and now were done again. Its hard, I find that the same problems seem to always arise. But i do love the kid to death, just wish it would work out....maybe again sometime--lol

but anyway why not give it a try?

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If you really love each other, anything is possible, and can bring you closer than ever before. As far as your parents, well, they'll come around eventually, esp if they see you're a happier person w/ "significant other x" in your life.

If it's a problem that couldn't get resolved then, chances are it will never get resolved, and you might want to consider moving on. Love is everywhere, some fit better than others, you just have to kep your eyes peeled for the right fit

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Originally posted by nomembername

My questions are:

Is it at all possible to ever get back to that period in time when everything was perfect or are we just hanging on to something that isn't there anymore?

If we were to get back with each other, do you ever talk about experiences with other partners that we might have had while apart or do we just say we dont want to know?

Should we care about what our parents might think considering the fact that obviously they don't want to see us get hurt again?

Basically...can it work out the second time around after some time off or should we both just move on?

my Opinions..

* Try not to think of getting it back to "exactly" the way it was before. No matter how wonderful that time with her was you have to remember that both of you have grown and changed since then. Whether either of you admit or not, you are a newer version of that past perfect one... :blank: if you followed any of that...

* As far as discussing past experiences. Yes and No. The yes, you both are not clueless, you know she has done stuff and vica versa, playing the "hush hush dont speak about it" card sounds like it would be easier in theory, but keep in mind that you as well as her are ALWAYS going to be wondering and it could even bother you. Besides establishing an honest relationship is alway for the better. The no part. Just becuase you are going to tell her that you been with such and such, does not mean you should give details. Beyond necessary ya know.

*Parents are an important source to hear out once in a while, but do not make your final decision based on their views. You are the one in love not them...

*As far as it working out the second time... All depends on you. None of us posting know exactly how your relationship was and also have no clue about all the details. Which are important in such a decision.

If all fails... Just simplify it. Do she still make your heart rate double from a smile? If so... go for it.. If not... leave it, lick your wounds and find another worth your time..

that will be one dollar please...:D

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